Forum Rules

You can browse the rules of CabConModding

CabConModding, like most other forum boards, has some rules to make sure that discussion remains on-topic, and without insult or slander.

Following these rules is mandatory. If you do not follow these rules, you may suffer sanctions, like forum warnings or bans. If you have an issue with any of the decisions made by moderator, contact the administrators about the issue, and they will conduct a look into the complaint. Make sure certain reported items are based on the following rules. Abuse of the reports system, such as reporting for false or unreasonable causes, may be subject to further punishment.

Rules Terms Illustration

Quick Overview

  • Respect other users.
  • No spam.
  • No Adult content.
  • No Illegal content.

General Board

  • We are an English speaking board. All content, post, signatures, titles, profiles, and anything in terms of public display must be done in English.
  • Make sure all post descriptions are valid and well-mannered.
  • Flaming, or provoking of members, is not tolerated. Through public or private messaging (if reported to the staff).
  • You aren't able to sell items or offer services without Premium Membership or a permission from the Staff Team. Exchange services or items for free are allowed.
  • Problems with the board structure, or management, should be handled with the board staff. Such issues should not become a public topic, and should be voiced in a private conversation with an admin.
  • Any user who has been banned or suspended is not allowed to create a second account to bypass the ban or suspension. Doing so will result in the current account being banned.

Posting rules

  • Discussion of illegal topics are disallowed. This includes pirated, personal information, false impersonations, leaked content.
  • Advertising, or posting of referral links, is not allowed.
  • Pornographic content is not allowed.
  • Replying to posts that are break any rule are disallowed. Please just report it.
  • Slander, or simply insulting a person is disallowed. Constructive criticism is encouraged, however.
  • Spamming topics and/or posts are disallowed, shall be punished with a permanent ban without any warnings.

Avatar, and Signature rules

  • Content that offend, or that are pornographic in nature are prohibited.
  • Oversized or disturbing content is not allowed.

Release Sections

  • Your Post MUST include a Preview in kind of a Video or Screenshot, both recommend, no matter what kind of content it is.
  • Your Post MUST include a small description like a feature list, or a mod description.
  • Your Mod/Post/thread MUST have a Credits List included.

Giveaway Rules

  • You are just allowed to take part with one account on each giveaway.
  • Causing to break these rules will result in you being banned from the event and any win for you will be ignored.

Upon registration grants automatic agreement to these forum guidelines, and all other guidelines in sub-sections. These rules are subject to change in the future. It is your responsibility to check for updates. Thank you for your cooperation.

  • Published
    Mar 2, 2016
  • Page views