Recent content by ZoneAye

  1. ZoneAye

    Question How do you make an offhost plugin (Xbox)

    thanks for sending him to meh channel m80
  2. ZoneAye

    Suspect Engine Non Host ModMenu

    this is just Paradise with a different design looks like people are using this like people use the xecheats source on xbox LMFAO
  3. ZoneAye

    Outdated Black Ops 2 Offhost Menu Base Release

    This menu base was made by me please use it to make something awesome it has no stolen or leaked code aka no xecheats in it i don't care if you give me credit or not. This source is very clean and very easy to understand if you don't know C or C++ or a little bit of PPC please don't try this I...
  4. ZoneAye

    Zone's C++ Programming Tutorials #1 Cout function

    this is the answer int main() { cout << "Name: Zone " << endl << "Age: 17" << endl; system("PAUSE"); }
  5. ZoneAye

    Zone's C++ Programming Tutorials #1 Cout function

    whats up you lil fart sniffs this is my first C++ tut i have deiced not to do C as people usually use C++ for console dev etc and am guessing thats why you are learning. In this tutorial i will go over the cout function its sooooo easy. Its used to output stuff to the console like numbers...
  6. ZoneAye

    Zone's C Programming Tutorials #3 Scanf function

    why do u think i stopped with the tuts lol
  7. ZoneAye

    Best things to use to learn PPC

    I am making this post to give you guys some really good things to learn PPC so you can learn how to reverse engineer which you MUST know to be able to find offsets/structs etc below are the stuff that i am used if anyone wants to post anything better than I have posted then go ahead :grinning...
  8. ZoneAye

    Zone's C Programming Tutorials #3 Scanf function

    Hi guys this is my third C Programming Tutorial in this tutorial we will be looking at the Scanf function. It is a very easy function to learn/use. It is used to allow the user to input data and then store the data. This is a example of code using Scanf :) int main() { // variable int...
  9. ZoneAye

    Zone's C Programming Tutorials #2 Variables

    Hi guys Zone here again this is my second part of my C Programming Tutorials in this tutorial we will be looking at variables you should know what they are used for if you have done programming before but incase you don't they are used to store stuff so like someones name,age,initial etc really...
  10. ZoneAye

    Zone's C Programming Tutorials #1 Printf function

    Hi everyone this is my first C Programming tutorial before we start i would like to say that if you have no programming knowledge then C is probably not the best choice for your first language i would recommend something easier like C# or but you can stick with C if you want :grinning...