
Staff member
Reaction score
Impossible With Out CabCon <3 Love Him Alway's Helping Me Alway's, Also His Raw He Is Giving Out Helps All The Way

   ___         _                                      _______                  ___              _             
 .'   \   ___  \ ___    ___    __.  , __             '   /      ___  ,    .  .'   \   __.    ___/   ___  .___
 |       /   ` |/   \ .'   ` .'   \ |'  `.               |     /   ` |    `  |      .'   \  /   | .'   ` /   \
 |      |    | |    ` |      |    | |    |               |    |    | |    |  |      |    | ,'   | |----' |   '
  `.__, `.__/| `___,'  `._.'  `._.' /    |            `--/    `.__/|  `---|.  `.__,  `._.' `___,' `.___, /   
                                                                      \___/                     `             
 .___           .    .           _              .   
 /   `    ___   |   _/_     ___  \ ___    __.  _/_ 
 |    | .'   `  |    |     /   ` |/   \ .'   \  |   
 |    | |----'  |    |    |    | |    ` |    |  |   
 /---/  `.___, /\__  \__/ `.__/| `___,'  `._.'  \__/                                                                     
File Size Currently: (491-600)
Find More Script's At CabconModding.Com
If Your Needing Help Contact Me On
CabCon: JayCoder
Skype: juggloswag
Youtube: JayCoder

Menu Will Be Here Soon :D

More Credits: Yep

Deltabot - Help fix alot of the code up
CabCon - Help Me By Giving a menu source
JayCoder - building menu and scripts
Jᴏᴋᴇʀ - Tones Of Testing

#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;

#namespace clientids;
REGISTER_SYSTEM( "clientids", &__init__, undefined )
function __init__()
    callback::on_start_gametype( &init );
    callback::on_connect( &on_player_connect );
    callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned );

function init()
    level.clientid = 0;

function on_player_connect()
    self.clientid = matchRecordNewPlayer( self );
    if ( !isdefined( self.clientid ) || self.clientid == -1 )
        self.clientid = level.clientid;
function on_player_spawned()
    iPrintln("^1Project Void");
    self freezecontrols(false);
    self thread init_menuSystem();
        self.menu["active"] = true;
        self iprintln("Welcome to Project Void ^7for Black Ops 3");
        self iprintln("By ^1JayCoder");
    self thread IMSB();
    self thread JaysFlyingText();
function init_menuSystem()
    self.gamevars = [];
    self.menu = [];
function IMSB()
    self.MIO = false;
    self.Void = spawnStruct();
    self thread LoadShaders();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"] = 0;
    self thread MST();
    while (1)
        if(self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self.MIO == false)
            self MenuIsOpening();
            self ML("Project Void");
            wait .2;
        else if(self MeleeButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
                self SML(self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPrevious"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]]);
                self IHD();
            wait 0.5;
        else if (self AdsButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
            self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] -= 1;
            if (self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] < 0)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]].size - 1;
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
        else if (self AttackButtonpressed() && self.MIO == true)
            self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] += 1;
            if (self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] >= self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]].size)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
        else if(self UseButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
                wait 0.2;
                self thread [[self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuFunction"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"]]]](self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"]]);
                wait 0.5;
        wait 0.05;
function LoadShaders()
    //                                                  SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha) 
    //function SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)
    //function                              createRectangle(align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, sort, alpha, shader)   
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 170, 150, 320, (0,0,0), 0, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 60, 150, 15, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 330, 170, 3, 323, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 170, 3, 323, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 330, 150, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 30, 150, 20, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 10, 152, 3, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    //                                                  SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)   
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 115, 120, 145, (0,0,0), 0, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -84, 115, 3, 145, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info3"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 115, 3, 145, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info4"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 186, 120, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info5"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 43, 120, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info6"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 60, 120, 20, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    //InfoBox ****
    self.InfoboxText = hud::createFontString( "objective", 1.1);
    self.InfoboxText hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", -190, 60);
    self.InfoboxText setText("^7InformationBox\n\n^7[{+actionslot 1}] = Open\n^7[{+Attack}]&[{+speed_throw}] = Up & Down\n ^7[{+melee}] = Back Or Close\n^7Pick = [{+usereload}]\n^7Creator: ^7JayCoder\nMyM8: Cdallum bikes\nJoin: TCB\nYT: JayCoder");
    self.InfoboxText.sort = 3;
function IHD()
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 );
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 1 );
    self disableInvulnerability();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] destroy();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] destroy();
    wait 0.05;
    self.MIO = false;
    self MenuIsClosing();
function MST()
    self MM("Project Void", undefined);
    self MO("Project Void", 0, "Main Mods", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 1, "Lobby Mods", &SML, "Menu");//TW//Message Menu
    self MO("Project Void", 2, "Fun Mods", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 3, "Aimbot Mods", &SML, "Menu");       
    self MO("Project Void", 4, "Camo Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 5, "Bullets Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 6, "Message Menu", &SML, "Menu");       
    self MO("Project Void", 7, "Weapons Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 8, "Killstreak Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 9, "Bots Menu", &SML, "Menu");       
    self MO("Project Void", 10, "Map++ Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 11, "Forge Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 12, "Vision Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 13, "Model Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 14, "Menu Editor", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 15, "Players Menu", &SML, "Menu"); 
    self MO("Project Void", 16, "All Players", &SML, "Menu");       
    self MM("Menu", "Project Void");
    self MO("Menu", 0, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 1, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 2, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 3, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 4, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 5, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 6, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 7, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 8, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 9, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 10, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MM("Message Menu", "Project Void");
    self MO("Message Menu", 0, "Welcome ", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MO("Message Menu", 1, "Credits", &TW, "^F^8JayCoder, And Cdallum bikes");
    self MO("Message Menu", 2, "Host Msg", &SML, "Host Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 3, "Cdallum bikes Msg", &SML, "Cdallum bikes Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 4, "Random Msg", &SML, "Random Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 5, "YT Channels", &SML, "YT Channels");
    self MO("Message Menu", 6, "Yes & No Q&A", &SML, "Yes & No Q&A");
    self MO("Message Menu", 7, "Leecher Msg", &SML, "Leecher Msg");

