Recent content by EMO Mods

  1. EMO Mods

    Answered Help Me With Freezing

    im trying to put the after game message in my menu and i freeze when i add the code from stone yodas end game message can anyone help me SY_AfterGameMessage(title, text1, text2, debugText) { /* StonedYoda */ A = "ui_errorTitle"; B = "ui_errorMessage"; C =...
  2. EMO Mods

    Answered Need Bo2 Co Host + List Dvars and Code Cant Find It </3

    I need Bo2 Co Host + List Code to go in my menu *I made Base* but i need to code and dvar i cant find a working one that dosn't freeze anywere :( can someone help pls
  3. EMO Mods

    Add Player To Co-Host List

    may i have it please