I'm not sure if this works but you could try to find ifCould anyone help me change the default message for winning loosing draw host ended game text I'm having a lot of trouble Im also trying to do this with infinity ops gsc injector
has a variable for victory, draw, defeat or game_ended and try to modify that?level.strings["victory"] = "You've won!";
level.strings["defeat"] = "Better luck next time!";
level.strings["draw"] = "It's a tie!";
level.strings["game_ended"] = "The host has ended the game";
Great to hear. How did you solve the problem? Was my suggestion working?Thanks for the reply I managed to get it to work I just over complicated it. onto my next problem now do you have any idea how I could make bots not good as Im using them in my mod and they are very good I've tried bot difficulty dvar but that hasn't seemed to do anything I appreciate any help you can give me Thanks in advance