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Deluxe Nuketown Survival
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<blockquote data-quote="Dr.GiggleZ" data-source="post: 5155" data-attributes="member: 2373"><p>Well here's Deluxe Nuketown Survival almost semi finshed i just need to add guns to pack a punch and mystery box...</p><p></p><p>*Note- Releasing this here only for now since the bugs lol</p><p></p><p>[SPOILER="Revision Number"]*Updates*</p><p>**v.6**</p><p>-initial release</p><p>[/SPOILER]</p><p></p><p>*****Aso if anyone can help with the bug that'd be greatly appreciated, probably won't work on this for a week or two lol decided to release what i've gotten working on bo2... Credit is in the code provided in spoiler****</p><p></p><p>-----Outdated vid-----</p><p>[MEDIA=youtube]6gPfSuLqWAw[/MEDIA]</p><p></p><p>---Features---</p><p>*Auto map restart to nuketown</p><p>*Auto Spawn for humans every round</p><p>*Zombies gain health as rounds go by</p><p>*Stable money system</p><p></p><p>---Bugs/Todo list--</p><p>*Major Bug: When in public no one can join once game has started....</p><p>*todos*</p><p>-Finish mystery box and pack a punch</p><p>-make zombie health more fair at beggining maybe lol</p><p>- Maybe make barrier a little higher not sure yet...</p><p></p><p>[SPOILER="Source"]</p><p>[CODE]</p><p>//</p><p>// _____ _____ _ _ ______</p><p>// | __ \ / ____(_) | | |___ /</p><p>// | | | |_ __| | __ _ __ _ __ _| | ___ / /</p><p>// | | | | '__| | |_ | |/ _` |/ _` | |/ _ \ / /</p><p>// | |__| | | _| |__| | | (_| | (_| | | __// /__</p><p>// |_____/|_|(_)\_____|_|\__, |\__, |_|\___/_____|</p><p>// _/ | __/ | </p><p>// |___/ |___/</p><p>//Made by Cheesetoast,map edit by Cannibal666,moved to bo2 by Dr.GiggleZ</p><p>//Special Thanks to BullyWiiPlaza For helping me out/providing me with the End Game Message</p><p>//Credit to anyone else i might have forgotten lol...</p><p>#include maps\mp\_utility;</p><p>#include common_scripts\utility;</p><p>#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;</p><p>#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message;</p><p></p><p>init()</p><p>{</p><p> level thread onPlayerConnect();</p><p> level thread onPlayerConnected();</p><p> level thread doBlocks();</p><p> level thread deathBarrier();</p><p> level.onPlayerKilled = ::onPlayerKilled;</p><p> level.disableweapondrop = 1;</p><p> level.matchHasntStarted = 1;</p><p> wait level.prematchPeriod;</p><p> level.matchHasntStarted = 0;</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>onPlayerConnect()</p><p>{</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> level waittill( "connecting", player );</p><p> player thread onPlayerSpawned();</p><p> player thread BuyGuns();</p><p> player thread RoundSettings();</p><p> player thread NotifyRound();</p><p> player thread MonitorRound();</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>onPlayerConnected()</p><p>{</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> level waittill( "connected", player );</p><p> player [[level.autoassign]]();</p><p> player thread TeamsAreEqual();</p><p> player thread Money();</p><p> player thread EndTheGame();</p><p> wait 4;</p><p> player thread Credit();</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>onPlayerSpawned()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon("disconnect");</p><p> level endon("game_ended");</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> self waittill("spawned_player");</p><p> self thread Settings();</p><p> self thread DisplayRound();</p><p> self thread DisplayRtxt();</p><p> self thread CheckMap();</p><p> if(self isHost())</p><p> {</p><p> self thread hearplayers();</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>hearplayers()</p><p>{</p><p> setmatchtalkflag("EveryoneHearsEveryone", 1);</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>CheckMap()</p><p>{</p><p> if(GetDvar("mapname") != "mp_nuketown_2020")</p><p> {</p><p> iprintlnbold("^1Map is reseting to nuketown in 10 secs");</p><p> wait 10;</p><p> map("mp_nuketown_2020");</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>Settings()</p><p>{</p><p> if( self.pers["team"] == "axis" )</p><p> {</p><p> self clearPerks();</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_fallheight");</p><p> level.disableweapondrop = 1;</p><p> self.disableweapondrop = 1;</p><p> self thread ZombieGuns();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread ZombieSettings();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread ZombieHealth();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread ZombiePerks();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread MonitorKnifing();</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self clearPerks();</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_fallheight");</p><p> level.disableweapondrop = 1;</p><p> self.disableweapondrop = 1;</p><p> self thread HumanGuns();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread ShowCash();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread HumansSettings();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread SwitchToSpectator();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread HumanHealth();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread HumansPerks();</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> self thread HumansGlitching();</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>HumanGuns()</p><p>{</p><p> self takeAllWeapons();</p><p> self giveWeapon( "fiveseven_mp" );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "knife_mp" ); </p><p> self giveWeapon( "fnp45_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "fiveseven_mp" );</p><p>}</p><p>ZombieGuns()</p><p>{</p><p> self takeAllWeapons();</p><p> self giveWeapon( "knife_ballistic_mp" );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "knife_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "knife_ballistic_mp" );</p><p> self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "knife_ballistic_mp", 0 );</p><p> self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "knife_ballistic_mp", 0 );</p><p>}</p><p>MonitorKnifing()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "disconnect" );</p><p> self endon ( "death" );</p><p></p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> if(self MeleeButtonPressed())</p><p> {</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_showonradar");</p><p> wait 2.25;</p><p> self unsetPerk("specialty_showonradar"); </p><p> }</p><p></p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>SwitchToSpectator()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "disconnect" );</p><p></p><p> self waittill( "death" );</p><p> self [[level.spectator]]();</p><p> self iprintlnbold("You will be automatically spwned in next round");</p><p>}</p><p>ZombieSettings()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon( "disconnect" );</p><p> spawn = randomIntRange(1, 7);</p><p> if(spawn == 1)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( 116, 337, -35 ), ( 0, 225, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(spawn == 2)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( 495, 1004, -62 ), ( 0, -103, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(spawn == 3)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( 2005, 431, -62 ), ( 0, -157, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(spawn == 4)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -681, -235, -59 ), ( 0, 115, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(spawn == 5)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -2019, 448, -62 ), ( 0, -18, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(spawn == 6)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -496, 924, -62 ), ( 0, -35, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>HumansSettings()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon( "disconnect" );</p><p> self freeze_player_controls( false );</p><p> Hspawn = randomIntRange(1, 7);</p><p> if(Hspawn == 1)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( 841, 584, -37 ), ( 0, 225, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(Hspawn == 2)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( 797, 394, -57 ), ( 0, -108, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(Hspawn == 3)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( 1066, 466, 80 ), ( 0, -131, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(Hspawn == 4)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -828, 9, -57 ), ( 0, 121, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(Hspawn == 5)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -558, 269, -57 ), ( 0, 225, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p> else if(Hspawn == 6)</p><p> {</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -809, 333, 80 ), ( 0, 102, 0 ) );</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>HumansPerks()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "disconnect" );</p><p></p><p> self clearPerks();</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_healthregen");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_finalstand");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_pistoldeath");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_quieter");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_loudenemies");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_nomotionsensor");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_gpsjammer");</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>ZombiePerks()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "disconnect" );</p><p></p><p> self clearPerks();</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_gpsjammer");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_reconnaissance");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_nottargetedbyai");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_noname");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_detectexplosive");</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>TeamsAreEqual()</p><p>{</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> if( level.playerCount["allies"] >= 6 && self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )</p><p> {</p><p> self [[level.axis]]();</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> wait 0.01;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>Money()</p><p>{</p><p> if(self isHost())</p><p> {</p><p> = 40000;</p><p> }</p><p> else</p><p> {</p><p> = 1000;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>HumansGlitching()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "death" );</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> self unsetPerk("specialty_showonradar");</p><p> wait 27;</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_showonradar");</p><p> wait 3;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>ShowCash()</p><p>{</p><p> CashDisplay = self createFontString( "objective", 1.7 );</p><p> CashDisplay setPoint( "TOPRIGHT", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0 );</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> CashDisplay setText( "^5Cash: ^1$" + );</p><p> wait 0.5;</p><p> }</p><p> self waittill ("death");</p><p> CashDisplay destroy();</p><p>}</p><p>PackBox( pos, ang )</p><p>{</p><p> level.pBox = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.pBox setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" );</p><p> level.pBox.angles = ang;</p><p>}</p><p>createBlock( pos, angles, num )</p><p>{</p><p> level.crate[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.crate[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally" );</p><p> level.crate[num].angles = angles;</p><p>}</p><p>createPerk( pos, angles, num )</p><p>{</p><p> level.perk[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.perk[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis" );</p><p> level.perk[num].angles = angles;</p><p></p><p> FlagEffect = loadfx( "misc/fx_ui_flagbase_gold_t5" );</p><p> Effect = PlayLoopedFX( FlagEffect, 1, pos - ( 0, 0, 34 ) );</p><p>}</p><p>AmmoBox( pos, angles )</p><p>{</p><p> level.ammobox = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.ammobox setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis" );</p><p> level.ammobox.angles = angles;</p><p>}</p><p>MysteryBox( pos, angles )</p><p>{</p><p> level.Mbox = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.Mbox setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" );</p><p> level.Mbox.angles = angles;</p><p>}</p><p>TeleporterBox( pos, angles, num )</p><p>{</p><p> level.Tbox[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.Tbox[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" );</p><p> level.Tbox[num].angles = angles;</p><p>}</p><p>createGun( pos, angles, gun )</p><p>{</p><p> level.gun[gun] = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.gun[gun] setModel( getWeaponModel( gun ) );</p><p> level.gun[gun].angles = angles;</p><p>}</p><p>DoorBlock( pos, angles, num )</p><p>{</p><p> level.CreateDoor[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.CreateDoor[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_hq" );</p><p> level.CreateDoor[num].angles = angles;</p><p>}</p><p>ZombieBlock( pos, angles )</p><p>{</p><p> level.ZombieCrate = spawn( "script_model", pos );</p><p> level.ZombieCrate setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis" );</p><p> level.ZombieCrate.angles = angles;</p><p>}</p><p>doBlocks()</p><p>{</p><p> //CheeseToast made this map(edited/organized by Cannibal666)</p><p> //bottom door next to stairs</p><p> level.bunkers[1] = createBlock( ( 575, 116, -31), (0, 195, 0), 1 );</p><p> level.bunkers[2] = createBlock( ( 575, 116, -46), (0, 195, 0), 2 );</p><p> level.bunkers[3] = createBlock( ( 551, 111, -46), (0, 195, 0), 3 );</p><p> //uper dooor next to stairs</p><p> level.bunkers[4] = createBlock( ( 1146, 306, 92), (0, 195, 0), 4 );</p><p> level.bunkers[5] = createBlock( ( 1146, 306, 107), (0, 195, 0), 5 );</p><p> level.bunkers[6] = createBlock( ( 1180, 312, 92), (0, 195, 0), 6 );</p><p> //bottom door behind stairs</p><p> level.bunkers[7] = createBlock( ( 1155, 267, -31), (0, 195, 0), 7 );</p><p> level.bunkers[8] = createBlock( ( 1155, 267, -46), (0, 195, 0), 8 );</p><p> level.bunkers[9] = createBlock( ( 1189, 273, -46), (0, 195, 0), 9 );</p><p></p><p> //big garage door</p><p> //right</p><p> level.bunkers[10] = createBlock( ( 681, 518, -41), (0, 195, 0), 10 );</p><p> level.bunkers[11] = createBlock( ( 681, 518, -6), (0, 195, 0), 11 );</p><p> level.bunkers[12] = createBlock( ( 681, 518, 29), (0, 195, 0), 12 );</p><p> //lefft</p><p> level.bunkers[13] = createBlock( ( 700, 456, -41), (0, 195, 0), 13 );</p><p> level.bunkers[14] = createBlock( ( 700, 456, -6), (0, 195, 0), 14 );</p><p> level.bunkers[15] = createBlock( ( 700, 456, 29), (0, 195, 0), 15 );</p><p></p><p> //small garage door</p><p> level.bunkers[16] = createBlock( ( 1010, 693, -41), (0, 195, 0), 16 );</p><p> level.bunkers[17] = createBlock( ( 1010, 693, -6), (0, 195, 0), 17 );</p><p> level.bunkers[18] = createBlock( ( 1010, 693, 29), (0, 195, 0), 18 );</p><p> //upstairs teleporter room</p><p> //window blocks</p><p> level.bunkers[19] = createBlock( ( 577, 64, 126), (0, 195, 0), 19 );</p><p> level.bunkers[20] = createBlock( ( 583, 42, 126), (0, 195, 0), 20 );</p><p> level.bunkers[21] = createBlock( ( 577, 64, 158), (0, 195, 0), 21 );</p><p> level.bunkers[22] = createBlock( ( 583, 42, 158), (0, 195, 0), 22 );</p><p> //teleporter box</p><p> level.bunkers[23] = TeleporterBox( ( 652, 6, 96), (0, -76, 0), 1 );</p><p> //doors</p><p> level.Doors[1] = DoorBlock( ( 789, 236, 95), (0, 195, 0), 1 );</p><p> level.Doors[2] = DoorBlock( ( 789, 236, 130), (0, 195, 0), 2 );</p><p> level.Doors[3] = DoorBlock( ( 789, 236, 165), (0, 195, 0), 3 );</p><p></p><p> //gold house guns</p><p> level.guns[1] = createGun( ( 677, 596, -8 ), ( 0, 105, 0 ), "beretta93r_mp" );//b23r</p><p> level.guns[2] = createGun( ( 660, 650, -8 ), ( 0, 105, 0 ), "tar21_mp" );//mtar</p><p> level.guns[3] = createGun( ( 910, 179, -3 ), ( 0, 105, 0 ), "saiga12_mp" );//s12</p><p> //blue house guns</p><p> level.guns[4] = createGun( ( -904, 350, -8 ), ( 0, 155, 0 ), "evoskorpion_mp" );</p><p> level.guns[5] = createGun( ( -965, 716, 123 ), ( 0, -111, 0 ), "qcw05_mp" );//chicom</p><p> level.guns[6] = createGun( ( -746, 578, 123 ), ( 0, 155, 0 ), "peacekeeper_mp" );</p><p></p><p> //perk boxes</p><p> level.perks[1] = createPerk( ( 784, 365, 113 ), ( 0, 285, 90 ), 1 );</p><p> level.perks[2] = createPerk( ( 572, 300, -23 ), ( 0, 285, 90 ), 2 );</p><p> level.perks[3] = createPerk( ( -1066, 426, 113 ), ( 0, 159, 90 ), 3 );</p><p> level.perks[4] = createPerk( ( -753, 513, -25 ), ( 0, 159, 90 ), 4 );</p><p></p><p> //ammo box</p><p> level.ammo[1] = AmmoBox( ( 954, 745, -23), (0, 105, 90) );</p><p></p><p> //mystery box</p><p> level.mystery[1] = MysteryBox( ( -500, 418, 95), (0, 159, 0) );</p><p></p><p> //blue house</p><p> //window</p><p> level.bunkers[41] = createBlock( ( -500, 305, 131), (0, 159, 0), 41 );</p><p> level.bunkers[42] = createBlock( ( -516, 260, 131), (0, 159, 0), 42 );</p><p> level.bunkers[43] = createBlock( ( -500, 305, 162), (0, 159, 0), 43 );</p><p> level.bunkers[44] = createBlock( ( -516, 260, 162), (0, 159, 0), 44 );</p><p> //front door</p><p> level.bunkers[45] = createBlock( ( -476, 384, -46), (0, 159, 0), 45 );</p><p> level.bunkers[46] = createBlock( ( -460, 378, -46), (0, 159, 0), 46 );</p><p> level.bunkers[47] = createBlock( ( -476, 384, -31), (0, 159, 0), 47 );</p><p> //door behind stairs</p><p> level.bunkers[48] = createBlock( ( -996, 704, -46), (0, 159, 0), 48 );</p><p> level.bunkers[49] = createBlock( ( -1012, 710, -46), (0, 159, 0), 49 );</p><p> level.bunkers[50] = createBlock( ( -996, 704, -31), (0, 159, 0), 50 );</p><p> //back side wall to garage</p><p> level.bunkers[51] = createBlock( ( -1043, 379, -33), (0, 159, 90), 51 );</p><p> level.bunkers[52] = createBlock( ( -1053, 351, -33), (0, 159, 90), 52 );</p><p> level.bunkers[53] = createBlock( ( -1064, 322, -33), (0, 159, 90), 53 );</p><p> level.bunkers[141] = createBlock( ( -1077, 293, -33), (0, 159, 90), 141 );</p><p> level.bunkers[142] = createBlock( ( -1089, 265, -33), (0, 159, 90), 142 );</p><p> level.bunkers[143] = createBlock( ( -1101, 235, -33), (0, 159, 90), 143 );</p><p> level.bunkers[144] = createBlock( ( -1113, 206, -33), (0, 159, 90), 144 );</p><p> level.bunkers[145] = createBlock( ( -1125, 178, -33), (0, 159, 90), 145 );</p><p> level.bunkers[146] = createBlock( ( -1138, 150, -33), (0, 159, 90), 146 );</p><p> level.bunkers[147] = createBlock( ( -1149, 122, -33), (0, 159, 90), 147 );</p><p> level.bunkers[148] = createBlock( ( -1116, 107, -33), (0, 159, 90), 148 );</p><p> level.bunkers[149] = createBlock( ( -1084, 95, -33), (0, 159, 90), 149 );</p><p> level.bunkers[150] = createBlock( ( -1053, 83, -33), (0, 159, 90), 150 );</p><p> //garage door</p><p> level.bunkers[151] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, -41), (0, 159, 0), 151 );</p><p> level.bunkers[152] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, 13), (0, 159, 0), 152 );</p><p> level.bunkers[153] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, 46), (0, 159, 0), 153 );</p><p> level.bunkers[158] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, -20), (0, 159, 0), 158 );</p><p> level.bunkers[154] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, -41), (0, 159, 0), 154 );</p><p> level.bunkers[155] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, 13), (0, 159, 0), 155 );</p><p> level.bunkers[156] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, 46), (0, 159, 0), 156 );</p><p> level.bunkers[157] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, -20), (0, 159, 0), 157 );</p><p> //upstairs door</p><p> level.bunkers[54] = createBlock( ( -1029, 608, 93), (0, 159, 0), 54 );</p><p> level.bunkers[55] = createBlock( ( -1048, 614, 93), (0, 159, 0), 55 );</p><p> level.bunkers[56] = createBlock( ( -1029, 608, 108), (0, 159, 0), 56 );</p><p> //doors blue house</p><p> level.Doors[4] = DoorBlock( ( -728, 363, 95), (0, 159, 0), 4 );</p><p> level.Doors[5] = DoorBlock( ( -728, 363, 130), (0, 159, 0), 5 );</p><p> level.Doors[6] = DoorBlock( ( -728, 363, 165), (0, 159, 0), 6 );</p><p> //teleporter box</p><p> level.TeleporterBunker[1] = TeleporterBox( ( -560, 258, 95), (0, 159, 0), 2 );</p><p></p><p> //fort flooor</p><p> level.bunkers[63] = createBlock( ( -80, 1138, 364), (0, -87, 0), 63 );</p><p> level.bunkers[64] = createBlock( ( -148, 1134, 364), (0, -87, 0), 64 );</p><p> level.bunkers[65] = createBlock( ( -15, 1141, 364), (0, -87, 0), 65 );</p><p> level.bunkers[66] = createBlock( ( -146, 1099, 364), (0, -87, 0), 66 );</p><p> level.bunkers[67] = createBlock( ( -79, 1102, 364), (0, -87, 0), 67 );</p><p> level.bunkers[68] = createBlock( ( -12, 1104, 364), (0, -87, 0), 68 );</p><p> level.bunkers[69] = createBlock( ( -17, 1177, 364), (0, -87, 0), 69 );</p><p> level.bunkers[70] = createBlock( ( -81, 1173, 364), (0, -87, 0), 70 );</p><p> level.bunkers[71] = createBlock( ( -149, 1169, 364), (0, -87, 0), 71 );</p><p> level.bunkers[72] = createBlock( ( -19, 1210, 364), (0, -87, 0), 72 );</p><p> level.bunkers[73] = createBlock( ( -83, 1207, 364), (0, -87, 0), 73 );</p><p> level.bunkers[74] = createBlock( ( -152, 1204, 364), (0, -87, 0), 74 );</p><p> //walls</p><p> level.bunkers[75] = createBlock( ( 0, 1245, 410), (0, -87, 90), 75 );</p><p> level.bunkers[76] = createBlock( ( 33, 1210, 410), (0, -87, 90), 76 );</p><p> level.bunkers[77] = createBlock( ( 31, 1172, 410), (0, -87, 90), 77 );</p><p> level.bunkers[78] = createBlock( ( -31, 1243, 410), (0, -87, 90), 78 );</p><p> level.bunkers[79] = createBlock( ( 34, 1138, 410), (0, -87, 90), 79 );</p><p> level.bunkers[80] = createBlock( ( -61, 1243, 410), (0, -87, 90), 80 );</p><p> level.bunkers[81] = createBlock( ( -91, 1240, 410), (0, -87, 90), 81 );</p><p> level.bunkers[82] = createBlock( ( -122, 1239, 410), (0, -87, 90), 82 );</p><p> level.bunkers[83] = createBlock( ( -152, 1237, 410), (0, -87, 90), 83 );</p><p> level.bunkers[84] = createBlock( ( -184, 1236, 410), (0, -87, 90), 84 );</p><p> level.bunkers[85] = createBlock( ( 36, 1104, 410), (0, -87, 90), 85 );</p><p> level.bunkers[86] = createBlock( ( -200, 1201, 410), (0, -87, 90), 86 );</p><p> level.bunkers[87] = createBlock( ( -200, 1167, 410), (0, -87, 90), 87 );</p><p> level.bunkers[88] = createBlock( ( -198, 1131, 410), (0, -87, 90), 88 );</p><p> level.bunkers[89] = createBlock( ( -195, 1096, 410), (0, -87, 90), 89 );</p><p> //front wall</p><p> level.bunkers[90] = createBlock( ( -141, 1067, 410), (0, -87, 90), 90 );</p><p> level.bunkers[91] = createBlock( ( -73, 1069, 410), (0, -87, 90), 91 );</p><p> level.bunkers[92] = createBlock( ( -7, 1072, 410), (0, -87, 90), 92 );</p><p> //fort roof</p><p> level.bunkers[93] = createBlock( ( -80, 1138, 500), (0, -87, 0), 93 );</p><p> level.bunkers[94] = createBlock( ( -148, 1134, 500), (0, -87, 0), 94 );</p><p> level.bunkers[95] = createBlock( ( -15, 1141, 500), (0, -87, 0), 95 );</p><p> level.bunkers[96] = createBlock( ( -146, 1099, 500), (0, -87, 0), 96 );</p><p> level.bunkers[97] = createBlock( ( -79, 1102, 500), (0, -87, 0), 97 );</p><p> level.bunkers[98] = createBlock( ( -12, 