Recent content by lysergic

  1. lysergic

    hey are you able to please help me with merging your mod with another mod? thanks

    hey are you able to please help me with merging your mod with another mod? thanks
  2. lysergic

    Release Call of Duty W@W Mod Menu Multiplayer PC RaWsV5 +Download

    Can I edit this menu for personal use? All I want to use is the XP multiplier with my BotWarfare bots but I can't get it to work together
  3. lysergic

    Question How to make x2 XP Script on WaW?

    Hi, Was just wondering if anyone knew how to make a simple XP multiplier script for my waw dedicated tdm server? I just want to change the standard kill XP from 10 to a custom number. I'd also like to use it with Bot Warfare if possible. Thanks