
  1. Pyrex BLJ

    Release Some (new?) 1.19 offsets

    i have found some offsets in black ops 2 over the past few days and even though most of them are just useless fun figured I'd release them for you all to pay with :grinning: I'll update this thread when i find more Some of them i found in multiplayer, others in zombies but most of them...
  2. Craze

    GSC Project Swiish Source

    This menu is unstable af. So I'm just going to discontinue it. If you can somehow make it better, feel free to post it, but give me credit. :D. Link to original thread (beta): Release - Project Swiish v0.5 [BETA] [MP] [GSC] | CabConModding It includes credits, video and other needed stuff...
  3. Craze

    Release Project Swiish v0.5 [BETA] [MP] [GSC]

    I've been working on this menu for 4 days. And it's finally ready for beta, some functions aren't very stable because it's beta. Video will be added soon. :grinning: Download: Look In Attached Files (GSCR only). Images: Some Features: Credits:
  4. Craze

    GSC The Final Statement menu base [BO2/1.19]

    Hey CCM. I was just bored, so I made The Final Statement into a menu base. Remember to use the credits provided in this thread and you :grinning:. BTW, It has infinite scroll :grinning: Download is attached below. Video: Screenshot: Credits: VT: Antivirus scan for...

    Release LIIZYX V1.1 | BO2 MOD MENU | 1.19 | GSC

    Hi, LIIZYX V1 is my first mod menu in COD BO2, this is a .GSCR file. Leave a like for more! Please dont try to edit, post to your website, make videos without my authorization! LIIZYX. ADDED A CREDITS MENU! Download: https://mega.nz/#!6VFCHCjT!TCNdi_kA83lF6hEcIVwkoHXodwQWbqCVbhx1b5oWcEI
  6. S

    Black Ops 2 All DLC PKG + Fixes

    This Thread Will Have All The DLC For All Regions + Fixes! AQUA BREACH COYOTE PACK-A-PUNCH; BLES01717- Download (BLES01717) Camo Pack 3 Fix By [XxUnkn0wnxX].pkg from Sendspace.com - send big files the easy way BLES01718- Download (BLES01718) Camo Pack 3 Fix By [XxUnkn0wnxX].pkg from...
  7. S

    BO2 Official Update 1.19 (All Regions)

    Here are links to black ops 2 1.19 updates, please leave comments if any of the links become broken. BLUS31011 http://b0.ww.np.dl.playstation.net/tppkg/np/BLUS31011/BLUS31011_T21/85cd35cf7915a1e3/UP0002-BLUS31011_00-CODBLOPS2PATCH09-A0119-V0100-PE.pkg BLES01719...
  8. S

    Tool BO2 Eboot 1.19 Builder

    This is a eboot builder, which has many options inside the builder. the antiban is still working as of 4/6/2016! This Tool was created by Chris, so credits go to him! 1.Select all the mods you want in your eboot. 2.Select appropriate type, DEX May use Debug. ( Debug, BLES, BLUS, etc. ) 3.Click...