1104, 500), (0, -87, 0), 98 );</p><p> level.bunkers[99] = createBlock( ( -17, 1177, 500), (0, -87, 0), 99 );</p><p> level.bunkers[100] = createBlock( ( -81, 1173, 500), (0, -87, 0), 100 );</p><p> level.bunkers[101] = createBlock( ( -149, 1169, 500), (0, -87, 0), 101 );</p><p> level.bunkers[102] = createBlock( ( -19, 1210, 500), (0, -87, 0), 102 );</p><p> level.bunkers[103] = createBlock( ( -83, 1207, 500), (0, -87, 0), 103 );</p><p> level.bunkers[104] = createBlock( ( -152, 1204, 500), (0, -87, 0), 104 );</p><p> //walls little higher to connect to roof</p><p> level.bunkers[105] = createBlock( ( 0, 1245, 464), (0, -87, 90), 105 );</p><p> level.bunkers[106] = createBlock( ( 33, 1210, 464), (0, -87, 90), 106 );</p><p> level.bunkers[107] = createBlock( ( 31, 1172, 464), (0, -87, 90), 107 );</p><p> level.bunkers[108] = createBlock( ( -31, 1243, 464), (0, -87, 90), 108 );</p><p> level.bunkers[109] = createBlock( ( 34, 1138, 464), (0, -87, 90), 109 );</p><p> level.bunkers[110] = createBlock( ( -61, 1243, 464), (0, -87, 90), 110 );</p><p> level.bunkers[111] = createBlock( ( -91, 1240, 464), (0, -87, 90), 111 );</p><p> level.bunkers[112] = createBlock( ( -122, 1239, 464), (0, -87, 90), 112 );</p><p> level.bunkers[113] = createBlock( ( -152, 1237, 464), (0, -87, 90), 113 );</p><p> level.bunkers[114] = createBlock( ( -184, 1236, 464), (0, -87, 90), 114 );</p><p> level.bunkers[115] = createBlock( ( 36, 1104, 464), (0, -87, 90), 115 );</p><p> level.bunkers[116] = createBlock( ( -200, 1201, 464), (0, -87, 90), 116 );</p><p> level.bunkers[117] = createBlock( ( -200, 1167, 464), (0, -87, 90), 117 );</p><p> level.bunkers[118] = createBlock( ( -198, 1131, 464), (0, -87, 90), 118 );</p><p> level.bunkers[119] = createBlock( ( -195, 1096, 464), (0, -87, 90), 119 );</p><p></p><p> //front wall higher</p><p> level.bunkers[120] = createBlock( ( -141, 1067, 464), (0, -87, 90), 120 );</p><p> level.bunkers[121] = createBlock( ( -73, 1069, 464), (0, -87, 90), 121 );</p><p> level.bunkers[122] = createBlock( ( -7, 1072, 464), (0, -87, 90), 122 );</p><p></p><p> //pack-a-punch</p><p> level.PackaPunch[1] = PackBox( ( -82, 1208, 396), (0, -87, 0) );</p><p></p><p> //zombie spawn fort</p><p> //blue side wall</p><p> level.bunkers[123] = createBlock( ( 22, 328, -21), (0, 15, 0), 123 );</p><p> level.bunkers[124] = createBlock( ( 22, 328, 12), (0, 15, 0), 124 );</p><p> level.bunkers[125] = createBlock( ( 22, 328, 45), (0, 15, 0), 125 );</p><p> level.bunkers[126] = createBlock( ( 27, 305, -21), (0, 15, 0), 126 );</p><p> level.bunkers[127] = createBlock( ( 27, 305, 12), (0, 15, 0), 127 );</p><p> level.bunkers[128] = createBlock( ( 27, 305, 45), (0, 15, 0), 128 );</p><p> //gold side wall</p><p> level.bunkers[129] = createBlock( ( 193, 371, -21), (0, 15, 0), 129 );</p><p> level.bunkers[130] = createBlock( ( 193, 371, 12), (0, 15, 0), 130 );</p><p> level.bunkers[131] = createBlock( ( 193, 371, 45), (0, 15, 0), 131 );</p><p> level.bunkers[132] = createBlock( ( 200, 350, -21), (0, 15, 0), 132 );</p><p> level.bunkers[133] = createBlock( ( 200, 350, 12), (0, 15, 0), 133 );</p><p> level.bunkers[134] = createBlock( ( 200, 350, 45), (0, 15, 0), 134 );</p><p> //front wall</p><p> level.bunkers[135] = createBlock( ( 89, 551, -21), (0, -75, 0), 135 );</p><p> level.bunkers[136] = createBlock( ( 89, 551, 0), (0, -75, 0), 136 );</p><p> level.bunkers[137] = createBlock( ( 22, 534, -21), (0, -75, 0), 137 );</p><p> level.bunkers[138] = createBlock( ( 22, 534, 0), (0, -75, 0), 138 );</p><p> level.bunkers[139] = createBlock( ( 93, 520, -21), (0, -75, 0), 139 );</p><p> level.bunkers[140] = createBlock( ( 29, 504, -21), (0, -75, 0), 140 );</p><p></p><p> level.minigunBox[1] = DoorBlock( ( -801, 280, -41), (0, 70, 0), 7 );</p><p> level.minigun[1] = createGun( ( -787, 278, -85), (0, 155, 0), "minigun_mp" );</p><p>}</p><p>BuyGuns()</p><p>{</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["evoskorpion_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1Skorpion^7(^2$650^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["evoskorpion_mp"].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 650 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 650;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "evoskorpion_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "evoskorpion_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "evoskorpion_mp" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 649 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["saiga12_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1S-12^7(^2$650^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["saiga12_mp"].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 650 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 650;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "saiga12_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "saiga12_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "saiga12_mp" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 649 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["peacekeeper_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1Peacekeeper ^7(^2$650^7)" );</p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["peacekeeper_mp"].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 650 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 650;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "peacekeeper_mp" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 649 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["tar21_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1M-TAR^7(^2$500^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["tar21_mp"].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 500 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 500;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "tar21_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "tar21_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "tar21_mp" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 499 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["qcw05_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^Chicom CQB^7(^2$600^7)" );</p><p> </p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["qcw05_mp"].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 600;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "qcw05_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "qcw05_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "qcw05_mp" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["beretta93r_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1B23R ^7(^2$550^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["beretta93r_mp"].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 550 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 550;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveWeapon( "beretta93r_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "beretta93r_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "beretta93r_mp" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 549 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[1].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Doors^7(^2$750^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[1].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 750;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self thread DoorsMove();</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[4].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Doors^7(^2$750^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[4].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 750;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self thread DoorsMove2();</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[1].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Teleportation^7(^2$600^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[1].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 600;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self thread Teleporter1Used();</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[2].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Teleportation^7(^2$600^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[2].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 600;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self thread Teleporter2Used();</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[7].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Minigun^7(^2$3,500^7)" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "or" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Refill Ammo^7(^2$2,000^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[7].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 2000 && self getCurrentWeapon() == "minigun_mp" )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 3500;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self thread MinigunUse();</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> wait 2;</p><p></p><p> time = 0;</p><p> while( time != 9 )</p><p> {</p><p> time++;</p><p> wait 0.5;</p><p> }</p><p> self thread refillmini();</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 3500 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 3500;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self thread MinigunUse();</p><p> wait 3;</p><p> self giveWeapon( "minigun_mp" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "minigun_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "minigun_mp" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 3499 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> </p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.Mbox.origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Mystery Box^7(^2$750^7)" );</p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.Mbox.origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 750;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self thread RandomGuns();</p><p> self iprintlnbold ("RandomGuns()");</p><p> self freeze_player_controls( true );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> </p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.pBox.origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Pack-A-Punch^7(^2$750^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.pBox.origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 750;</p><p> self thread PackedWeapon();</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[2].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> { </p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Overkill^7(^2$1,000^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[2].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 1000 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 1000;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self giveWeapon( "judge_mp" );</p><p> self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "judge_mp", 0 );</p><p> self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "judge_mp", 0 );</p><p> self iPrintln( "Swap The Python For A Gun" );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 999 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[3].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> { </p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Slight Of Hand Pro^7(^2$800^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[3].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 800 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 800;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_fastreload");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_fastads"); </p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 799 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[4].