location = self.origin;
while (isDefined(self.spawnedcrate[0][0]))
i = -3;
while (i < 3)
d = -3;
while (d < 3)
self.spawnedcrate[i][d] delete();
startpos = location + (0, 0, -10);
i = -3;
while (i < 3)
d = -3;
while (d < 3)
self.spawnedcrate[i][d] = spawn("script_model", startpos + (d * 40, i * 70, 0));
self.spawnedcrate[i][d] setmodel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally");
self iprintln("Platform ^5Spawned");
wait 1;
Iif(bool, rTrue, rFalse)
return rTrue;
return rFalse;
booleanReturnVal(bool, returnIfFalse, returnIfTrue)
if (bool)
return returnIfTrue;
return returnIfFalse;
return true;
if (bool)
return false;
return true;
this is the normal platform code not that one which i was looking for but thanks alotPLATFORM:
hope I was at good helpPHP:Platform() { location = self.origin; while (isDefined(self.spawnedcrate[0][0])) { i = -3; while (i < 3) { d = -3; while (d < 3) { self.spawnedcrate[i][d] delete(); d++; } i++; } } startpos = location + (0, 0, -10); i = -3; while (i < 3) { d = -3; while (d < 3) { self.spawnedcrate[i][d] = spawn("script_model", startpos + (d * 40, i * 70, 0)); self.spawnedcrate[i][d] setmodel("t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally"); d++; } i++; } self iprintln("Platform ^5Spawned"); wait 1; }
You're probably thinking of the platform from Loz's Azza Menu V2. THat and the fake bullet trail are supposedly unreleased. :/thats
this is the normal platform code not that one which i was looking for but thanks alot
Well sorry thats all i have its better then anything and your welcome.thats
this is the normal platform code not that one which i was looking for but thanks alot
level.billcamComing = false;
foreach( model in strTok( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak,t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally,t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis,t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap", ",") ) precacheModel( model );
level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ] = loadfx( "weapon/remote_mortar/fx_rmt_mortar_explosion" );
if ( level.billcamComing == true )
iPrintln("^1Error: ^7The Billcam is Already Spawned!");
iPrintln("Billcam called by: ^3" +;
level.billcamComing = true;
wait 2;
Plane = spawn( "script_model", ( 100, 0, 600 ) );//100, 0, 500
Plane setModel( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak" );
Plane.angles = ( 0, 180, 0 );
Plane MoveTo( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 100 ), 7 );
wait 7;
self thread monitorBillcam( self, Plane );
monitorBillcam( owner, planee )
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "endBillcam" );
self endon( "game_ended" );
player = owner;
plane = planee;
height = 110;
radius = 160;
setDvar( "cg_thirdPersonRange", "800" );
player.InPlane = false;
for (;;)
if ( !player.InPlane )
if ( Distance( player.origin, plane.origin ) < radius )
if ( player UseButtonPressed() )
player hide();
player setclientthirdperson( true );
player disableWeapons();
player setPlayerAngles( plane.angles + ( 0, 0, 0 ) );
player Playerlinkto( plane );
player.InPlane = true;
else if ( player.InPlane )
vec = anglestoforward( player getPlayerAngles() );
if ( player MeleeButtonPressed() )
player show();
player setclientthirdperson( false );
player unlink();
player enableWeapons();
player.InPlane = false;
plane delete();
//player thread savePosition();
playfx( level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ], player.origin );
buildPlatform( player.origin, player );
player notify( "endBillcam" );
wait 0.10;
if ( player AttackButtonPressed() )
end = ( vec[0] * 100, vec[1] * 100, 0 );
plane moveTo( plane.origin + end, .2 );
if ( player FragButtonPressed() )
height ++;
plane moveTo( plane.origin + ( 0, 0, height ), .2 );
if ( player SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed() )
height --;
plane moveTo( plane.origin - ( 0, 0, height ), .2 );
wait 0.05;
wait 0.05;
buildPlatform( location, player )
location = self.origin;
x = location[ 0 ];
y = location[ 1 ];
z = location[ 2 ];
ang = ( 0, 0, 0 );
ang1 = ( 0, 60, 0 );
ang2 = ( -40, 0, 0 );
ang3 = ( 90, 35, 0 );
ang4 = ( 0, 35, 0 );
slide_location = ( x + 541, y + 168, z + 210 );
slide2_location = ( x + 541, y - 414, z + 210 );
bounce_location = ( x + 840, y + 168, z + 100 );
bounce2_location = ( x + 840, y - 414, z + 100 );
platform_location = ( x - 120, y - 410, z );
platform2_location = ( x + 238, y - 410, z + 175 );
m27_location = ( x - 119, y + 155, z + 50 );
dsr_location = ( x + 234, y + 152, z + 50 );
peace_location = ( x + 240, y - 418, z + 50 );
ladder_location = ( x + 35, y - 410, z + 15 );
riotShield_location = ( x + 238, y + 155, z + 230 );
for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ )
self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang );
for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ )
self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform2_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang );
la = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ )
self spaawnFirst_Crate( ladder_location + ( i * 30, 0, la ), ang2 );
la += 25;
spawnSlide( slide_location );
wait 0.05;
spawnSlide( slide2_location );
wait 0.05;
spawnBounce( bounce_location, ang );
wait 0.05;
spawnBounce( bounce2_location, ang );
wait 0.05;
spawnWeapon( "dsr50_mp+steadyaim", dsr_location, ang );
wait 0.05;
spawnWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+sf", peace_location, ang );
wait 0.05;
spawnWeapon( "hk416_mp+dualoptic", m27_location, ang );
wait 0.05;
