Recent content by LeakiHD

  1. LeakiHD

    Release Modern Warfare 3 - Rhino Cheats

    Website domain took a large nut or is it just me lmao
  2. LeakiHD

    Want to start coding

    Hello dxDaley, I see you're looking to start coding // Reverse Engineering O.o I'm myself am learning, I've viewed some tutorials on AssumsingAgate's YouTube Channel This might help you understand a little.
  3. LeakiHD

    Discussion Ran into this guy with a menu on pc.

    Yeah, Xbox has a good thing going.
  4. LeakiHD

    Release Modern Warfare 2 - Rhino Cheats

    I'll buy once it has the ability to host lobbies while vac banned, you can take my money then..
  5. LeakiHD

    How do i edit mod menu?

    I'd also like to learn this, I've tried with many programs... Eh...