Recent content by God

  1. God

    Tutorial Custom HTML/CSS Cursor

    <!DOCTYPE html>*
  2. God

    Release [C#/C++] BO2 Notification

    why the thread though
  3. God

    Request Can somebody change my stats?

    If anyone wants a recovery you can message me
  4. God

    Release Different FPS address [PS3/BO2 1.19]

    0x0039778A* for enabling kthx
  5. God

    Release CSGO Planet Cheats Leak

    Cheat still works... i don't suggest using it because its pretty bad and detected (most likely), but still works
  6. God

    Answered Bots difficulty

    setup bots > bot difficulty...
  7. God

    GSC isSprinting() + How To Get Your Speed

    Hello CCM :kissingheart: So just a few minutes ago i needed a check to see if i'm sprinting and I couldn't find one, so I wrote one real quick. If there is a function like this already inside the gsc... well... you can learn something from this lol Anyway, here it is isSprinting() {...
  8. God

    Outdated PSN Name Bypass

    you would have to find the offset through a debgger
  9. God

    Simple String Editor {Any Game}

    It edits everything BUT strings... A string is a list of characters, not numeral values...
  10. God

    Simple String Editor {Any Game}

    "String editor"
  11. God

    Release [TeknoMW3] Entity Release

    you can always review my cheats :)
  12. God

    Release [TeknoMW3] Entity Release

    Hello CCM :kissingheart: I know i've been absent for a while, just being lazy/enjoying actually not 1337 haxing games. Anyway, here's my long overdue menu for tkenomw3 Works with version TecknoMW3 and Game Version 1.4:382 VIDEO: PIC: THESE MUST BE YOUR CONTROLS FR THE MENU TO WORK...
  13. God

    Answered Is there a way to track when a grenade detonates?

    self waittill("grenade_fire"); //idk if this is when you throw a grenade or when it explodes