Recent content by Stalker

  1. Stalker

    GSC Jiggy Menu Base /Fear Menu Base Edited..

    If you could it would be great<3
  2. Stalker

    GSC Jiggy Menu Base /Fear Menu Base Edited..

    Does this have a overflow and is it stable?
  3. Stalker

    @Bully [Reupload]

    Bully Dont pm me crying sir and thanks for telling everyone you leeched and said you stole menus Gyazo - 18e43f31f*776e*e599de42**43ac9fe.png Mods feel free to remove this just wanted to show the kinda -sniped- bully sent me when he gets called out Posted By MrMoan From Ngu credit to him...
  4. Stalker

    Release Decompiled GSC Menu Pack

    Yeah we all hate you how you became mod is a joke i guess paying the website owner gets you staff
  5. Stalker

    Release JRJS v6 Source

    i love your menu base
  6. Stalker

    Release JRJS v6 Source

    So you ****s ban me for no reason then
  7. Stalker

    Release JRJS v6 Source

    So its ok to leak this but not bossams wow
  8. Stalker


    God job on the menu but its f%^ked you had to release the source of fear as$holes like bossam leeching and bully being a f@ggot but you should be proud you did a great job bro
  9. Stalker

    Answered End Game popup Script

    I posrted the one i use cuz it was shorter..........
  10. Stalker

    Outdated Combat axe Aimbot

    Combat axe Aimbot code? Thanks;}
  11. Stalker

    Answered End Game popup Script

    Here you go hope it helps ;} setDvar("ui_errorMessageDebug", "Bottom Text"); setDvar("ui_errorTitle", "Title Big Text A=t Top"); setDvar("ui_errorMessage", "^2Under Title Text"); Put this Onplayerspawn under the for(;;) {
  12. Stalker

    Outdated Water Tornado Code?

    Thanks so much if you can give the code :}