plutonium t6

  1. EFK

    Release Updated Offsets for BO2 Plutonium by EFK

    BIG WELCOME START GAME [string] | 0x02986C6E [UPDATE] PLUTO STAFF MEMBER [string] | 0x02986F44 [UPDATE] VSAT [4 Bytes] | 0x0237637C [NO UPDATE] CUSTOM TCHAT [string] | 0x00BFBF38 (e.g., replace with FONT_SMALL) [UPDATE] CUSTOM TCHAT V2 [string] | 0x0BED360 [UPDATE] SETTING RES TROLL...
  2. CPSG

    Request Black Ops 2 GSC Injector for Pluto T6

    Plutonium T6 came out and theres no injectors that work with it, I was hoping to mess around in zombies but can't. Does anyone know of injector that can support or maybe select the Plutonium exe as you cannot rename the exe or it breaks the game.