Recent content by crashbot

  1. crashbot

    Release Elasticity V1 PC Common.ff

    I converted Elasticity V1 GSC to common.ff everything is working and tested on steam world at war and cracked Make sure you back up your Common.ff and Natiz_zombie_prototype.ff locaded in Zone Folder. Credit goes to makers of this menu and and se7ensins for the GSC Files Enjoy...
  2. crashbot

    [HELP] how do i play zombies without completing the campaign?

    Edit your a single player config file Look at the bottom half where it shows campaign progress put a 1 instead of the 0 also make sure when done to check mark read only if that does not work do with the other guy said with the save game
  3. crashbot

    Release All in one Rev 3/elasticity v1 converted to common.ff pc

    There is a huge difference all in one rev 3 by it self has more options in the menu then elasticity v1 such as game modes more scripting spawnables
  4. crashbot

    Release All in one Rev 3/elasticity v1 converted to common.ff pc

    This is not just elasticity v1 it's also all in one rev 3
  5. crashbot

    Release All in one Rev 3/elasticity v1 converted to common.ff pc

    All in one Rev 3/elasticity v1 converted to common.ff pc I am burnt out at this time took months to do this I will be updating some of the features missing sometime in the feature. Program I used was Argeedbog ff editor.I did not make the original mod menus I just converted it 98 % off the menu...
  6. crashbot

    Release Black Ops 1 Multiplayer EnCoReV8 GSC Open Source Menu By CabCon PC + PS3 Verison

    Honestly this is a great menu but I would rather use Resurrection only because and combat training all the Bots alright level 50 with guns unlocked this mod menu hand combat training these are the guns the Bots use Olympia a handgun a sniper rifle please fix an update
  7. crashbot

    Tool Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 RawFileManager SOURCE

    Nice find I do know that on se7ensins a lot of people have been looking for this
  8. crashbot

    No "Mods" entry in Main Menu - BO PC

    No problem I'm glad you got it working
  9. crashbot

    No "Mods" entry in Main Menu - BO PC

    I would suggest looking up fitgirl repack and downloading the bo1 from there I've had it for a couple years now works flawlessly already comes with BG gamer and all DLC cheers
  10. crashbot

    Release COD: WAW Zombies Menu Base - Tabbed. Edition: 2.

    I like how the menu looks too bad there's not controller support would be awesome if it was in there