Recent content by Mr Knife God

  1. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Funny, all the menus I've seen I've never seen the EMP background besides jiggy's. I had a regular blue background but I thought that would look boring to people. And there IS some new stuff in there, not anything big like amusement park rides and stuff, but still. I repsect your opinion though.
  2. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    I believe steam patched mod menus for online. They only work in Custom Games. And you can't force host in bo2 pc I heard.
  3. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Thank you, at least someone appreciates my work.
  4. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Wow, no freaking wonder.
  5. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Just updated the post, the link is above you.
  6. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    What is wrong with you people on this site? It's like everyone on se7ensins give me thanks and likes and praises, then when I come here, there's nothing but ass holes. Give me a f*cking break.
  7. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    When you reply to someone, use the reply button. And yes you can, I can post the PC version here if you'd like.
  8. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    ..You click on the download link. I trust that you have an RGH/Modded Xbox, right?
  9. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Of course you can. Public, Custom, System Link, and even Local. Just not League Play.
  10. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Well I have some things other people may not have.. but regardless, this is not a menu of competition. I just wanted to share my stuff for other modders.
  11. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Because I had a menu called Knife God V4, and I was too lazy to come up with an original name. So months later, preferably last month, I just decided to change the menu name and look with more features.
  12. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Like I said, sorry to disappoint you. This is my first remastered menu, so please spare me.
  13. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Sorry to disappoint you.
  14. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    Yeah but se7ensins is really hooked on their rules about posting download links. Dude temporarily closed my thread because I didn't have one and wouldn't re-open it until I did a scan. I just thought the same rules would apply here.
  15. Mr Knife God

    Release Operation MKG

    I'd like to present my new mod menu. It's predecessor is my old Knife God menu from se7ensins. Enjoy. If you have any problems, let me know. Xbox download link: Operation MKG Pc download link: Operation MKG PC ----------------------------------------------------- Tips: You want to spawn back...