gsc codes

  1. Littof

    Release GSC Base EnCore V11 Redo By Me

    Hi i redo the base EncoRe V11 Created By @CabCon Discord : Tobirama#5025 Xbox : Tunurs / Littof / Eau1 Original Creator : CabCon
  2. xBeaTzMoDz™

    GSC - MW2 [1.11] Script List

    Hello Cabconmodding Members Today I Post GSC MW2 Script List Credits to all the users who created these scripts, if you would like to know the original creators just simply do a Google search. If you need to find something quickly, press CTRL+F and use the special code in []. C001 - C0018...
  3. xBeaTzMoDz™


    Hello Cabconmodding Members Today I Release GSC Script Killed Camper 1 BUG; The camping player can be killed 1 time only (I dont know why i tried all to fix it but it wont work) Video: Tutorial : Script - Killed Camper : #include maps\mp\_utility; #include common_scripts\utility; #include...
  4. CabCon

    Release Black Ops 2 GSC Managed Code List

    Hello everyone, here you will find a List of all CabConCommunity´s GSC Scripts for BO2. Of course feel free to use, but give Credtis. Also post your new Scripts below. Generell Scripts [ZM/MP] CabCon´s Dvar Editor [ZM/MP] Color System [ZM/MP] StonedYoda's FX Bullet System [ZM/MP] Self...