    self MM("Host Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Host Msg", 0, "Your Host", &TW, "^F^8Your Host Is " + level.hostname + " Very Sexy");
    self MO("Host Msg", 1, "HostIsSexy", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " this bitch is ****ing sexy");
    self MO("Host Msg", 2, "HostSaysGTFO", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Your Host Says GTFO");
    self MO("Host Msg", 3, "HOST Report", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Report Me Bitch");
    self MO("Host Msg", 4, "Host Wanna Play?", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " wanna play a game? come touch my dick 8=======>");
    self MO("Host Msg", 5, "HostNudes", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Send Me Nudes!!! for mods");

    self MM("Cdallum bikes Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 0, "BRB FAG Time", &TW, "^F^8BRB FAG Time 5min bro");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 1, "Recovery Price", &TW, "^F^85$ Recoveries");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 2, "Button Spam", &TW);
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 3, "Don't F***", &TW, "^F^8Don't **** With Me I'm In FaZe Bitch");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 4, "Shut The ****", &TW, "^F^8Shut The **** Up Bitch");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 5, "I'M VIP", &TW, "^F^8I'M VIP BITCH!!");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 6, "STOP LOOKING", &TW, "^F^8STOP LOOKING AT ME BITCH");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 7, "I'M NOT ****ING", &TW, "^F^8I'M NOT ****ING CHEATING BITCH!!");
    self MM("Random Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Random Msg", 0, "My Niggah", &TW, "^F^8My Niggah: Cdallum bikes");
    self MO("Random Msg", 1, "Cool Story..", &TW, "^F^8Cool Story Noone ****ing Cares");
    self MO("Random Msg", 2, "BITCH ASS", &TW, "^F^8BITCH ASS NIGGAH!!!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 3, "BRUH!!", &TW, "^F^8WTF BRUH, WRONG HOLE");
    self MO("Random Msg", 4, "****'er", &TW, "^F^8Fuck'er Right In The Pussy...");
    self MO("Random Msg", 5, "Can You See?", &TW, "^F^8Barely..");
    self MO("Random Msg", 6, "Who", &TW, "^F^8Who The **** Invited You!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 7, "Leave", &TW, "^F^8Leave Bitch Leave!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 8, "HUH", &TW, "^F^8HUH BITCH WHAT YOU SAY!");   
    self MM("YT Channels", "Message Menu");
    self MO("YT Channels", 0, "JayCoder", &TW, "^F^8Go To YT & SEARCH: JayCoder <> Sub HIM NOW!!");
    self MO("YT Channels", 1, "CommingSoon", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MO("YT Channels", 2, "CommingSoon", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MM("Yes & No Q&A", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 0, "Yes?", &TW, "^F^8Yes?");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 1, "No...", &TW, "^F^8No...No...No...No");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 2, "I Said Yes", &TW, "^F^8I Already Said Yes Bitch, Quit Asking");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 3, "I Said No", &TW, "^F^8You Dumb ASF Hoe, I Said Noooooo");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 4, "**** You", &TW, "^F^8Fuck You M8");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 5, "Lets Go Den..", &TW, "^F^8Lets Go Bitch!!!!");
    self MM("Leecher Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 0, "BIG LEECH", &TW, "^F^8GT: GLITCHES ALL DAY");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 1, "Stop Leaching", &TW, "^F^8Stop Your ****ing Leaching");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 2, "BITCH GO LEACH", &TW, "^F^8BITCH GO LEACH OFF SOMEONE ELSE");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 3, "WHAT THAT HUH?", &TW, "^F^8WHAT THAT HUH? I HEAR A LEACHING BITCH");

