Recent content by UberTrojan

  1. UberTrojan

    Cheese Cube Unlimited - Black Ops 1

    As the title implies, is there any cheese cube unlimited for black ops 1? I've been looking for it for days, is it possible for anyone to remake the custom map for black ops 1?
  2. UberTrojan

    DLC Unlocker for Steam Version

    I've looking for it for hours, no luck.
  3. UberTrojan

    Release Black Ops DLC's Map Pack Download FREE (UPDATED LINKS)

    I got kicked out of my friend's private match, and he got kicked out of mine every time we try the Zombies DLCs map. We both have the Steam version, and the DLCs are cracked. Does anyone know a solution to these? perhaps disabling the auto kick?