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Hello CCM 
So just a few minutes ago i needed a check to see if i'm sprinting and I couldn't find one, so I wrote one real quick. If there is a function like this already inside the gsc... well... you can learn something from this lol
Anyway, here it is
So just a few minutes ago i needed a check to see if i'm sprinting and I couldn't find one, so I wrote one real quick. If there is a function like this already inside the gsc... well... you can learn something from this lol
Anyway, here it is
MyVelocity[2] = self GetVelocity(); //since GetVelocity() stores 3 values we have to also
if(MyVelocity[0] > 220 || MyVelocity[0] < -220) //getting the first value (our foward value)
return true; //true if we are sprinting
return false;
myVelo() //You can use this if you want to find your own values, the above worked for me
self endon("Velo");
self iprintln(self GetVelocity());
wait 1; //Lower this if you want to be more accurate
//or you can use something like this if you want to use HUDs instead of iPrintln (didn't test)
DrawMyVelocity(text, font, fontScale, align, relative, x, y, color, alpha, glowColor, glowAlpha, sort)
hud = self createFontString(font, fontScale);
hud setPoint(align, relative, x, y);
hud.color = color;
hud.alpha = alpha;
hud.glowColor = glowColor;
hud.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
hud.sort = sort;
hud.alpha = alpha;
hud setSafeText(self GetVelocity());
hud.foreground = true;
hud.hideWhenInMenu = true;
hud.archived = false;
return hud;