function MM(Menu, Parent)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["GetMenu"] = Menu;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCount"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPrevious"][Menu] = Parent;
function MO(Menu, Index, Text, Func, Input, Input2)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu][Index] = Text;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuFunction"][Menu][Index] = Func;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput"][Menu][Index] = Input;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput2"][Menu][Index] = Input2;
function SML(input)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] FadeOverTime(0.05);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].alpha = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] destroy();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] destroy();
    self thread ML(input);
function ML(menu)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"] = menu;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] = hud::createFontString("default", 2.3);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", 195, 30);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] setText(menu);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"].sort = 3;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"].alpha = 1;
    string = "";
    for(i=0;i<self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu].size;i++) string += self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu][i] + "\n";
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] = hud::createFontString("default", 1.3);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", 190, 60);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] setText(string);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].sort = 3;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].alpha = 1;
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
function MenuIsOpening()
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 0 );
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 0 );
    self enableInvulnerability();
    self.MIO = true;
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] elemFade(.5, 0.76);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] elemFade(.5, 0.76);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info3"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info4"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info5"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info6"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.InfoboxText elemFade(.5, 0.76);
function MenuIsClosing()
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
function createRectangle(align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, sort, alpha, shader)
    uiElement = newClientHudElem( self );
    uiElement.elemType = "bar";
    uiElement.width = width;
    uiElement.height = height;
    uiElement.xOffset = 0;
    uiElement.yOffset = 0;
    uiElement.hidewheninmenu = true;
    uiElement.children = [];
    uiElement.sort = sort;
    uiElement.color = color;
    uiElement.alpha = alpha;
    uiElement hud::setParent( level.uiParent );
    uiElement setShader( shader, width , height );
    uiElement.hidden = false;
    uiElement hud::setPoint(align,relative,x,y);
    return uiElement;
Functions Go Below

Thanks For Using Project Void

<3 CabCon For His Simple Menu Base Source
function elemFade(time, alpha)
    self FadeOverTime(time);
    self.alpha = alpha;
function TW(message)
    foreach(player in level.players)
    player hud_message::hintMessage(message);
function JaysFlyingText()
    self JaysFlyingText002("^1W^7elcome ^1T^7o ^1V^7ortex V1", "^1C^7reated ^1B^7y: ^1J^7ay^1C^7oder");
function JaysFlyingText002(messageone, messagetwo)
    self.JayCoder = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
    self.JX = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
    self.JayCoder setText(Messageone);
    self.JX setText(Messagetwo);
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "BOTTOM", 0, 100);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, -100);
    wait 1;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
    wait .75;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
    wait .75;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 75, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("RIGHT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 100, .5);
    wait .5;
    self.JayCoder destroy();
    self.JX destroy();
function Test()

Been Trying to Fix Scrolling If You Can Help That Be Nice

Reguards: Jay


Head Administrator
Staff member
Head Staff Team
Reaction score
Impossible With Out CabCon <3 Love Him Alway's Helping Me Alway's, Also His Raw He Is Giving Out Helps All The Way

   ___         _                                      _______                  ___              _            
 .'   \   ___  \ ___    ___    __.  , __             '   /      ___  ,    .  .'   \   __.    ___/   ___  .___
 |       /   ` |/   \ .'   ` .'   \ |'  `.               |     /   ` |    `  |      .'   \  /   | .'   ` /   \
 |      |    | |    ` |      |    | |    |               |    |    | |    |  |      |    | ,'   | |----' |   '
  `.__, `.__/| `___,'  `._.'  `._.' /    |            `--/    `.__/|  `---|.  `.__,  `._.' `___,' `.___, /  
                                                                      \___/                     `            
 .___           .    .           _              .  
 /   `    ___   |   _/_     ___  \ ___    __.  _/_
 |    | .'   `  |    |     /   ` |/   \ .'   \  |  
 |    | |----'  |    |    |    | |    ` |    |  |  
 /---/  `.___, /\__  \__/ `.__/| `___,'  `._.'  \__/                                                                    
File Size Currently: (491-600)
Find More Script's At CabconModding.Com
If Your Needing Help Contact Me On
CabCon: JayCoder
Skype: juggloswag
Youtube: JayCoder

Menu Will Be Here Soon :D

More Credits: Yep

Deltabot - Help fix alot of the code up
CabCon - Help Me By Giving a menu source
JayCoder - building menu and scripts
Jᴏᴋᴇʀ - Tones Of Testing

#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;

