dr nha mods

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Yeah jjmods is correct I just thought well let's give it a shot and yeah same issues. I dont get much internet either so waste of 100mb btw everyone. And apparently changing ur plugins makes it work. WRONG tried with fresh plugins and all nothing. Got mates plugins nothing. I've made a script bypass to check if the injection works on spawn coz I forced it to let u play the game. It seams they didnt add the functions liek is_redacted __rpc__ and a bunch of mem edit stuff is missing. Can anyone help or is everyone just gonna get but hurt. Does this work just for devkits? Answer with real ones plz.
Update- Also I have had problems with injectors before and usially the fix is to put the PC plugins for XBDM JRPC and so on in there internal directory or replace there ones with ones from a tool that works and that usually works wonders for me but this tool doesnt even contain those plugins wich is odd...
Also I'll have my script up here soon so y'all that cant use this too now can :smile: just for gsc until the DEVELOPER makes a update with the annoying auto update u should remove :smile:
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Yeah jjmods is correct I just thought well let's give it a shot and yeah same issues. I dont get much internet either so waste of 100mb btw everyone. And apparently changing ur plugins makes it work. WRONG tried with fresh plugins and all nothing. Got mates plugins nothing. I've made a script bypass to check if the injection works on spawn coz I forced it to let u play the game. It seams they didnt add the functions liek is_redacted __rpc__ and a bunch of mem edit stuff is missing. Can anyone help or is everyone just gonna get but hurt. Does this work just for devkits? Answer with real ones plz.
Update- Also I have had problems with injectors before and usially the fix is to put the PC plugins for XBDM JRPC and so on in there internal directory or replace there ones with ones from a tool that works and that usually works wonders for me but this tool doesnt even contain those plugins wich is odd...
Also I'll have my script up here soon so y'all that cant use this too now can :smile: just for gsc until the DEVELOPER makes a update with the annoying auto update u should remove :smile:

Xbox doesn't work because the developer of the app doesn't have an xbox. All other platforms work.

The reason the tool doesn't contain those plugins as separate dlls is because the plugins are built in using source code.

Auto update is a standard feature of many modern apps. You can just delete the updater if you don't want updates.

dr nha mods

Reaction score
Xbox doesn't work because the developer of the app doesn't have an xbox. All other platforms work.

The reason the tool doesn't contain those plugins as separate dlls is because the plugins are built in using source code.

Auto update is a standard feature of many modern apps. You can just delete the updater if you don't want updates.
Well I dont see the point in mentioning xbox up in here if it doesnt work
And the update feature made the application use an extra 20-40mb of data per second so if you like lag and getting lied to. Also if u want to loose 100mb on a application that is not working for the xbox
Dont download it just get gsc studio
I removed the auto update from gsc studio and the application works better on all devices better than gsx studio that likes to be a c@#t

dr nha mods

Reaction score
Well I dont see the point in mentioning xbox up in here if it doesnt work
And the update feature made the application use an extra 20-40mb of data per second so if you like lag and getting lied to. Also if u want to loose 100mb on a application that is not working for the xbox
Dont download it just get gsc studio
I removed the auto update from gsc studio and the application works better on all devices better than gsx studio that likes to be a c@#t
Also @serious HD I got some stuff coming ur way so people can use ur application for gsc injections but still ur application is too terrible


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Also @serious HD I got some stuff coming ur way so people can use ur application for gsc injections but still ur application is too terrible
So erm, i dont think you understand the application. Auto updater runs once when you start the application, then exits... lol.

And you can just use the gsx compiler lib for injection outside of the application.

Xbox was working originally with the application release, but then as features moved out, xbox became unresponsive and development was halted.

GSX was created to do things that gsc studio can't and won't ever do. It utilizes custom assembly functions and massive compiler work that is publicly available using the GSXCompilerLib. The IDE its self is massive due to devexpress installs.

The application was not even originally intended for public release, and was dropped for over a year. It was redone in a little under 3 months and was pushed to the public as a BETA.

The main target audience of the application was advanced gsc developers who needed more from the language. Unfortunately, the whole community is gone and that audience with it. That means GSX Studio has no more use/utility and will not be updated again.

