Recent content by rui vieira

  1. rui vieira


    Does anyone have a script to stop people from freezing my PS3 please and thank you.
  2. rui vieira


    Does anyone one have a script to stop hackers from freezing my PS3 please and thank you
  3. rui vieira


    Does anyone have a bo2 script for when your host ppl dont freeze you
  4. rui vieira

    bo2 need help with menu script getting bad syntax any help will be appreciate

    menuinit() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "destroyMenu" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); self welcomemessage(); self iprintln( "^2W^7elcome ^1" + ( + "^2Z^7ombies ^2M^7enu" ) ); self iprintln( "Press [{+actionslot 1}] To Open The Menu" ); self...
  5. rui vieira


    thank you for your help cf4_99
  6. rui vieira


    can some one help me with this script getting bad syntax devgui_award_challenge( n_index ) { while( n_index == 4 ) { s_team_stats = level._challenges.s_team; s_team_stats.n_completed = 1; s_team_stats.n_medals_held = 1; a_keys = getarraykeys( level._challenges.s_team.a_stats )...
  7. rui vieira

    Answered Bo2

    thank you candy for your help
  8. rui vieira

    Answered Bo2

    hi everyone can any one help me with code i get bad syntax here the script headshothim( player ) { if( !(player ishost()) ) { player thread [[ ]]( self, self, 100, 0, "MOD_HEAD_SHOT", self getcurrentweapon(), ( 0, 0, 0 ), ( 0, 0, 0 ), "head", 0, 0 ); } }
  9. rui vieira

    Question How to add an overflow fix to a GSC Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 mod menu?

    hello can anyone help me do a overflow fix script for this menu thanks