#namespace clientids;
REGISTER_SYSTEM( "clientids", &__init__, undefined )
function __init__()
    callback::on_start_gametype( &init );
    callback::on_connect( &on_player_connect );
    callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned );

function init()
    level.clientid = 0;

function on_player_connect()
    self.clientid = matchRecordNewPlayer( self );
    if ( !isdefined( self.clientid ) || self.clientid == -1 )
        self.clientid = level.clientid;
function on_player_spawned()
    iPrintln("^1Project Void");
    self freezecontrols(false);
    self thread init_menuSystem();
        self.menu["active"] = true;
        self iprintln("Welcome to Project Void ^7for Black Ops 3");
        self iprintln("By ^1JayCoder");
    self thread IMSB();
    self thread JaysFlyingText();
function init_menuSystem()
    self.gamevars = [];
    self.menu = [];
function IMSB()
    self.MIO = false;
    self.Void = spawnStruct();
    self thread LoadShaders();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"] = 0;
    self thread MST();
    while (1)
        if(self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self.MIO == false)
            self MenuIsOpening();
            self ML("Project Void");
            wait .2;
        else if(self MeleeButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
                self SML(self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPrevious"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]]);
                self IHD();
            wait 0.5;
        else if (self AdsButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
            self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] -= 1;
            if (self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] < 0)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]].size - 1;
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
        else if (self AttackButtonpressed() && self.MIO == true)
            self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] += 1;
            if (self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] >= self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]].size)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
        else if(self UseButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
                wait 0.2;
                self thread [[self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuFunction"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"]]]](self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"]]);
                wait 0.5;
        wait 0.05;
function LoadShaders()
    //                                                  SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)
    //function SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)
    //function                              createRectangle(align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, sort, alpha, shader)  
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 170, 150, 320, (0,0,0), 0, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 60, 150, 15, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 330, 170, 3, 323, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 170, 3, 323, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 330, 150, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 30, 150, 20, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 10, 152, 3, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    //                                                  SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)  
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 115, 120, 145, (0,0,0), 0, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -84, 115, 3, 145, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info3"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 115, 3, 145, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info4"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 186, 120, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info5"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 43, 120, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info6"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 60, 120, 20, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    //InfoBox ****
    self.InfoboxText = hud::createFontString( "objective", 1.1);
    self.InfoboxText hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", -190, 60);
    self.InfoboxText setText("^7InformationBox\n\n^7[{+actionslot 1}] = Open\n^7[{+Attack}]&[{+speed_throw}] = Up & Down\n ^7[{+melee}] = Back Or Close\n^7Pick = [{+usereload}]\n^7Creator: ^7JayCoder\nMyM8: Cdallum bikes\nJoin: TCB\nYT: JayCoder");
    self.InfoboxText.sort = 3;
function IHD()
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 );
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 1 );
    self disableInvulnerability();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] destroy();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] destroy();
    wait 0.05;
    self.MIO = false;
    self MenuIsClosing();
function MST()
    self MM("Project Void", undefined);
    self MO("Project Void", 0, "Main Mods", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 1, "Lobby Mods", &SML, "Menu");//TW//Message Menu
    self MO("Project Void", 2, "Fun Mods", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 3, "Aimbot Mods", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MO("Project Void", 4, "Camo Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 5, "Bullets Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 6, "Message Menu", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MO("Project Void", 7, "Weapons Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 8, "Killstreak Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 9, "Bots Menu", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MO("Project Void", 10, "Map++ Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 11, "Forge Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 12, "Vision Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 13, "Model Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 14, "Menu Editor", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 15, "Players Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 16, "All Players", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MM("Menu", "Project Void");
    self MO("Menu", 0, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 1, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 2, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 3, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 4, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 5, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 6, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 7, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 8, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 9, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 10, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MM("Message Menu", "Project Void");
    self MO("Message Menu", 0, "Welcome ", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MO("Message Menu", 1, "Credits", &TW, "^F^8JayCoder, And Cdallum bikes");
    self MO("Message Menu", 2, "Host Msg", &SML, "Host Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 3, "Cdallum bikes Msg", &SML, "Cdallum bikes Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 4, "Random Msg", &SML, "Random Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 5, "YT Channels", &SML, "YT Channels");
    self MO("Message Menu", 6, "Yes & No Q&A", &SML, "Yes & No Q&A");
    self MO("Message Menu", 7, "Leecher Msg", &SML, "Leecher Msg");

    self MM("Host Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Host Msg", 0, "Your Host", &TW, "^F^8Your Host Is " + level.hostname + " Very Sexy");
    self MO("Host Msg", 1, "HostIsSexy", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " this bitch is ****ing sexy");
    self MO("Host Msg", 2, "HostSaysGTFO", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Your Host Says GTFO");
    self MO("Host Msg", 3, "HOST Report", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Report Me Bitch");
    self MO("Host Msg", 4, "Host Wanna Play?", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " wanna play a game? come touch my dick 8=======>");
    self MO("Host Msg", 5, "HostNudes", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Send Me Nudes!!! for mods");