And FYI, there's no point in attacking the developer. If you don't like the software, don't use it, and don't complain that the application isn't perfect when its been publicly stated that it won't ever be.

Also, not sure what you mean by "got stuff coming ur way", because the entire injection / compilation library is publicly exposed. You can write your own injector using the library, and its intended to be that way. It still performs the same exact operations though, so idk where you are going with that.

dr nha mods

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Anyone got a problem with what I have to say.
Look in ur Entertainment unit if there is a ps3 In there then shut ur lips :smile:

dr nha mods

Reaction score
Anyone got a problem with what I have to say.
Look in ur Entertainment unit if there is a ps3 In there then shut ur lips :smile:
Anyone got a problem with what I have to say.
Look in ur Entertainment unit if there is a ps3 In there then shut ur lips :smile:
An admin deleted my last message aswell as a coverup just because noone could put more effort into this application and I'm exposing y'all :smile:
The community isnt dead there just waiting because all u supposed gsc genius are promising stuff u cant produce

I've reverse engineered the application and found the minimalistic effort for the 360 so I know ur all being lazy bout it get off ur ps crap and get back on the 360 where it's all at :smile:


G59 Terrorist
Staff member
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An admin deleted my last message aswell as a coverup just because noone could put more effort into this application and I'm exposing y'all :smile:
The community isnt dead there just waiting because all u supposed gsc genius are promising stuff u cant produce

I've reverse engineered the application and found the minimalistic effort for the 360 so I know ur all being lazy bout it get off ur ps crap and get back on the 360 where it's all at :smile:
No. The fact is you're starting arguments for no reason.

dr nha mods

Reaction score
No. The fact is you're starting arguments for no reason.
I'm not ur avoiding the original point of the argument if u cant take down that this works for xbox dont take my messages down!!
I'll be leaving alot of feedback btw this isnt just one a person account anymore I am speaking for all of us over at NHA studios when I say these rules are retarded
I am a admin and I get payed by the hour for it so suck that up while u delete this message :smile:


G59 Terrorist
Staff member
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I'm not ur avoiding the original point of the argument if u cant take down that this works for xbox dont take my messages down!!
I'll be leaving alot of feedback btw this isnt just one a person account anymore I am speaking for all of us over at NHA studios when I say these rules are retarded
I am a admin and I get payed by the hour for it so suck that up while u delete this message :smile:
My point exactly...


Reaction score
An admin deleted my last message aswell as a coverup just because noone could put more effort into this application and I'm exposing y'all :smile:
The community isnt dead there just waiting because all u supposed gsc genius are promising stuff u cant produce

I've reverse engineered the application and found the minimalistic effort for the 360 so I know ur all being lazy bout it get off ur ps crap and get back on the 360 where it's all at :smile:
The same work was done for xbox as was done for all other platforms, for the record. The ASM functions were written in PPC just like for PS3, and the string optimization cache was done as well for injection. The only problem with xbox is that the addresses are wrong.

You have completely exposed yourself as a liar in this whole process so congrats!

dr nha mods

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The same work was done for xbox as was done for all other platforms, for the record. The ASM functions were written in PPC just like for PS3, and the string optimization cache was done as well for injection. The only problem with xbox is that the addresses are wrong.

You have completely exposed yourself as a liar in this whole process so congrats!
If the addresses where wrong they would still work as functions dont expose ur self and continue lying when you re add the functions to the gsc script but as blank the game will run with the script injected if u dont have the functions redefined in ur gsc the game will return with a error stating the functions are missing so dont pretend u have done work when u haven't :smile: even the application states the functions are missing

dr nha mods

Reaction score
I get my job done why cant u @serious ? Like seriously though...
Not gonna bother on this thread and imma shank every fool I see who talks bout gsx studio coz i know the fool got a ps3 :smile:


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If the addresses where wrong they would still work as functions dont expose ur self and continue lying when you re add the functions to the gsc script but as blank the game will run with the script injected if u dont have the functions redefined in ur gsc the game will return with a error stating the functions are missing so dont pretend u have done work when u haven't :smile: even the application states the functions are missing
The application writes custom assembly functions into memory. The functions require correct offsets in order to be loaded in; those offsets are wrong, and the game doesn't recognize the functions. The macros that are injected at compile time into your code reference some of those assembly functions, which when aren't loaded, don't exist.

