Recent content by PS3PS3ITADEX

  1. P

    GSC GSC Menu Base Made By ExoticSatan (Me)

    Base isn't "made by you" it's edited by you. Code screams shark's source. Add proper credits considering he built the actual base that you merely edited. But nice I guess? Looks like every other center place menu though..
  2. P

    Answered Is There A Way To Retain A Weapon Camo?

    Just void the entire drop weapon section. You have no reason to drop the gun, it'll just give you the new gun then you'll have 3. Simple
  3. P

    [BO2/1.19] ModMenu Base

    Damn boy how many Graves did you dig to find this? This monstrosity is years old. Nice job though lad To you both agreed this menu is trashed. Wasn't meant to be clean or used, when I designed it and built it years ago it was to help coders figure out how to use shaders for bgs and scrollbars...