Soon as C# is dead on this site I will post tutorials/codes as im am working on my BO3 program.
If for some reason u need help message me!
im not fussy about credits, so do what the fxck you want
1. Add a timer
2. Copy this code into your timer
Make a button to start the animation, or thread the start at beginning of your program, up to you
Button method:
*Start Animation*
*End Animation*
If for some reason u need help message me!
im not fussy about credits, so do what the fxck you want
1. Add a timer
2. Copy this code into your timer
label1.Location = new Point(label1.Location.X + 10, label1.Location.Y);
if (label1.Location.X > this.Width)
label1.Location = new Point(0 - label1.Width, label1.Location.Y);
label1.Text = "GSC Is For Retards";
Random labelcolor = new Random();
int R = labelcolor.Next(0, 255);
int G = labelcolor.Next(0, 255);
int B = labelcolor.Next(0, 255);
int A = labelcolor.Next(0, 255);
label1.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(R, G, B, A);
Make a button to start the animation, or thread the start at beginning of your program, up to you
Button method:
*Start Animation*
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
*End Animation*
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)