    self MM("Cdallum bikes Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 0, "BRB FAG Time", &TW, "^F^8BRB FAG Time 5min bro");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 1, "Recovery Price", &TW, "^F^85$ Recoveries");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 2, "Button Spam", &TW);
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 3, "Don't F***", &TW, "^F^8Don't **** With Me I'm In FaZe Bitch");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 4, "Shut The ****", &TW, "^F^8Shut The **** Up Bitch");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 5, "I'M VIP", &TW, "^F^8I'M VIP BITCH!!");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 6, "STOP LOOKING", &TW, "^F^8STOP LOOKING AT ME BITCH");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 7, "I'M NOT ****ING", &TW, "^F^8I'M NOT ****ING CHEATING BITCH!!");
    self MM("Random Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Random Msg", 0, "My Niggah", &TW, "^F^8My Niggah: Cdallum bikes");
    self MO("Random Msg", 1, "Cool Story..", &TW, "^F^8Cool Story Noone ****ing Cares");
    self MO("Random Msg", 2, "BITCH ASS", &TW, "^F^8BITCH ASS NIGGAH!!!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 3, "BRUH!!", &TW, "^F^8WTF BRUH, WRONG HOLE");
    self MO("Random Msg", 4, "****'er", &TW, "^F^8Fuck'er Right In The Pussy...");
    self MO("Random Msg", 5, "Can You See?", &TW, "^F^8Barely..");
    self MO("Random Msg", 6, "Who", &TW, "^F^8Who The **** Invited You!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 7, "Leave", &TW, "^F^8Leave Bitch Leave!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 8, "HUH", &TW, "^F^8HUH BITCH WHAT YOU SAY!");  
    self MM("YT Channels", "Message Menu");
    self MO("YT Channels", 0, "JayCoder", &TW, "^F^8Go To YT & SEARCH: JayCoder <> Sub HIM NOW!!");
    self MO("YT Channels", 1, "CommingSoon", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MO("YT Channels", 2, "CommingSoon", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MM("Yes & No Q&A", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 0, "Yes?", &TW, "^F^8Yes?");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 1, "No...", &TW, "^F^8No...No...No...No");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 2, "I Said Yes", &TW, "^F^8I Already Said Yes Bitch, Quit Asking");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 3, "I Said No", &TW, "^F^8You Dumb ASF Hoe, I Said Noooooo");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 4, "**** You", &TW, "^F^8Fuck You M8");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 5, "Lets Go Den..", &TW, "^F^8Lets Go Bitch!!!!");
    self MM("Leecher Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 0, "BIG LEECH", &TW, "^F^8GT: GLITCHES ALL DAY");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 1, "Stop Leaching", &TW, "^F^8Stop Your ****ing Leaching");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 2, "BITCH GO LEACH", &TW, "^F^8BITCH GO LEACH OFF SOMEONE ELSE");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 3, "WHAT THAT HUH?", &TW, "^F^8WHAT THAT HUH? I HEAR A LEACHING BITCH");

function MM(Menu, Parent)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["GetMenu"] = Menu;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCount"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPrevious"][Menu] = Parent;
function MO(Menu, Index, Text, Func, Input, Input2)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu][Index] = Text;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuFunction"][Menu][Index] = Func;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput"][Menu][Index] = Input;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput2"][Menu][Index] = Input2;
function SML(input)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] FadeOverTime(0.05);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].alpha = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] destroy();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] destroy();
    self thread ML(input);
function ML(menu)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"] = menu;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] = hud::createFontString("default", 2.3);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", 195, 30);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] setText(menu);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"].sort = 3;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"].alpha = 1;
    string = "";
    for(i=0;i<self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu].size;i++) string += self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu][i] + "\n";
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] = hud::createFontString("default", 1.3);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", 190, 60);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] setText(string);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].sort = 3;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].alpha = 1;
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
function MenuIsOpening()
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 0 );
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 0 );
    self enableInvulnerability();
    self.MIO = true;
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] elemFade(.5, 0.76);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] elemFade(.5, 0.76);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info3"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info4"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info5"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info6"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.InfoboxText elemFade(.5, 0.76);
function MenuIsClosing()
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
function createRectangle(align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, sort, alpha, shader)
    uiElement = newClientHudElem( self );
    uiElement.elemType = "bar";
    uiElement.width = width;
    uiElement.height = height;
    uiElement.xOffset = 0;
    uiElement.yOffset = 0;
    uiElement.hidewheninmenu = true;
    uiElement.children = [];
    uiElement.sort = sort;
    uiElement.color = color;
    uiElement.alpha = alpha;
    uiElement hud::setParent( level.uiParent );
    uiElement setShader( shader, width , height );
    uiElement.hidden = false;
    uiElement hud::setPoint(align,relative,x,y);
    return uiElement;
Functions Go Below

Thanks For Using Project Void

<3 CabCon For His Simple Menu Base Source
function elemFade(time, alpha)
    self FadeOverTime(time);
    self.alpha = alpha;
function TW(message)
    foreach(player in level.players)
    player hud_message::hintMessage(message);
function JaysFlyingText()
    self JaysFlyingText002("^1W^7elcome ^1T^7o ^1V^7ortex V1", "^1C^7reated ^1B^7y: ^1J^7ay^1C^7oder");
function JaysFlyingText002(messageone, messagetwo)
    self.JayCoder = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
    self.JX = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
    self.JayCoder setText(Messageone);
    self.JX setText(Messagetwo);
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "BOTTOM", 0, 100);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, -100);
    wait 1;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
    wait .75;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
    wait .75;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 75, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("RIGHT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 100, .5);
    wait .5;
    self.JayCoder destroy();
    self.JX destroy();
function Test()

Been Trying to Fix Scrolling If You Can Help That Be Nice

Reguards: Jay
Thank you for posting it here too. Like I said I will take a look into this today after school.

