- Messages
- 408
- Reaction score
- 577
- Points
- 878
I think there is not much to say about it 
Currently Supported Missions/Maps:PREVIEW:
Rich (BB code):
The Pit(so_killspree_trainer) - Unlock All Map
Enemies: NONE
Support Shop Items: NONE
Enemies: Default Bots
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor
O Cristo Redentor(so_killspree_favela)
Enemies: Default Bots, Dogs
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
Estate Takedown(so_takeover_estate)
Enemies: Default Bots, Juggernauts
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
Sniper Fi(so_rooftop_contingency)
Enemies: Default Bots, Dogs
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad, Predator Missile
Snatch & Grab(so_intel_boneyard)
Enemies: Default Bots, Dogs, Juggernauts
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
Armor Piercing(so_takeover_oilrig)
Enemies: Default Bots, Juggernauts, Attack Helicopters
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
Body Count(so_killspree_invasion)
Enemies: Default Bots, Attack Helicopters, BTR80 Tanks
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad, Predator Missile
Breach & Clear(so_showers_gulag)
Enemies: Default Bots
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
Enemies: Default Bots
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
Acceptable Losses(so_sabotage_cliffhanger)
Enemies: Default Bots
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
S.S.D.D.(trainer) - Unlock All Map
Enemies: NONE
Support Shop Items: NONE
No Russian(airport)
Enemies: Default Bots
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor
Enemies: Default Bots
Support Shop Items: +1 Weaponslot, +10 Armor, Mortar Strike, Delta Squad
----------- 0.1 -----------
# wave setup changed(bot amount,health....)
# bots are now dropping weapons and ammo until weapon shop is unlocked
# support shop added(player can now buy armor and extra weaponslots....)
# notifycations when a shop is unlocked
# hitmarkers enabled
# added Delta Squad(not all maps support it)
# added Mortar Strike(not all maps support it)
# added map so_rooftop_contingency(Sniper Fi)
# added map so_intel_boneyard(Snatch & Grab)
----------- 0.2 -----------
#unlock all shouldn't freeze ps3 anymore
#added helicopters(not all maps support it)
#added map so_takeover_oilrig(Armor Piercing)
#added map so_killspree_invasion(Body Count)
#added Predator Missile(not all maps support it)
----------- 0.3 -----------
#changed wave setup system(now its easier to change bot amount,health.....)
#some other little code changes to make map adding easier
#added map cliffhanger(Cliffhanger)
#added map so_showers_gulag(Breach & Clear)
#added map so_download_arcadia(Wardriving)
----------- 0.4 -----------
#changed bot setups bots have more health now
#more juggernaut & dog waves
#changed shop menu position
#added map so_sabotage_cliffhanger(Acceptable Losses)
----------- 0.5 -----------
#fixed heli damage stuff for player2
#fixed bug that resets bot amount to 20 after wave 10
----------- 0.6 -----------
#intermission time set to 40 seconds + can be skipped now
#more waves
----------- 0.7 -----------
#changed some things on the shop menus(hopefully it fixes the problems in coop mode) --- read shop menu controls.txt
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