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> { </p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Steady Aim^7(^2$600^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[4].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 600;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self setPerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy"); </p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[1].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> { </p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Juggernaut^7(^2$1,500^7)" );</p><p></p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[1].origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 1500 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 1500;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self.maxhealth = 720;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> self notify( "Jugg_Bought" );</p><p> self thread HumanHealthJugg();</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 1499 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> </p><p> }</p><p> else if( distance( self.origin, level.ammobox.origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Ammo^7(^2$500^7)" );</p><p> while( distance( self.origin, level.ammobox.origin ) < 60 )</p><p> {</p><p> if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 500 )</p><p> {</p><p> -= 500;</p><p> self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register");</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "fnp45_mp" );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( "fiveseven_mp" );</p><p> self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "frag_grenade_mp", 1 );</p><p> self iprintlnbold("Purchased");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 499 )</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" );</p><p> }</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> wait 0.1; </p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>Teleporter1Used()</p><p>{</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -76, 1137, 381 ), ( 0, -87, 0 ) );</p><p> self iPrintlnBold("^1Teleported");</p><p> wait 15;</p><p> self setOrigin( ( -595, 261, -56 ), ( 0, 116, 0 ) );</p><p> self iPrintlnBold("^1Teleported");</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>Teleporter2Used()</p><p>{</p><p> self setOrigin( ( 743, 647, -56 ), ( 0, -33, 0 ) );</p><p> self iPrintlnBold("^1Teleported");</p><p>}</p><p>DoorsMove()</p><p>{</p><p> level.CreateDoor[1] moveTo( ( 789, 236, 190 ), 1.5 );</p><p> level.CreateDoor[2] moveTo( ( 789, 236, 190 ), 1.5 );</p><p> level.CreateDoor[3] moveTo( ( 789, 236, 190 ), 1.5 );</p><p>}</p><p>DoorsMove2()</p><p>{</p><p> level.CreateDoor[4] moveTo( ( -728, 363, 190 ), 1.5 );</p><p> level.CreateDoor[5] moveTo( ( -728, 363, 190 ), 1.5 );</p><p> level.CreateDoor[6] moveTo( ( -728, 363, 190 ), 1.5 );</p><p>}</p><p>deathBarrier()</p><p>{</p><p> ents = getEntArray();</p><p> for ( index = 0; index < ents.size; index++ )</p><p> {</p><p> if(isSubStr(ents[index].classname, "trigger_hurt"))</p><p> ents[index].origin = (0, 0, 9999999);</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>onPlayerKilled( eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, deathAnimDuration )</p><p>{</p><p> if ( isDefined( attacker ) && isPlayer( attacker ) && self != attacker )</p><p> {</p><p> attacker thread KillMoney();</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>KillMoney()</p><p>{</p><p> += 150;</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>MinigunUse()</p><p>{</p><p> level.gun["minigun_mp"] moveTo( ( -787, 278, 0), 3 );</p><p> wait 6;</p><p> level.gun["minigun_mp"] moveTo( ( -787, 278, -85), 3 );</p><p>}</p><p>RandomGuns()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon( "death" );</p><p> self endon( "disconnect" );</p><p></p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector ran" );</p><p> gun = randomIntRange(1, 9);</p><p> if(gun == 1)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "1";</p><p> self thread DoText( "crossbow" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "crossbow_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector crossbow_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p> if(gun == 2)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "2";</p><p> self thread DoText( "RPG" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "usrpg_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector usrpg_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p> if(gun == 3)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "3";</p><p> self thread DoText( "Executioner" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "judge_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector judge_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p> if(gun == 4)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "4";</p><p> self thread DoText( "870mcs_mp" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "870mcs_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector 870mcs_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p> if(gun == 5)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "5";</p><p> self thread DoText( "AN-94" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "an94_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector an94_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p> if(gun == 6)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "6";</p><p> self thread DoText( "Ballista" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "ballista_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector ballista_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p> if(gun == 7)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "7";</p><p> self thread DoText( "DSR" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "dsr50_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector dsr50_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p> if(gun == 8)</p><p> {</p><p> self.gun = "8";</p><p> self thread DoText( "HAMR" );</p><p> self thread TakeOrLeave( "hamr_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Random selector hamr_mp" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>DoText( text )</p><p>{</p><p> self endon( "death" );</p><p> self endon( "disconnect" );</p><p></p><p> showGun = self createFontString( "objective", 2 );</p><p> showGun setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0 );</p><p> showGun setText( gun );</p><p> showGun.color = ( 200/255, 0/255, 0/255 );</p><p></p><p> self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" );</p><p> self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" );</p><p> self thread DeathDelete(showGun);</p><p></p><p> wait 5;</p><p> showGun destroy();</p><p>}</p><p>DeathDelete(entity)</p><p>{</p><p> self waittill("death");</p><p> entity delete();</p><p> entity destroy();</p><p>}</p><p>TakeOrLeave( gungun )</p><p>{</p><p> self endon( "Mystery_Box_Used" );</p><p></p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> if( self ADSButtonPressed() )</p><p> {</p><p> self freeze_player_controls( false );</p><p> self notify( "Mystery_Box_Used" );</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> else if( self AttackButtonPressed() )</p><p> {</p><p> self freeze_player_controls( false );</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self giveWeapon( gungun );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( gungun );</p><p> self giveMaxAmmo( gungun );</p><p> self notify( "Mystery_Box_Used" );</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>PackedWeapon()</p><p>{</p><p> if( self getCurrentWeapon() == "evoskorpion_mp" )</p><p> {</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self GiveWeapon( "sf_evoskorpion_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "sf_evoskorpion_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" );</p><p> }</p><p> if( self getCurrentWeapon() == "peacekeeper_mp" )</p><p> {</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self GiveWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" );</p><p> }</p><p> if( self getCurrentWeapon() == "tar21_mp" )</p><p> {</p><p> self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() );</p><p> self GiveWeapon( "dualoptic_tar21_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" );</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "dualoptic_tar21_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" );</p><p> }</p><p> else</p><p> {</p><p> self iPrintln( "" );</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> self iPrintln( "This Weapon Has Not Been Added" );</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> self iPrintln( "Or" );</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> self iPrintln( "Your Weapon Is Already Pack-A-Punched" );</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>EndTheGame()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "disconnect" );</p><p></p><p> wait 15;</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> if( level.aliveCount["allies"] == 0 )</p><p> {</p><p> thread endGame("^2You ^1Survived " + self.round + " Rounds");</p><p> }</p><p></p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>endGame(message)</p><p>{</p><p> thread maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::endGame( "win", message );</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>MonitorRound()</p><p>{</p><p> self.round = 1;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 2;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 3;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 4;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 5;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 6;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 7;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 8;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 9;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 10;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 11;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 12;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 13;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 14;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 15;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 16;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 17;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 18;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 19;</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self.round = 20;</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>NotifyRound()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "disconnect" );</p><p></p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> wait 60;</p><p> self notify( "new_round" );</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>DisplayRound()</p><p>{</p><p> RoundDisplay = self createFontString( "objective", 3.5 );</p><p> RoundDisplay setPoint( "LEFT", "CENTER", -225, 130 );</p><p></p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> RoundDisplay setText( "^1" + self.round );</p><p> wait 0.5;</p><p> }</p><p> self waittill ("death");</p><p> RoundDisplay destroy();</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>DisplayRtxt()</p><p>{</p><p> txtRDis = self createFontString( "objective", 3.0 );</p><p> txtRDis setPoint( "LEFT", "CENTER", -250, 95 );</p><p></p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> txtRDis setText( "^1Round:" );</p><p> wait 0.5;</p><p> }</p><p> self waittill ("death");</p><p> txtRDis