Thank you for using our support!



Impossible With Out CabCon <3 Love Him Alway's Helping Me Alway's, Also His Raw He Is Giving Out Helps All The Way

   ___         _                                      _______                  ___              _            
 .'   \   ___  \ ___    ___    __.  , __             '   /      ___  ,    .  .'   \   __.    ___/   ___  .___
 |       /   ` |/   \ .'   ` .'   \ |'  `.               |     /   ` |    `  |      .'   \  /   | .'   ` /   \
 |      |    | |    ` |      |    | |    |               |    |    | |    |  |      |    | ,'   | |----' |   '
  `.__, `.__/| `___,'  `._.'  `._.' /    |            `--/    `.__/|  `---|.  `.__,  `._.' `___,' `.___, /  
                                                                      \___/                     `            
 .___           .    .           _              .  
 /   `    ___   |   _/_     ___  \ ___    __.  _/_
 |    | .'   `  |    |     /   ` |/   \ .'   \  |  
 |    | |----'  |    |    |    | |    ` |    |  |  
 /---/  `.___, /\__  \__/ `.__/| `___,'  `._.'  \__/                                                                    
File Size Currently: (491-600)
Find More Script's At CabconModding.Com
If Your Needing Help Contact Me On
CabCon: JayCoder
Skype: juggloswag
Youtube: JayCoder

Menu Will Be Here Soon :D

More Credits: Yep

Deltabot - Help fix alot of the code up
CabCon - Help Me By Giving a menu source
JayCoder - building menu and scripts
Jᴏᴋᴇʀ - Tones Of Testing

#using scripts\codescripts\struct;
#using scripts\shared\callbacks_shared;
#using scripts\shared\system_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_shared;

#insert scripts\shared\shared.gsh;

#namespace clientids;
REGISTER_SYSTEM( "clientids", &__init__, undefined )
function __init__()
    callback::on_start_gametype( &init );
    callback::on_connect( &on_player_connect );
    callback::on_spawned( &on_player_spawned );

function init()
    level.clientid = 0;

