bo2 managed code list

  1. M

    Release Bo2 Super Massive Dvar List (Alphabetical -- Kinda) [3000+ Dvars]

    DVAR Count :: 3067 actionSlotsHide activeFriendsMaxBackoffLevel activeFriendsNumDayBuckets activeFriendsNumPlayBuckets activeFriendsRefreshDelay activeFriendsSecondsPerBucket ai_angularYawAccelRate ai_angularYawDecelFactor ai_angularYawEnabled ai_corpseCount ai_debugAnimeDeltas...
  2. Ways

    GSC Black Ops 2 GSC Managed Code List 2

    Hello CabCon Community Today I bring you with a Managed Code List of many functions and options hope you enjoy if you see a script that is yours just comment and I will give credits, thank you. -Ways God Mode Unlimited Ammo Teleport Change Class Change Speed...