destroy();</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>RoundSettings()</p><p>{</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> self waittill( "new_round" );</p><p></p><p> if( self.pers["team"] == "axis" )</p><p> {</p><p> self thread ZombieSettings();</p><p> }</p><p> else if( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )</p><p> {</p><p> if (!maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_utils::isvalidclass(self.pers["class"]))</p><p> {</p><p> self.pers["class"] = "CLASS_CUSTOM1";</p><p> self.class = self.pers["class"];</p><p> }</p><p> self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::closemenus();</p><p> self unlink();</p><p> if( isDefined( self.spectate_cam))</p><p> {</p><p> self.spectate_cam delete();</p><p> }</p><p> self changeteam("allies");</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> self thread [[level.spawnplayer]]();</p><p> }</p><p> else if( self.pers["team"] == "allies" )</p><p> {</p><p> += 400;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>changeteam(team)</p><p>{</p><p> self.pers["team"] = team;</p><p> = team;</p><p> self.sessionteam = self.pers["team"];</p><p> self iprintln("^1Respawned it is Round:"+ self.round);</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>ZombieHealth()</p><p>{</p><p> if(self.round == 1)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 100;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 2)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 125;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 3)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 150;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 4)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 175;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 5)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 200;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 6)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 225;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 7)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 250;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 8)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 275;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 9)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 300;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 10)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 325;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 11)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 350;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 12)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 375;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 13)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 400;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 14)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 425;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 15)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 450;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 16)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 475;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 17)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 500;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 18)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 525;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 19)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 550;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> else if(self.round == 20)</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 575;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p></p><p>HumanHealth()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "death" );</p><p> self endon ( "Jugg_Bought" );</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> if( <= 399 )</p><p> { </p><p> wait 5;</p><p> if( <= 399 )</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 400;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>HumanHealthJugg()</p><p>{</p><p> self endon ( "death" );</p><p> for(;;)</p><p> {</p><p> if( <= 719 )</p><p> {</p><p> wait 8;</p><p> if( <= 719 )</p><p> {</p><p> self.maxhealth = 720;</p><p> = self.maxhealth;</p><p> }</p><p> }</p><p> wait 0.1;</p><p> }</p><p>}</p><p>Credit()</p><p>{</p><p> CreditBar = self createBar( "black", 10000, 10000 );</p><p> CreditBar setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0 );</p><p> CreditBarTwo = self createBar( "black", 10000, 10000 );</p><p> CreditBarTwo setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0 );</p><p> CreditText = self createFontString( "objective", 2.2 );</p><p> CreditText setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -100 );</p><p> CreditText setText( "Deluxe Nuketown Survival" );</p><p> CreditText.color = ( 255/255, 0/255, 0/255 );</p><p> wait 2;</p><p> CreditText setText( "Made Possible By:" );</p><p> wait 1.5;</p><p> CreditText destroy();</p><p> CreditTextTwo = self createFontString( "objective", 3.2 );</p><p> CreditTextTwo setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -65 );</p><p> CreditTextTwo.color = ( 255/255, 255/255, 255/255 );</p><p> CreditTextTwo setText( "^3CheeseToast" );</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> CreditTextTwo.color = ( 255/255, 0/255, 0/255 );</p><p> CreditTextTwo setText( "&" );</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> CreditTextTwo.color = ( 255/255, 255/255, 255/255 );</p><p> CreditTextTwo setText( "^3Dr.Giggle^5Z" );</p><p> wait 1;</p><p> CreditTextTwo destroy();</p><p> CreditBar destroy();</p><p> wait 0.5;</p><p> CreditBarTwo destroy();</p><p>}</p><p>refillmini()</p><p>{</p><p> self GiveWeapon( "minigun_mp");</p><p> self switchToWeapon( "minigun_mp");</p><p> self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "minigun_mp", 200 );</p><p> self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "minigun_mp", 200 );</p><p>}[/CODE]</p><p>[/SPOILER]</p></blockquote><p></p>
[QUOTE="Dr.GiggleZ, post: 5155, member: 2373"] Well here's Deluxe Nuketown Survival almost semi finshed i just need to add guns to pack a punch and mystery box... *Note- Releasing this here only for now since the bugs lol [SPOILER="Revision Number"]*Updates* **v.6** -initial release [/SPOILER] *****Aso if anyone can help with the bug that'd be greatly appreciated, probably won't work on this for a week or two lol decided to release what i've gotten working on bo2... Credit is in the code provided in spoiler**** -----Outdated vid----- [MEDIA=youtube]6gPfSuLqWAw[/MEDIA] ---Features--- *Auto map restart to nuketown *Auto Spawn for humans every round *Zombies gain health as rounds go by *Stable money system ---Bugs/Todo list-- *Major Bug: When in public no one can join once game has started.... *todos* -Finish mystery box and pack a punch -make zombie health more fair at beggining maybe lol - Maybe make barrier a little higher not sure yet... [SPOILER="Source"] [CODE] // // _____ _____ _ _ ______ // | __ \ / ____(_) | | |___ / // | | | |_ __| | __ _ __ _ __ _| | ___ / / // | | | | '__| | |_ | |/ _` |/ _` | |/ _ \ / / // | |__| | | _| |__| | | (_| | (_| | | __// /__ // |_____/|_|(_)\_____|_|\__, |\__, |_|\___/_____| // _/ | __/ | // |___/ |___/ //Made by Cheesetoast,map edit by Cannibal666,moved to bo2 by Dr.GiggleZ //Special Thanks to BullyWiiPlaza For helping me out/providing me with the End Game Message //Credit to anyone else i might have forgotten lol... #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message; init() { level thread onPlayerConnect(); level thread onPlayerConnected(); level thread doBlocks(); level thread deathBarrier(); level.onPlayerKilled = ::onPlayerKilled; level.disableweapondrop = 1; level.matchHasntStarted = 1; wait level.prematchPeriod; level.matchHasntStarted = 0; } onPlayerConnect() { for(;;) { level waittill( "connecting", player ); player thread onPlayerSpawned(); player thread BuyGuns(); player thread RoundSettings(); player thread NotifyRound(); player thread MonitorRound(); } } onPlayerConnected() { for(;;) { level waittill( "connected", player ); player [[level.autoassign]](); player thread TeamsAreEqual(); player thread Money(); player thread EndTheGame(); wait 4; player thread Credit(); } } onPlayerSpawned() { self endon("disconnect"); level endon("game_ended"); for(;;) { self waittill("spawned_player"); self thread Settings(); self thread DisplayRound(); self thread DisplayRtxt(); self thread CheckMap(); if(self isHost()) { self thread hearplayers(); } } } hearplayers() { setmatchtalkflag("EveryoneHearsEveryone", 1); } CheckMap() { if(GetDvar("mapname") != "mp_nuketown_2020") { iprintlnbold("^1Map is reseting to nuketown in 10 secs"); wait 10; map("mp_nuketown_2020"); } } Settings() { if( self.pers["team"] == "axis" ) { self clearPerks(); self setPerk("specialty_fallheight"); level.disableweapondrop = 1; self.disableweapondrop = 1; self thread ZombieGuns(); wait 0.1; self thread ZombieSettings(); wait 0.1; self thread ZombieHealth(); wait 0.1; self thread ZombiePerks(); wait 0.1; self thread MonitorKnifing(); } else if( self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self clearPerks(); self setPerk("specialty_fallheight"); level.disableweapondrop = 1; self.disableweapondrop = 1; self thread HumanGuns(); wait 0.1; self thread ShowCash(); wait 0.1; self thread HumansSettings(); wait 0.1; self thread SwitchToSpectator(); wait 0.1; self thread HumanHealth(); wait 0.1; self thread HumansPerks(); wait 0.1; self thread HumansGlitching(); } } HumanGuns() { self takeAllWeapons(); self giveWeapon( "fiveseven_mp" ); self giveWeapon( "frag_grenade_mp" ); self giveWeapon( "knife_mp" ); self giveWeapon( "fnp45_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "fiveseven_mp" ); } ZombieGuns() { self takeAllWeapons(); self giveWeapon( "knife_ballistic_mp" ); self giveWeapon( "knife_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "knife_ballistic_mp" ); self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "knife_ballistic_mp", 0 ); self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "knife_ballistic_mp", 0 ); } MonitorKnifing() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); self endon ( "death" ); for(;;) { if(self MeleeButtonPressed()) { self setPerk("specialty_showonradar"); wait 2.25; self unsetPerk("specialty_showonradar"); } wait 0.1; } } SwitchToSpectator() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); self waittill( "death" ); self [[level.spectator]](); self iprintlnbold("You will be automatically spwned in next round"); } ZombieSettings() { self endon( "disconnect" ); spawn = randomIntRange(1, 7); if(spawn == 1) { self setOrigin( ( 116, 337, -35 ), ( 0, 225, 0 ) ); } else if(spawn == 2) { self setOrigin( ( 495, 1004, -62 ), ( 0, -103, 0 ) ); } else if(spawn == 3) { self setOrigin( ( 2005, 431, -62 ), ( 0, -157, 0 ) ); } else if(spawn == 4) { self setOrigin( ( -681, -235, -59 ), ( 0, 115, 0 ) ); } else if(spawn == 5) { self setOrigin( ( -2019, 448, -62 ), ( 0, -18, 0 ) ); } else if(spawn == 6) { self setOrigin( ( -496, 924, -62 ), ( 0, -35, 0 ) ); } } HumansSettings() { self endon( "disconnect" ); self freeze_player_controls( false ); Hspawn = randomIntRange(1, 7); if(Hspawn == 1) { self setOrigin( ( 841, 584, -37 ), ( 0, 225, 0 ) ); } else if(Hspawn == 2) { self setOrigin( ( 797, 394, -57 ), ( 0, -108, 0 ) ); } else if(Hspawn == 3) { self setOrigin( ( 1066, 466, 80 ), ( 0, -131, 0 ) ); } else if(Hspawn == 4) { self setOrigin( ( -828, 9, -57 ), ( 0, 121, 0 ) ); } else if(Hspawn == 5) { self setOrigin( ( -558, 269, -57 ), ( 0, 225, 0 ) ); } else if(Hspawn == 6) { self setOrigin( ( -809, 333, 80 ), ( 0, 102, 0 ) ); } } HumansPerks() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); self clearPerks(); self setPerk("specialty_healthregen"); self setPerk("specialty_finalstand"); self setPerk("specialty_pistoldeath"); self setPerk("specialty_quieter"); self setPerk("specialty_loudenemies"); self setPerk("specialty_nomotionsensor"); self setPerk("specialty_gpsjammer"); } ZombiePerks() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); self clearPerks(); self setPerk("specialty_gpsjammer"); self setPerk("specialty_reconnaissance"); self setPerk("specialty_nottargetedbyai"); self setPerk("specialty_noname"); self setPerk("specialty_detectexplosive"); } TeamsAreEqual() { for(;;) { if( level.playerCount["allies"] >= 6 && self.pers["team"] == "spectator" ) { self [[level.axis]](); } wait 0.01; } } Money() { if(self isHost()) { = 40000; } else { = 1000; } } HumansGlitching() { self endon ( "death" ); for(;;) { self unsetPerk("specialty_showonradar"); wait 27; self setPerk("specialty_showonradar"); wait 3; } } ShowCash() { CashDisplay = self createFontString( "objective", 1.7 ); CashDisplay setPoint( "TOPRIGHT", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 0 ); for(;;) { CashDisplay setText( "^5Cash: ^1$" + ); wait 0.5; } self waittill ("death"); CashDisplay destroy(); } PackBox( pos, ang ) { level.pBox = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.pBox setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); level.pBox.angles = ang; } createBlock( pos, angles, num ) { level.crate[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.crate[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally" ); level.crate[num].angles = angles; } createPerk( pos, angles, num ) { level.perk[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.perk[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis" ); level.perk[num].angles = angles; FlagEffect = loadfx( "misc/fx_ui_flagbase_gold_t5" ); Effect = PlayLoopedFX( FlagEffect, 1, pos - ( 0, 0, 34 ) ); } AmmoBox( pos, angles ) { level.ammobox = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.ammobox setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis" ); level.ammobox.angles = angles; } MysteryBox( pos, angles ) { level.Mbox = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.Mbox setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); level.Mbox.angles = angles; } TeleporterBox( pos, angles, num ) { level.Tbox[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.Tbox[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); level.Tbox[num].angles = angles; } createGun( pos, angles, gun ) { level.gun[gun] = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.gun[gun] setModel( getWeaponModel( gun ) ); level.gun[gun].angles = angles; } DoorBlock( pos, angles, num ) { level.CreateDoor[num] = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.CreateDoor[num] setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_hq" ); level.CreateDoor[num].angles = angles; } ZombieBlock( pos, angles ) { level.ZombieCrate = spawn( "script_model", pos ); level.ZombieCrate setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis" ); level.ZombieCrate.angles = angles; } doBlocks() { //CheeseToast made this map(edited/organized by Cannibal666) //bottom door next to stairs level.bunkers[1] = createBlock( ( 575, 116, -31), (0, 195, 0), 1 ); level.bunkers[2] = createBlock( ( 575, 116, -46), (0, 195, 0), 2 ); level.bunkers[3] = createBlock( ( 551, 111, -46), (0, 195, 0), 3 ); //uper dooor next to stairs level.bunkers[4] = createBlock( ( 1146, 306, 92), (0, 195, 0), 4 ); level.bunkers[5] = createBlock( ( 1146, 306, 107), (0, 195, 0), 5 ); level.bunkers[6] = createBlock( ( 1180, 312, 92), (0, 195, 0), 6 ); //bottom door behind stairs level.bunkers[7] = createBlock( ( 1155, 267, -31), (0, 195, 0), 7 ); level.bunkers[8] = createBlock( ( 1155, 267, -46), (0, 195, 0), 8 ); level.bunkers[9] = createBlock( ( 1189, 273, -46), (0, 195, 0), 9 ); //big garage door //right level.bunkers[10] = createBlock( ( 681, 518, -41), (0, 195, 0), 10 ); level.bunkers[11] = createBlock( ( 681, 518, -6), (0, 195, 0), 11 ); level.bunkers[12] = createBlock( ( 681, 518, 29), (0, 195, 0), 12 ); //lefft level.bunkers[13] = createBlock( ( 700, 456, -41), (0, 195, 0), 13 ); level.bunkers[14] = createBlock( ( 700, 456, -6), (0, 195, 0), 14 ); level.bunkers[15] = createBlock( ( 700, 456, 29), (0, 195, 0), 15 ); //small garage door level.bunkers[16] = createBlock( ( 1010, 693, -41), (0, 195, 0), 16 ); level.bunkers[17] = createBlock( ( 1010, 693, -6), (0, 195, 0), 17 ); level.bunkers[18] = createBlock( ( 1010, 693, 29), (0, 195, 0), 18 ); //upstairs teleporter room //window blocks level.bunkers[19] = createBlock( ( 577, 64, 126), (0, 195, 0), 19 ); level.bunkers[20] = createBlock( ( 583, 42, 126), (0, 195, 0), 20 ); level.bunkers[21] = createBlock( ( 577, 64, 158), (0, 195, 0), 21 ); level.bunkers[22] = createBlock( ( 583, 42, 158), (0, 195, 0), 22 ); //teleporter box level.bunkers[23] = TeleporterBox( ( 652, 6, 96), (0, -76, 0), 1 ); //doors level.Doors[1] = DoorBlock( ( 789, 236, 95), (0, 195, 0), 1 ); level.Doors[2] = DoorBlock( ( 789, 236, 130), (0, 195, 0), 2 ); level.Doors[3] = DoorBlock( ( 789, 236, 165), (0, 195, 0), 3 ); //gold house guns level.guns[1] = createGun( ( 677, 596, -8 ), ( 0, 105, 0 ), "beretta93r_mp" );//b23r level.guns[2] = createGun( ( 660, 650, -8 ), ( 0, 105, 0 ), "tar21_mp" );//mtar level.guns[3] = createGun( ( 910, 179, -3 ), ( 0, 105, 0 ), "saiga12_mp" );//s12 //blue house guns level.guns[4] = createGun( ( -904, 350, -8 ), ( 0, 155, 0 ), "evoskorpion_mp" ); level.guns[5] = createGun( ( -965, 716, 123 ), ( 0, -111, 0 ), "qcw05_mp" );//chicom level.guns[6] = createGun( ( -746, 578, 123 ), ( 0, 155, 0 ), "peacekeeper_mp" ); //perk boxes level.perks[1] = createPerk( ( 784, 365, 113 ), ( 0, 285, 90 ), 1 ); level.perks[2] = createPerk( ( 572, 300, -23 ), ( 0, 285, 90 ), 2 ); level.perks[3] = createPerk( ( -1066, 426, 113 ), ( 0, 159, 90 ), 3 ); level.perks[4] = createPerk( ( -753, 513, -25 ), ( 0, 159, 90 ), 4 ); //ammo box level.ammo[1] = AmmoBox( ( 954, 745, -23), (0, 105, 90) ); //mystery box level.mystery[1] = MysteryBox( ( -500, 418, 95), (0, 159, 0) ); //blue house //window level.bunkers[41] = createBlock( ( -500, 305, 131), (0, 159, 0), 41 ); level.bunkers[42] = createBlock( ( -516, 260, 131), (0, 159, 0), 42 ); level.bunkers[43] = createBlock( ( -500, 305, 162), (0, 159, 0), 43 ); level.bunkers[44] = createBlock( ( -516, 260, 162), (0, 159, 0), 44 ); //front door level.bunkers[45] = createBlock( ( -476, 384, -46), (0, 159, 0), 45 ); level.bunkers[46] = createBlock( ( -460, 378, -46), (0, 159, 0), 46 ); level.bunkers[47] = createBlock( ( -476, 384, -31), (0, 159, 0), 47 ); //door behind stairs level.bunkers[48] = createBlock( ( -996, 704, -46), (0, 159, 0), 48 ); level.bunkers[49] = createBlock( ( -1012, 710, -46), (0, 159, 0), 49 ); level.bunkers[50] = createBlock( ( -996, 704, -31), (0, 159, 0), 50 ); //back side wall to garage level.bunkers[51] = createBlock( ( -1043, 379, -33), (0, 159, 90), 51 ); level.bunkers[52] = createBlock( ( -1053, 351, -33), (0, 159, 90), 52 ); level.bunkers[53] = createBlock( ( -1064, 322, -33), (0, 159, 90), 53 ); level.bunkers[141] = createBlock( ( -1077, 293, -33), (0, 159, 90), 141 ); level.bunkers[142] = createBlock( ( -1089, 265, -33), (0, 159, 90), 142 ); level.bunkers[143] = createBlock( ( -1101, 235, -33), (0, 159, 90), 143 ); level.bunkers[144] = createBlock( ( -1113, 206, -33), (0, 159, 90), 144 ); level.bunkers[145] = createBlock( ( -1125, 178, -33), (0, 159, 90), 145 ); level.bunkers[146] = createBlock( ( -1138, 150, -33), (0, 159, 90), 146 ); level.bunkers[147] = createBlock( ( -1149, 122, -33), (0, 159, 90), 147 ); level.bunkers[148] = createBlock( ( -1116, 107, -33), (0, 159, 90), 148 ); level.bunkers[149] = createBlock( ( -1084, 95, -33), (0, 159, 90), 149 ); level.bunkers[150] = createBlock( ( -1053, 83, -33), (0, 159, 90), 150 ); //garage door level.bunkers[151] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, -41), (0, 159, 0), 151 ); level.bunkers[152] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, 13), (0, 159, 0), 152 ); level.bunkers[153] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, 46), (0, 159, 0), 153 ); level.bunkers[158] = createBlock( ( -736, 167, -20), (0, 159, 0), 158 ); level.bunkers[154] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, -41), (0, 159, 0), 154 ); level.bunkers[155] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, 13), (0, 159, 0), 155 ); level.bunkers[156] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, 46), (0, 159, 0), 156 ); level.bunkers[157] = createBlock( ( -717, 216, -20), (0, 159, 0), 157 ); //upstairs door level.bunkers[54] = createBlock( ( -1029, 608, 93), (0, 159, 0), 54 ); level.bunkers[55] = createBlock( ( -1048, 614, 93), (0, 159, 0), 55 ); level.bunkers[56] = createBlock( ( -1029, 608, 108), (0, 159, 0), 56 ); //doors blue house level.Doors[4] = DoorBlock( ( -728, 363, 95), (0, 159, 0), 4 ); level.Doors[5] = DoorBlock( ( -728, 363, 130), (0, 159, 0), 5 ); level.Doors[6] = DoorBlock( ( -728, 363, 165), (0, 159, 0), 6 ); //teleporter box level.TeleporterBunker[1] = TeleporterBox( ( -560, 258, 95), (0, 159, 0), 2 ); //fort flooor level.bunkers[63] = createBlock( ( -80, 1138, 364), (0, -87, 0), 63 ); level.bunkers[64] = createBlock( ( -148, 1134, 364), (0, -87, 0), 64 ); level.bunkers[65] = createBlock( ( -15, 1141, 364), (0, -87, 0), 65 ); level.bunkers[66] = createBlock( ( -146, 1099, 364), (0, -87, 0), 66 ); level.bunkers[67] = createBlock( ( -79, 1102, 364), (0, -87, 0), 67 ); level.bunkers[68] = createBlock( ( -12, 1104, 364), (0, -87, 0), 68 ); level.bunkers[69] = createBlock( ( -17, 1177, 364), (0, -87, 0), 69 ); level.bunkers[70] = createBlock( ( -81, 1173, 364), (0, -87, 0), 70 ); level.bunkers[71] = createBlock( ( -149, 1169, 364), (0, -87, 0), 71 ); level.bunkers[72] = createBlock( ( -19, 1210, 364), (0, -87, 0), 72 ); level.bunkers[73] = createBlock( ( -83, 1207, 364), (0, -87, 0), 73 ); level.bunkers[74] = createBlock( ( -152, 1204, 364), (0, -87, 0), 74 ); //walls level.bunkers[75] = createBlock( ( 0, 1245, 410), (0, -87, 90), 75 ); level.bunkers[76] = createBlock( ( 33, 1210, 410), (0, -87, 90), 76 ); level.bunkers[77] = createBlock( ( 31, 1172, 410), (0, -87, 90), 77 ); level.bunkers[78] = createBlock( ( -31, 1243, 410), (0, -87, 90), 78 ); level.bunkers[79] = createBlock( ( 34, 1138, 410), (0, -87, 90), 79 ); level.bunkers[80] = createBlock( ( -61, 1243, 410), (0, -87, 90), 80 ); level.bunkers[81] = createBlock( ( -91, 1240, 410), (0, -87, 90), 81 ); level.bunkers[82] = createBlock( ( -122, 1239, 410), (0, -87, 90), 82 ); level.bunkers[83] = createBlock( ( -152, 1237, 410), (0, -87, 90), 83 ); level.bunkers[84] = createBlock( ( -184, 1236, 410), (0, -87, 90), 84 ); level.bunkers[85] = createBlock( ( 36, 1104, 410), (0, -87, 90), 85 ); level.bunkers[86] = createBlock( ( -200, 1201, 410), (0, -87, 90), 86 ); level.bunkers[87] = createBlock( ( -200, 1167, 410), (0, -87, 90), 87 ); level.bunkers[88] = createBlock( ( -198, 1131, 410), (0, -87, 90), 88 ); level.bunkers[89] = createBlock( ( -195, 1096, 410), (0, -87, 90), 89 ); //front wall level.bunkers[90] = createBlock( ( -141, 1067, 410), (0, -87, 90), 90 ); level.bunkers[91] = createBlock( ( -73, 1069, 410), (0, -87, 90), 91 ); level.bunkers[92] = createBlock( ( -7, 1072, 410), (0, -87, 90), 92 ); //fort roof level.bunkers[93] = createBlock( ( -80, 1138, 500), (0, -87, 0), 93 ); level.bunkers[94] = createBlock( ( -148, 1134, 500), (0, -87, 0), 94 ); level.bunkers[95] = createBlock( ( -15, 