Recent content by Saso

  1. Saso

    Answered How Can I Do This?

    it was never a released base, it was previewed on xTurntUpLobbies YT for Loz's base only i know a couple have and i have it just not how this guy has it where the title of the menu moves but you just add that in pretty easy
  2. Saso

    Answered syntax error

    func_combataxeaimbot() { if( self.combataimbot == 0 ) { self iprintln( "Combat Axe Aimbot ^2ON^7" ); self thread combataxeaimbot(); self.combataimbot = 1; } else { self iprintln( "Combat Axe Aimbot ^1OFF^7" ); self notify(...
  3. Saso

    GSC Black Ops 2 GSC Functions

    i like some of these codes thank you
  4. Saso

    Question xePixTvxV18 On PS3

    post a picture?