The Basic Concept Behind 'Brute Force'


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[Disclaimer for Fatrick & IrrelevantHD-]
*This is for a client who asked for this. I understand that 99.99% of the people on here will know what brute forcing is, this is for a few people who don't*

I'm going to put this into a practical situation.
Let's say you have a program with a hidden 6 character PIN. The program is far beyond measures of deobfuscation.
For a practial measure, let's say this password is '123456'. So logically, it would take you 123,456 tries to get this, starting at 000001 and going to 999999.
Ok. So the general gist of it is that you build a basic program to do this for you. How? Either using a 'while' case or 'for' method.

I'll give you an example of both:
Let's say the site will return CORRECT when answered correctly and wait for another pin when done wrong. You will need to monitor the text on the site,
while(SiteText != "CORRECT")
SetPIN = SetPIN + 1;


for(int i = 0; i < 999999; i++)
if(SiteText != "CORRECT");
SetPIN = SetPIN + 1;

Your WritePIN method would need to write the value from SetPIN to the data entry box and then click the button. Assuming the button doesn't reload the page, like many SQL pages do :smile:

This is for a few people, but CBF explaining it to them all.
Peace niggaz