Question Help Spawning Vehicles


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I have been trying to figure out how to fix it so my vehicles can spawn. The notifications pop up but the vehicles do not spawn. I cam up with addVehOption because there where not enough arg in the normal addoptions. If someone can tell me what im doing wrong then that would be great thanks :smile: (BTW some of it is C&P because i am new but i am trying to learn).

Spawn The Vehicles: bool* spawn_vehicle(int _do, char* name) { static bool value; static char* _name; if (name != 0) _name = name; if (!value) return &value; switch (_do) { case -1: { sprintf("Spawned ~b~%s", _name); break; } case 1: { int hash = SPAWNER::GET_HASH_KEY(_name); Vector3 origin; if (SPAWNER::IS_MODEL_IN_CDIMAGE(hash) && SPAWNER::IS_MODEL_VALID(hash)) { SPAWNER::REQUEST_MODEL(hash); if (SPAWNER::HAS_MODEL_LOADED(hash)) { int ped_id = PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(); int old_vehicle = SPAWNER::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING(ped_id); float speed = SPAWNER::GET_ENTITY_SPEED(old_vehicle); if (old_vehicle) SPAWNER::DELETE_VEHICLE(&old_vehicle); origin = SPAWNER::GET_ENTITY_COORDS(ped_id, true); int new_vehicle = SPAWNER::CREATE_VEHICLE(hash, origin.x, origin.y, origin.z, 0, 1, 0); if (new_vehicle) { SPAWNER::SET_ENTITY_HEADING(new_vehicle, SPAWNER::GET_ENTITY_HEADING(ped_id)); SPAWNER::SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE(ped_id, new_vehicle, -1); SPAWNER::SET_VEHICLE_ENGINE_ON(new_vehicle, 1, 0); SPAWNER::SET_VEHICLE_FORWARD_SPEED(new_vehicle, speed); value = 0; } } } else value = 0; break; } } return &value; }
AddVehOption void addVehOption(char *option, char *model, char* notifcation, char *info = NULL) { addOption(option, info); if (currentOption == optionCount && optionPress) { hash_veh = GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY(model); spawn_vehicle(true, model); drawNotification(notifcation); } }