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Dear CabConModding-Community,

Today I will present you the alpha of "The Final Statement". I´m not finish at all! And the menu have much bugs in the entity menu, but yeah this is a kind rushed release but I can´t wait anymore to release this. I don´t have much motivation to work on this anymore project. I did all what I want, a completely dynamic menu and now I just need to add the "normal" zombie options. Maybe I will share the source with you that someone else can work and finish this project. :biggrin: My next plan is to create much new Functions for bo2 and prepare my self for bo3. I have planned to remake Death Run for Bo3 when the mods tool are released. What do you think about this? Also please give me a feedback/bugs in the comments! Thank you and have a nice Day! Happy Modding!


"The Final Statement" Information

Description:The Final Statement is a Zombie Full Dynamic GSC Mod Menu which I started developing to create my last zombie menu!

Current Development Status: Alpha



Menu Features: 

- Dynamic Array Weapons (Normal,Upgraded) Menu

- Dynamic Array Items(Equipment,Grenades,Melees) Menu

- Dynamic Array FX&Weapons Bulletstype Menu (More than 300 Bulleteffects)

- Dynamic Model Menu

- Dynamic Array Buildables Menu

- Dynamic Perks Menu

- Dynamic PowerUps Menu

- Dynamic Sound Menu

- First Dynamic Zombie Music Playlist like in w@w times (Box Jingles/Stings, Easter Egg Songs, Game Theme Music, Hidden Game Songs)

- Message Menu with Mics -, People- and Teams- and Troll- Prints

- Dynamic Teleport Menu

Menu Base Features

- Title/Options String Overflowfix

- Thoughtful Menustructure

- Intelligent Toggle System

- Controller Remembrance

- Sounds and Visual Effects

- Customizable (Positon,Color,Font,Sounds,Stealth,Controller Remembrance)

- Postion Editor


Build V0.51 Console- Alpha V1

Build V0.51 PC - Alpha V1

Build V0.51 Console- Alpha V1

Build V0.51 PC - Alpha V1

Source Code

Source Code Thread


Console Virusscan

PC Virusscan

Happy Modding,