If you are so great at 'your job' im sure you could fix the injection process! The library allows you to write your own assembly functions and add them in to the injection process, so just write the correct functions, and inject them yourself!

And yeah, back off the thread please, the emails are a bit distracting and you are a meme at this point.

dr nha mods

Reaction score
The application writes custom assembly functions into memory. The functions require correct offsets in order to be loaded in; those offsets are wrong, and the game doesn't recognize the functions. The macros that are injected at compile time into your code reference some of those assembly functions, which when aren't loaded, don't exist.

If you are so great at 'your job' im sure you could fix the injection process! The library allows you to write your own assembly functions and add them in to the injection process, so just write the correct functions, and inject them yourself!

And yeah, back off the thread please, the emails are a bit distracting and you are a meme at this point.
Dont get other people to fix ur work I dont care for this injector I just want u to remove the xbox option before I take this further.
Gsx studio is a lie if the functions had missing address's the game wouldn't call back with missing functions it would say syntax error not missing functions
I'm not fighting I'm finishing if u post 1 more thing then we all know ur covering up just get rid off the xbox option already before I come down to the US of A and break your TEETH with my Sades Blademail Keyboard strait down your biggot throat


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Dont get other people to fix ur work I dont care for this injector I just want u to remove the xbox option before I take this further.
Gsx studio is a lie if the functions had missing address's the game wouldn't call back with missing functions it would say syntax error not missing functions
I'm not fighting I'm finishing if u post 1 more thing then we all know ur covering up just get rid off the xbox option already before I come down to the US of A and break your TEETH with my Sades Blademail Keyboard strait down your biggot throat

Nothing will be changed in the future.

I don't have the source anymore. Both hard drives in my old pc were destroyed with a power outage.

Also, I don't really know what you think I'm covering up??? I've literally explained everything as it is and been completely transparent the whole time...

And you clearly don't understand how the game processes GSC. "Syntax errors" don't exist in a compiled script/executable.

There are two types of loaded functions in GSC: C++ functions embedded in the executable mapped with a function table, and script methods which are embedded in the compiled gscs as exports.

GSC is run through a VM when loaded in the game, which checks for references in the compiled executable using multiple function tables. The injector overwrites unused function references in that table, which point to custom assembly.

As a note, I figured Id use this argument (if you can even call it that) as a way to explain the process to anyone who reads it in the future, in case someone ever tries to fix it. I won't be, since as ive clearly stated before, there is virtually nobody left who would benefit from it, and I have better things to do than make mods for a platform I don't even own.

I also really don't get why you are making empty threats. You can't possibly expect anyone to believe you, so why make yourself look stupid?
I feel like I'm talking to a little kid, but your profile says you are 28??? Just relax dude. You are fighting a 1-sided battle. I'm only responding to try to explain it to you.

dr nha mods

Reaction score
Nothing will be changed in the future.

I don't have the source anymore. Both hard drives in my old pc were destroyed with a power outage.

Also, I don't really know what you think I'm covering up??? I've literally explained everything as it is and been completely transparent the whole time...

And you clearly don't understand how the game processes GSC. "Syntax errors" don't exist in a compiled script/executable.

There are two types of loaded functions in GSC: C++ functions embedded in the executable mapped with a function table, and script methods which are embedded in the compiled gscs as exports.

GSC is run through a VM when loaded in the game, which checks for references in the compiled executable using multiple function tables. The injector overwrites unused function references in that table, which point to custom assembly.

As a note, I figured Id use this argument (if you can even call it that) as a way to explain the process to anyone who reads it in the future, in case someone ever tries to fix it. I won't be, since as ive clearly stated before, there is virtually nobody left who would benefit from it, and I have better things to do than make mods for a platform I don't even own.

I also really don't get why you are making empty threats. You can't possibly expect anyone to believe you, so why make yourself look stupid?
I feel like I'm talking to a little kid, but your profile says you are 28??? Just relax dude. You are fighting a 1-sided battle. I'm only responding to try to explain it to you.
You clearly just tried covering it up before case. Closed. You lost the source could have told us all that before. It's not our fault u lost ur hdd from xvideos