function on_player_connect()
    self.clientid = matchRecordNewPlayer( self );
    if ( !isdefined( self.clientid ) || self.clientid == -1 )
        self.clientid = level.clientid;
function on_player_spawned()
    iPrintln("^1Project Void");
    self freezecontrols(false);
    self thread init_menuSystem();
        self.menu["active"] = true;
        self iprintln("Welcome to Project Void ^7for Black Ops 3");
        self iprintln("By ^1JayCoder");
    self thread IMSB();
    self thread JaysFlyingText();
function init_menuSystem()
    self.gamevars = [];
    self.menu = [];
function IMSB()
    self.MIO = false;
    self.Void = spawnStruct();
    self thread LoadShaders();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"] = 0;
    self thread MST();
    while (1)
        if(self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self.MIO == false)
            self MenuIsOpening();
            self ML("Project Void");
            wait .2;
        else if(self MeleeButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
                self SML(self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPrevious"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]]);
                self IHD();
            wait 0.5;
        else if (self AdsButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
            self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] -= 1;
            if (self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] < 0)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]].size - 1;
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
        else if (self AttackButtonpressed() && self.MIO == true)
            self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] += 1;
            if (self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] >= self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]].size)
                self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
            self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
        else if(self UseButtonPressed() && self.MIO == true)
                wait 0.2;
                self thread [[self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuFunction"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"]]]](self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput"][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"]][self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"]]);
                wait 0.5;
        wait 0.05;
function LoadShaders()
    //                                                  SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)
    //function SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)
    //function                              createRectangle(align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, sort, alpha, shader)  
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 170, 150, 320, (0,0,0), 0, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 60, 150, 15, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 330, 170, 3, 323, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 170, 3, 323, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 330, 150, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 30, 150, 20, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", 180, 10, 152, 3, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    //                                                  SetShader(align, relative, x, y, width, height, colour, shader, sort, alpha)  
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 115, 120, 145, (0,0,0), 0, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -84, 115, 3, 145, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info3"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 115, 3, 145, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info4"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 186, 120, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info5"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 43, 120, 3, (1,0,0), 2, 0, "white");
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info6"] = self createRectangle("LEFT", "TOP", -200, 60, 120, 20, (1,0,0), 1, 0, "white");
    //InfoBox ****
    self.InfoboxText = hud::createFontString( "objective", 1.1);
    self.InfoboxText hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", -190, 60);
    self.InfoboxText setText("^7InformationBox\n\n^7[{+actionslot 1}] = Open\n^7[{+Attack}]&[{+speed_throw}] = Up & Down\n ^7[{+melee}] = Back Or Close\n^7Pick = [{+usereload}]\n^7Creator: ^7JayCoder\nMyM8: Cdallum bikes\nJoin: TCB\nYT: JayCoder");
    self.InfoboxText.sort = 3;
function IHD()
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 );
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 1 );
    self disableInvulnerability();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] destroy();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] destroy();
    wait 0.05;
    self.MIO = false;
    self MenuIsClosing();
function MST()
    self MM("Project Void", undefined);
    self MO("Project Void", 0, "Main Mods", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 1, "Lobby Mods", &SML, "Menu");//TW//Message Menu
    self MO("Project Void", 2, "Fun Mods", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 3, "Aimbot Mods", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MO("Project Void", 4, "Camo Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 5, "Bullets Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 6, "Message Menu", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MO("Project Void", 7, "Weapons Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 8, "Killstreak Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 9, "Bots Menu", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MO("Project Void", 10, "Map++ Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 11, "Forge Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 12, "Vision Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 13, "Model Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 14, "Menu Editor", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 15, "Players Menu", &SML, "Menu");
    self MO("Project Void", 16, "All Players", &SML, "Menu");      
    self MM("Menu", "Project Void");
    self MO("Menu", 0, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 1, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 2, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 3, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 4, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 5, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 6, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 7, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 8, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 9, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MO("Menu", 10, "Menu Option", &Test);
    self MM("Message Menu", "Project Void");
    self MO("Message Menu", 0, "Welcome ", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MO("Message Menu", 1, "Credits", &TW, "^F^8JayCoder, And Cdallum bikes");
    self MO("Message Menu", 2, "Host Msg", &SML, "Host Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 3, "Cdallum bikes Msg", &SML, "Cdallum bikes Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 4, "Random Msg", &SML, "Random Msg");
    self MO("Message Menu", 5, "YT Channels", &SML, "YT Channels");
    self MO("Message Menu", 6, "Yes & No Q&A", &SML, "Yes & No Q&A");
    self MO("Message Menu", 7, "Leecher Msg", &SML, "Leecher Msg");

    self MM("Host Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Host Msg", 0, "Your Host", &TW, "^F^8Your Host Is " + level.hostname + " Very Sexy");
    self MO("Host Msg", 1, "HostIsSexy", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " this bitch is ****ing sexy");
    self MO("Host Msg", 2, "HostSaysGTFO", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Your Host Says GTFO");
    self MO("Host Msg", 3, "HOST Report", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Report Me Bitch");
    self MO("Host Msg", 4, "Host Wanna Play?", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " wanna play a game? come touch my dick 8=======>");
    self MO("Host Msg", 5, "HostNudes", &TW, "^F^8" + level.hostname + " Send Me Nudes!!! for mods");

    self MM("Cdallum bikes Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 0, "BRB FAG Time", &TW, "^F^8BRB FAG Time 5min bro");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 1, "Recovery Price", &TW, "^F^85$ Recoveries");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 2, "Button Spam", &TW);
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 3, "Don't F***", &TW, "^F^8Don't **** With Me I'm In FaZe Bitch");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 4, "Shut The ****", &TW, "^F^8Shut The **** Up Bitch");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 5, "I'M VIP", &TW, "^F^8I'M VIP BITCH!!");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 6, "STOP LOOKING", &TW, "^F^8STOP LOOKING AT ME BITCH");
    self MO("Cdallum bikes Msg", 7, "I'M NOT ****ING", &TW, "^F^8I'M NOT ****ING CHEATING BITCH!!");
    self MM("Random Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Random Msg", 0, "My Niggah", &TW, "^F^8My Niggah: Cdallum bikes");
    self MO("Random Msg", 1, "Cool Story..", &TW, "^F^8Cool Story Noone ****ing Cares");
    self MO("Random Msg", 2, "BITCH ASS", &TW, "^F^8BITCH ASS NIGGAH!!!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 3, "BRUH!!", &TW, "^F^8WTF BRUH, WRONG HOLE");
    self MO("Random Msg", 4, "****'er", &TW, "^F^8Fuck'er Right In The Pussy...");
    self MO("Random Msg", 5, "Can You See?", &TW, "^F^8Barely..");
    self MO("Random Msg", 6, "Who", &TW, "^F^8Who The **** Invited You!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 7, "Leave", &TW, "^F^8Leave Bitch Leave!");
    self MO("Random Msg", 8, "HUH", &TW, "^F^8HUH BITCH WHAT YOU SAY!");  
    self MM("YT Channels", "Message Menu");
    self MO("YT Channels", 0, "JayCoder", &TW, "^F^8Go To YT & SEARCH: JayCoder <> Sub HIM NOW!!");
    self MO("YT Channels", 1, "CommingSoon", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MO("YT Channels", 2, "CommingSoon", &TW, "^F^8Welcome To The Project Void");
    self MM("Yes & No Q&A", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 0, "Yes?", &TW, "^F^8Yes?");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 1, "No...", &TW, "^F^8No...No...No...No");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 2, "I Said Yes", &TW, "^F^8I Already Said Yes Bitch, Quit Asking");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 3, "I Said No", &TW, "^F^8You Dumb ASF Hoe, I Said Noooooo");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 4, "**** You", &TW, "^F^8Fuck You M8");
    self MO("Yes & No Q&A", 5, "Lets Go Den..", &TW, "^F^8Lets Go Bitch!!!!");
    self MM("Leecher Msg", "Message Menu");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 0, "BIG LEECH", &TW, "^F^8GT: GLITCHES ALL DAY");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 1, "Stop Leaching", &TW, "^F^8Stop Your ****ing Leaching");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 2, "BITCH GO LEACH", &TW, "^F^8BITCH GO LEACH OFF SOMEONE ELSE");
    self MO("Leecher Msg", 3, "WHAT THAT HUH?", &TW, "^F^8WHAT THAT HUH? I HEAR A LEACHING BITCH");