1141, 500), (0, -87, 0), 95 ); level.bunkers[96] = createBlock( ( -146, 1099, 500), (0, -87, 0), 96 ); level.bunkers[97] = createBlock( ( -79, 1102, 500), (0, -87, 0), 97 ); level.bunkers[98] = createBlock( ( -12, 1104, 500), (0, -87, 0), 98 ); level.bunkers[99] = createBlock( ( -17, 1177, 500), (0, -87, 0), 99 ); level.bunkers[100] = createBlock( ( -81, 1173, 500), (0, -87, 0), 100 ); level.bunkers[101] = createBlock( ( -149, 1169, 500), (0, -87, 0), 101 ); level.bunkers[102] = createBlock( ( -19, 1210, 500), (0, -87, 0), 102 ); level.bunkers[103] = createBlock( ( -83, 1207, 500), (0, -87, 0), 103 ); level.bunkers[104] = createBlock( ( -152, 1204, 500), (0, -87, 0), 104 ); //walls little higher to connect to roof level.bunkers[105] = createBlock( ( 0, 1245, 464), (0, -87, 90), 105 ); level.bunkers[106] = createBlock( ( 33, 1210, 464), (0, -87, 90), 106 ); level.bunkers[107] = createBlock( ( 31, 1172, 464), (0, -87, 90), 107 ); level.bunkers[108] = createBlock( ( -31, 1243, 464), (0, -87, 90), 108 ); level.bunkers[109] = createBlock( ( 34, 1138, 464), (0, -87, 90), 109 ); level.bunkers[110] = createBlock( ( -61, 1243, 464), (0, -87, 90), 110 ); level.bunkers[111] = createBlock( ( -91, 1240, 464), (0, -87, 90), 111 ); level.bunkers[112] = createBlock( ( -122, 1239, 464), (0, -87, 90), 112 ); level.bunkers[113] = createBlock( ( -152, 1237, 464), (0, -87, 90), 113 ); level.bunkers[114] = createBlock( ( -184, 1236, 464), (0, -87, 90), 114 ); level.bunkers[115] = createBlock( ( 36, 1104, 464), (0, -87, 90), 115 ); level.bunkers[116] = createBlock( ( -200, 1201, 464), (0, -87, 90), 116 ); level.bunkers[117] = createBlock( ( -200, 1167, 464), (0, -87, 90), 117 ); level.bunkers[118] = createBlock( ( -198, 1131, 464), (0, -87, 90), 118 ); level.bunkers[119] = createBlock( ( -195, 1096, 464), (0, -87, 90), 119 ); //front wall higher level.bunkers[120] = createBlock( ( -141, 1067, 464), (0, -87, 90), 120 ); level.bunkers[121] = createBlock( ( -73, 1069, 464), (0, -87, 90), 121 ); level.bunkers[122] = createBlock( ( -7, 1072, 464), (0, -87, 90), 122 ); //pack-a-punch level.PackaPunch[1] = PackBox( ( -82, 1208, 396), (0, -87, 0) ); //zombie spawn fort //blue side wall level.bunkers[123] = createBlock( ( 22, 328, -21), (0, 15, 0), 123 ); level.bunkers[124] = createBlock( ( 22, 328, 12), (0, 15, 0), 124 ); level.bunkers[125] = createBlock( ( 22, 328, 45), (0, 15, 0), 125 ); level.bunkers[126] = createBlock( ( 27, 305, -21), (0, 15, 0), 126 ); level.bunkers[127] = createBlock( ( 27, 305, 12), (0, 15, 0), 127 ); level.bunkers[128] = createBlock( ( 27, 305, 45), (0, 15, 0), 128 ); //gold side wall level.bunkers[129] = createBlock( ( 193, 371, -21), (0, 15, 0), 129 ); level.bunkers[130] = createBlock( ( 193, 371, 12), (0, 15, 0), 130 ); level.bunkers[131] = createBlock( ( 193, 371, 45), (0, 15, 0), 131 ); level.bunkers[132] = createBlock( ( 200, 350, -21), (0, 15, 0), 132 ); level.bunkers[133] = createBlock( ( 200, 350, 12), (0, 15, 0), 133 ); level.bunkers[134] = createBlock( ( 200, 350, 45), (0, 15, 0), 134 ); //front wall level.bunkers[135] = createBlock( ( 89, 551, -21), (0, -75, 0), 135 ); level.bunkers[136] = createBlock( ( 89, 551, 0), (0, -75, 0), 136 ); level.bunkers[137] = createBlock( ( 22, 534, -21), (0, -75, 0), 137 ); level.bunkers[138] = createBlock( ( 22, 534, 0), (0, -75, 0), 138 ); level.bunkers[139] = createBlock( ( 93, 520, -21), (0, -75, 0), 139 ); level.bunkers[140] = createBlock( ( 29, 504, -21), (0, -75, 0), 140 ); level.minigunBox[1] = DoorBlock( ( -801, 280, -41), (0, 70, 0), 7 ); level.minigun[1] = createGun( ( -787, 278, -85), (0, 155, 0), "minigun_mp" ); } BuyGuns() { for(;;) { if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["evoskorpion_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1Skorpion^7(^2$650^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["evoskorpion_mp"].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 650 ) { -= 650; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveWeapon( "evoskorpion_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "evoskorpion_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "evoskorpion_mp" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 649 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["saiga12_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1S-12^7(^2$650^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["saiga12_mp"].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 650 ) { -= 650; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveWeapon( "saiga12_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "saiga12_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "saiga12_mp" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 649 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["peacekeeper_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1Peacekeeper ^7(^2$650^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["peacekeeper_mp"].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 650 ) { -= 650; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "peacekeeper_mp" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 649 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["tar21_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1M-TAR^7(^2$500^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["tar21_mp"].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 500 ) { -= 500; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveWeapon( "tar21_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "tar21_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "tar21_mp" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 499 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["qcw05_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^Chicom CQB^7(^2$600^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["qcw05_mp"].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 ) { -= 600; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveWeapon( "qcw05_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "qcw05_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "qcw05_mp" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.gun["beretta93r_mp"].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy A ^1B23R ^7(^2$550^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.gun["beretta93r_mp"].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 550 ) { -= 550; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveWeapon( "beretta93r_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "beretta93r_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "beretta93r_mp" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 549 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[1].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Doors^7(^2$750^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[1].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 ) { -= 750; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self thread DoorsMove(); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[4].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Doors^7(^2$750^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[4].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 ) { -= 750; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self thread DoorsMove2(); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[1].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Teleportation^7(^2$600^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[1].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 ) { -= 600; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self thread Teleporter1Used(); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[2].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Teleportation^7(^2$600^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.Tbox[2].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 ) { -= 600; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self thread Teleporter2Used(); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[7].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Minigun^7(^2$3,500^7)" ); self iPrintln( "or" ); self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Refill Ammo^7(^2$2,000^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.CreateDoor[7].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 2000 && self getCurrentWeapon() == "minigun_mp" ) { -= 3500; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self thread MinigunUse(); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); wait 2; time = 0; while( time != 9 ) { time++; wait 0.5; } self thread refillmini(); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 3500 ) { -= 3500; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self thread MinigunUse(); wait 3; self giveWeapon( "minigun_mp" ); self switchToWeapon( "minigun_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "minigun_mp" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 3499 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.Mbox.origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Mystery Box^7(^2$750^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.Mbox.origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 ) { -= 750; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self thread RandomGuns(); self iprintlnbold ("RandomGuns()"); self freeze_player_controls( true ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.pBox.origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Pack-A-Punch^7(^2$750^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.pBox.origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 750 ) { -= 750; self thread PackedWeapon(); self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 749 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[2].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Overkill^7(^2$1,000^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[2].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 1000 ) { -= 1000; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self giveWeapon( "judge_mp" ); self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "judge_mp", 0 ); self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "judge_mp", 0 ); self iPrintln( "Swap The Python For A Gun" ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 999 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[3].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Slight Of Hand Pro^7(^2$800^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[3].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 800 ) { -= 800; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self setPerk("specialty_fastreload"); self setPerk("specialty_fastads"); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 799 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[4].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Steady Aim^7(^2$600^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[4].