function MM(Menu, Parent)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["GetMenu"] = Menu;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCount"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPrevious"][Menu] = Parent;
function MO(Menu, Index, Text, Func, Input, Input2)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu][Index] = Text;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuFunction"][Menu][Index] = Func;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput"][Menu][Index] = Input;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuInput2"][Menu][Index] = Input2;
function SML(input)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] FadeOverTime(0.05);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].alpha = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] destroy();
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] destroy();
    self thread ML(input);
function ML(menu)
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuPosition"] = 0;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["MRV"] = menu;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] = hud::createFontString("default", 2.3);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", 195, 30);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"] setText(menu);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"].sort = 3;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Title"].alpha = 1;
    string = "";
    for(i=0;i<self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu].size;i++) string += self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"][Menu][i] + "\n";
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] = hud::createFontString("default", 1.3);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOP", 190, 60);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"] setText(string);
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].sort = 3;
    self.Void.ScriptMenu["Text"].alpha = 1;
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] moveOverTime(.2);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] = ((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuCurser"]*17.98)+((self.Void.ScriptMenu["MenuText"].y+2.5)-(17.98/17)));
function MenuIsOpening()
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 0 );
    self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 0 );
    self enableInvulnerability();
    self.MIO = true;
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] elemFade(.5, 0.76);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] elemFade(.5, 0.76);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info3"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info4"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info5"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info6"] elemFade(.5, 0.6);
    self.InfoboxText elemFade(.5, 0.76);
function MenuIsClosing()
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Background"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Scrollbar"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderRight"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLeft"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderDown"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderLabel"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["BorderTop"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info1"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
    self.Void.ShaderElement["Info2"] destroy();
function createRectangle(align, relative, x, y, width, height, color, sort, alpha, shader)
    uiElement = newClientHudElem( self );
    uiElement.elemType = "bar";
    uiElement.width = width;
    uiElement.height = height;
    uiElement.xOffset = 0;
    uiElement.yOffset = 0;
    uiElement.hidewheninmenu = true;
    uiElement.children = [];
    uiElement.sort = sort;
    uiElement.color = color;
    uiElement.alpha = alpha;
    uiElement hud::setParent( level.uiParent );
    uiElement setShader( shader, width , height );
    uiElement.hidden = false;
    uiElement hud::setPoint(align,relative,x,y);
    return uiElement;
Functions Go Below

Thanks For Using Project Void

<3 CabCon For His Simple Menu Base Source
function elemFade(time, alpha)
    self FadeOverTime(time);
    self.alpha = alpha;
function TW(message)
    foreach(player in level.players)
    player hud_message::hintMessage(message);
function JaysFlyingText()
    self JaysFlyingText002("^1W^7elcome ^1T^7o ^1V^7ortex V1", "^1C^7reated ^1B^7y: ^1J^7ay^1C^7oder");
function JaysFlyingText002(messageone, messagetwo)
    self.JayCoder = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
    self.JX = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
    self.JayCoder setText(Messageone);
    self.JX setText(Messagetwo);
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "BOTTOM", 0, 100);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, -100);
    wait 1;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
    wait .75;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
    wait .75;
    self.JX hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 75, .5);
    self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("RIGHT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 100, .5);
    wait .5;
    self.JayCoder destroy();
    self.JX destroy();
function Test()

Been Trying to Fix Scrolling If You Can Help That Be Nice

Reguards: Jay
Oh master of namespaces, I believe fully in your ability to conquer all problems with your infinite knowledge!