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 600 ) { -= 600; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self setPerk("specialty_bulletaccuracy"); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 599 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.perk[1].origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Juggernaut^7(^2$1,500^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.perk[1].origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 1500 ) { -= 1500; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self.maxhealth = 720; = self.maxhealth; self notify( "Jugg_Bought" ); self thread HumanHealthJugg(); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 1499 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } else if( distance( self.origin, level.ammobox.origin ) < 60 && self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { self iPrintln( "Hold [{+activate}] To Buy ^1Ammo^7(^2$500^7)" ); while( distance( self.origin, level.ammobox.origin ) < 60 ) { if( self useButtonPressed() && >= 500 ) { -= 500; self playLocalSound("uin_alert_cash_register"); self giveMaxAmmo( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveMaxAmmo( "fnp45_mp" ); self giveMaxAmmo( "fiveseven_mp" ); self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "frag_grenade_mp", 1 ); self iprintlnbold("Purchased"); } else if( self useButtonPressed() && <= 499 ) { self iPrintln( "^1Not Enough Money" ); } wait 1; } } wait 0.1; } } Teleporter1Used() { self setOrigin( ( -76, 1137, 381 ), ( 0, -87, 0 ) ); self iPrintlnBold("^1Teleported"); wait 15; self setOrigin( ( -595, 261, -56 ), ( 0, 116, 0 ) ); self iPrintlnBold("^1Teleported"); } Teleporter2Used() { self setOrigin( ( 743, 647, -56 ), ( 0, -33, 0 ) ); self iPrintlnBold("^1Teleported"); } DoorsMove() { level.CreateDoor[1] moveTo( ( 789, 236, 190 ), 1.5 ); level.CreateDoor[2] moveTo( ( 789, 236, 190 ), 1.5 ); level.CreateDoor[3] moveTo( ( 789, 236, 190 ), 1.5 ); } DoorsMove2() { level.CreateDoor[4] moveTo( ( -728, 363, 190 ), 1.5 ); level.CreateDoor[5] moveTo( ( -728, 363, 190 ), 1.5 ); level.CreateDoor[6] moveTo( ( -728, 363, 190 ), 1.5 ); } deathBarrier() { ents = getEntArray(); for ( index = 0; index < ents.size; index++ ) { if(isSubStr(ents[index].classname, "trigger_hurt")) ents[index].origin = (0, 0, 9999999); } } onPlayerKilled( eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, deathAnimDuration ) { if ( isDefined( attacker ) && isPlayer( attacker ) && self != attacker ) { attacker thread KillMoney(); } } KillMoney() { += 150; } MinigunUse() { level.gun["minigun_mp"] moveTo( ( -787, 278, 0), 3 ); wait 6; level.gun["minigun_mp"] moveTo( ( -787, 278, -85), 3 ); } RandomGuns() { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector ran" ); gun = randomIntRange(1, 9); if(gun == 1) { self.gun = "1"; self thread DoText( "crossbow" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "crossbow_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector crossbow_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } if(gun == 2) { self.gun = "2"; self thread DoText( "RPG" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "usrpg_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector usrpg_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } if(gun == 3) { self.gun = "3"; self thread DoText( "Executioner" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "judge_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector judge_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } if(gun == 4) { self.gun = "4"; self thread DoText( "870mcs_mp" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "870mcs_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector 870mcs_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } if(gun == 5) { self.gun = "5"; self thread DoText( "AN-94" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "an94_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector an94_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } if(gun == 6) { self.gun = "6"; self thread DoText( "Ballista" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "ballista_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector ballista_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } if(gun == 7) { self.gun = "7"; self thread DoText( "DSR" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "dsr50_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector dsr50_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } if(gun == 8) { self.gun = "8"; self thread DoText( "HAMR" ); self thread TakeOrLeave( "hamr_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Random selector hamr_mp" ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); } } DoText( text ) { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); showGun = self createFontString( "objective", 2 ); showGun setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0 ); showGun setText( gun ); showGun.color = ( 200/255, 0/255, 0/255 ); self iPrintln( "^2Press [{+attack}] To Keep Gun" ); self iPrintln( "^1Press [{+speed_throw}] To Leave Gun" ); self thread DeathDelete(showGun); wait 5; showGun destroy(); } DeathDelete(entity) { self waittill("death"); entity delete(); entity destroy(); } TakeOrLeave( gungun ) { self endon( "Mystery_Box_Used" ); for(;;) { if( self ADSButtonPressed() ) { self freeze_player_controls( false ); self notify( "Mystery_Box_Used" ); } else if( self AttackButtonPressed() ) { self freeze_player_controls( false ); self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self giveWeapon( gungun ); self switchToWeapon( gungun ); self giveMaxAmmo( gungun ); self notify( "Mystery_Box_Used" ); } wait 0.1; } } PackedWeapon() { if( self getCurrentWeapon() == "evoskorpion_mp" ) { self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self GiveWeapon( "sf_evoskorpion_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" ); self switchToWeapon( "sf_evoskorpion_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" ); } if( self getCurrentWeapon() == "peacekeeper_mp" ) { self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self GiveWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" ); self switchToWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" ); } if( self getCurrentWeapon() == "tar21_mp" ) { self takeWeapon( self getCurrentWeapon() ); self GiveWeapon( "dualoptic_tar21_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" ); self switchToWeapon( "dualoptic_tar21_mp+rf+extclip+fastreload+stalker+steadyaim+grip+fmj+dualclip" ); } else { self iPrintln( "" ); wait 1; self iPrintln( "This Weapon Has Not Been Added" ); wait 1; self iPrintln( "Or" ); wait 1; self iPrintln( "Your Weapon Is Already Pack-A-Punched" ); } } EndTheGame() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); wait 15; for(;;) { if( level.aliveCount["allies"] == 0 ) { thread endGame("^2You ^1Survived " + self.round + " Rounds"); } wait 0.1; } } endGame(message) { thread maps\mp\gametypes\_globallogic::endGame( "win", message ); } MonitorRound() { self.round = 1; wait 60; self.round = 2; wait 60; self.round = 3; wait 60; self.round = 4; wait 60; self.round = 5; wait 60; self.round = 6; wait 60; self.round = 7; wait 60; self.round = 8; wait 60; self.round = 9; wait 60; self.round = 10; wait 60; self.round = 11; wait 60; self.round = 12; wait 60; self.round = 13; wait 60; self.round = 14; wait 60; self.round = 15; wait 60; self.round = 16; wait 60; self.round = 17; wait 60; self.round = 18; wait 60; self.round = 19; wait 60; self.round = 20; } NotifyRound() { self endon ( "disconnect" ); for(;;) { wait 60; self notify( "new_round" ); } } DisplayRound() { RoundDisplay = self createFontString( "objective", 3.5 ); RoundDisplay setPoint( "LEFT", "CENTER", -225, 130 ); for(;;) { RoundDisplay setText( "^1" + self.round ); wait 0.5; } self waittill ("death"); RoundDisplay destroy(); } DisplayRtxt() { txtRDis = self createFontString( "objective", 3.0 ); txtRDis setPoint( "LEFT", "CENTER", -250, 95 ); for(;;) { txtRDis setText( "^1Round:" ); wait 0.5; } self waittill ("death"); txtRDis destroy(); } RoundSettings() { for(;;) { self waittill( "new_round" ); if( self.pers["team"] == "axis" ) { self thread ZombieSettings(); } else if( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" ) { if (!maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_utils::isvalidclass(self.pers["class"])) { self.pers["class"] = "CLASS_CUSTOM1"; self.class = self.pers["class"]; } self maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_ui::closemenus(); self unlink(); if( isDefined( self.spectate_cam)) { self.spectate_cam delete(); } self changeteam("allies"); wait 1; self thread [[level.spawnplayer]](); } else if( self.pers["team"] == "allies" ) { += 400; } } } changeteam(team) { self.pers["team"] = team; = team; self.sessionteam = self.pers["team"]; self iprintln("^1Respawned it is Round:"+ self.round); } ZombieHealth() { if(self.round == 1) { self.maxhealth = 100; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 2) { self.maxhealth = 125; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 3) { self.maxhealth = 150; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 4) { self.maxhealth = 175; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 5) { self.maxhealth = 200; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 6) { self.maxhealth = 225; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 7) { self.maxhealth = 250; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 8) { self.maxhealth = 275; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 9) { self.maxhealth = 300; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 10) { self.maxhealth = 325; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 11) { self.maxhealth = 350; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 12) { self.maxhealth = 375; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 13) { self.maxhealth = 400; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 14) { self.maxhealth = 425; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 15) { self.maxhealth = 450; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 16) { self.maxhealth = 475; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 17) { self.maxhealth = 500; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 18) { self.maxhealth = 525; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 19) { self.maxhealth = 550; = self.maxhealth; } else if(self.round == 20) { self.maxhealth = 575; = self.maxhealth; } } HumanHealth() { self endon ( "death" ); self endon ( "Jugg_Bought" ); for(;;) { if( <= 399 ) { wait 5; if( <= 399 ) { self.maxhealth = 400; = self.maxhealth; } } wait 0.1; } } HumanHealthJugg() { self endon ( "death" ); for(;;) { if( <= 719 ) { wait 8; if( <= 719 ) { self.maxhealth = 720; = self.maxhealth; } } wait 0.1; } } Credit() { CreditBar = self createBar( "black", 10000, 10000 ); CreditBar setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0 ); CreditBarTwo = self createBar( "black", 10000, 10000 ); CreditBarTwo setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0 ); CreditText = self createFontString( "objective", 2.2 ); CreditText setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -100 ); CreditText setText( "Deluxe Nuketown Survival" ); CreditText.color = ( 255/255, 0/255, 0/255 ); wait 2; CreditText setText( "Made Possible By:" ); wait 1.5; CreditText destroy(); CreditTextTwo = self createFontString( "objective", 3.2 ); CreditTextTwo setPoint( "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -65 ); CreditTextTwo.color = ( 255/255, 255/255, 255/255 ); CreditTextTwo setText( "^3CheeseToast" ); wait 1; CreditTextTwo.color = ( 255/255, 0/255, 0/255 ); CreditTextTwo setText( "&" ); wait 1; CreditTextTwo.color = ( 255/255, 255/255, 255/255 ); CreditTextTwo setText( "^3Dr.Giggle^5Z" ); wait 1; CreditTextTwo destroy(); CreditBar destroy(); wait 0.5; CreditBarTwo destroy(); } refillmini() { self GiveWeapon( "minigun_mp"); self switchToWeapon( "minigun_mp"); self SetWeaponAmmoClip( "minigun_mp", 200 ); self SetWeaponAmmoStock( "minigun_mp", 200 ); }[/CODE] [/SPOILER] [/QUOTE]
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Deluxe Nuketown Survival
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