spawnWeapon( "riotshield_mp", riotShield_location, ang3 );
wait 0.05;
spawnWeapon( weapon, start, Angles )
weapon_model = getWeaponModel( Weapon );
if ( weapon_model == "" ) weapon_model = Weapon;
if ( weapon_model == "minigun_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "minigun_mp";
if ( weapon_model == "m32_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "m32_mp";
spawnEntity( weapon_model, start, Angles );
level thread spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon );
spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon )
level endon( "game_ended" );
for (;;)
foreach ( player in level.players )
if ( Distance( player.origin, start ) < 60 )
if ( player usebuttonpressed() )
playFx( level._effect[ "prox_grenade_player_shock" ], start );
//self playsound( "dst_tac_insert_break" );
player giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon );
wait .50;
wait 0.05;
giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon )
randomCamo = RandomIntRange( 0 , 44 );
player TakeWeapon( player.currentWeapon );
player GiveWeapon( weapon, 0, true( randomCamo, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) );
player SwitchToWeapon( weapon );
wait 0.50;
spawnBounce( bounceOrigin, angless )
spaawnFirst_Crate( bounceOrigin, angless );
level thread doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin );
doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin )
self endon( "disconnect" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
for (;;)
foreach ( player in level.players )
if ( Distance( player.origin, bounceOrigin ) < 75 )
player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 20 ) );
b = 0;
while( b < 15)
player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 850 ) );
wait 0.01;
wait 0.02;
wait 0.01;
spawnSlide( slideOrigin )
spawnSecond_Crate( slideOrigin );
level thread doSlide_Think( slideOrigin );
doSlide_Think( slideOrigin )
self endon( "disconnect" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
playngles = self getPlayerAngles();
playnglesV = anglesToForward( playngles );
for (;;)
foreach ( player in level.players )
if ( player isInPos( slideOrigin ) && player meleeButtonPressed() )
player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 15 ) );
playngles2 = anglesToForward( player getPlayerAngles() );
s = 0;
player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( playngles2[0] * 1000, playngles2[1] * 1000, 0 ) );
while( s < 15)
player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 999 ) );
wait 0.01;
wait 1;
wait 0.05;
isInPos( sP )
if ( distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100 )
return true;
return false;
spawnEntity( model, origin, angle )
entity_crate = spawn( "script_model", origin );
entity_crate.angles = angle;
entity_crate setModel( model );
return entity_crate;
spaawnFirst_Crate( originn, angless )
crateNum_One = spawn( "script_model", originn );
crateNum_One.angles = angless;
crateNum_One setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" );
return crateNum_One;
spawnSecond_Crate( originnn )
crateNum_Two = spawn( "script_model", originnn );
crateNum_Two.angles = ( 0, -90, 55 );
crateNum_Two setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" );
return crateNum_Two;
thanks alot, i´ll try it when im at homeTry with my edited billcam(unfinished):
on init()
Wherever in your menu:Code:level.billcamComing = false; foreach( model in strTok( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak,t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally,t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis,t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap", ",") ) precacheModel( model ); level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ] = loadfx( "weapon/remote_mortar/fx_rmt_mortar_explosion" );
Code:callBillcam() { if ( level.billcamComing == true ) { iPrintln("^1Error: ^7The Billcam is Already Spawned!"); return; } iPrintln("Billcam called by: ^3" +; level.billcamComing = true; wait 2; Plane = spawn( "script_model", ( 100, 0, 600 ) );//100, 0, 500 Plane setModel( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak" ); Plane.angles = ( 0, 180, 0 ); Plane MoveTo( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 100 ), 7 ); wait 7; self thread monitorBillcam( self, Plane ); } monitorBillcam( owner, planee ) { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "endBillcam" ); self endon( "game_ended" ); player = owner; plane = planee; height = 110; radius = 160; setDvar( "cg_thirdPersonRange", "800" ); player.InPlane = false; for (;;) { if ( !player.InPlane ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, plane.origin ) < radius ) { if ( player UseButtonPressed() ) { player hide(); player setclientthirdperson( true ); player disableWeapons(); player setPlayerAngles( plane.angles + ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); player Playerlinkto( plane ); player.InPlane = true; } } } else if ( player.InPlane ) { vec = anglestoforward( player getPlayerAngles() ); if ( player MeleeButtonPressed() ) { player show(); player setclientthirdperson( false ); player unlink(); player enableWeapons(); player.InPlane = false; plane delete(); //player thread savePosition(); playfx( level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ], player.origin ); buildPlatform( player.origin, player ); player notify( "endBillcam" ); wait 0.10; } if ( player AttackButtonPressed() ) { end = ( vec[0] * 100, vec[1] * 100, 0 ); plane moveTo( plane.origin + end, .2 ); } if ( player FragButtonPressed() ) { height ++; plane moveTo( plane.origin + ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } if ( player SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed() ) { height --; plane moveTo( plane.origin - ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } } else { } wait 0.05; } wait 0.05; } buildPlatform( location, player ) { location = self.origin; x = location[ 0 ]; y = location[ 1 ]; z = location[ 2 ]; ang = ( 0, 0, 0 ); ang1 = ( 0, 60, 0 ); ang2 = ( -40, 0, 0 ); ang3 = ( 90, 35, 0 ); ang4 = ( 0, 35, 0 ); slide_location = ( x + 541, y + 168, z + 210 ); slide2_location = ( x + 541, y - 414, z + 210 ); bounce_location = ( x + 840, y + 168, z + 100 ); bounce2_location = ( x + 840, y - 414, z + 100 ); platform_location = ( x - 120, y - 410, z ); platform2_location = ( x + 238, y - 410, z + 175 ); m27_location = ( x - 119, y + 155, z + 50 ); dsr_location = ( x + 234, y + 152, z + 50 ); peace_location = ( x + 240, y - 418, z + 50 ); ladder_location = ( x + 35, y - 410, z + 15 ); riotShield_location = ( x + 238, y + 155, z + 230 ); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform2_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } la = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { self spaawnFirst_Crate( ladder_location + ( i * 30, 0, la ), ang2 ); la += 25; } spawnSlide( slide_location ); wait 0.05; spawnSlide( slide2_location ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce2_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "dsr50_mp+steadyaim", dsr_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+sf", peace_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "hk416_mp+dualoptic", m27_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "riotshield_mp", riotShield_location, ang3 ); wait 0.05; } spawnWeapon( weapon, start, Angles ) { weapon_model = getWeaponModel( Weapon ); if ( weapon_model == "" ) weapon_model = Weapon; if ( weapon_model == "minigun_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "minigun_mp"; if ( weapon_model == "m32_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "m32_mp"; spawnEntity( weapon_model, start, Angles ); level thread spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ); } spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ) { level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, start ) < 60 ) { if ( player usebuttonpressed() ) { playFx( level._effect[ "prox_grenade_player_shock" ], start ); //self playsound( "dst_tac_insert_break" ); player giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ); wait .50; } } } wait 0.05; } } giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ) { randomCamo = RandomIntRange( 0 , 44 ); player TakeWeapon( player.currentWeapon ); player GiveWeapon( weapon, 0, true( randomCamo, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); player SwitchToWeapon( weapon ); wait 0.50; } spawnBounce( bounceOrigin, angless ) { spaawnFirst_Crate( bounceOrigin, angless ); level thread doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ); } doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, bounceOrigin ) < 75 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 20 ) ); b = 0; while( b < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 850 ) ); b++; wait 0.01; } wait 0.02; } } wait 0.01; } } spawnSlide( slideOrigin ) { spawnSecond_Crate( slideOrigin ); level thread doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ); } doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); playngles = self getPlayerAngles(); playnglesV = anglesToForward( playngles ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( player isInPos( slideOrigin ) && player meleeButtonPressed() ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 15 ) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward( player getPlayerAngles() ); s = 0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( playngles2[0] * 1000, playngles2[1] * 1000, 0 ) ); while( s < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 999 ) ); s++; wait 0.01; } wait 1; } } wait 0.05; } } isInPos( sP ) { if ( distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100 ) return true; else return false; } spawnEntity( model, origin, angle ) { entity_crate = spawn( "script_model", origin ); entity_crate.angles = angle; entity_crate setModel( model ); return entity_crate; } spaawnFirst_Crate( originn, angless ) { crateNum_One = spawn( "script_model", originn ); crateNum_One.angles = angless; crateNum_One setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_One; } spawnSecond_Crate( originnn ) { crateNum_Two = spawn( "script_model", originnn ); crateNum_Two.angles = ( 0, -90, 55 ); crateNum_Two setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_Two; }
yes thats right, im looking for them :/You're probably thinking of the platform from Loz's Azza Menu V2. THat and the fake bullet trail are supposedly unreleased. :/
holy **** your platform code is awesome, thanks alot!!Try with my edited billcam(unfinished):
on init()
Wherever in your menu:Code:level.billcamComing = false; foreach( model in strTok( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak,t6_wpn_supply_drop_ally,t6_wpn_supply_drop_axis,t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap", ",") ) precacheModel( model ); level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ] = loadfx( "weapon/remote_mortar/fx_rmt_mortar_explosion" );
Code:callBillcam() { if ( level.billcamComing == true ) { iPrintln("^1Error: ^7The Billcam is Already Spawned!"); return; } iPrintln("Billcam called by: ^3" +; level.billcamComing = true; wait 2; Plane = spawn( "script_model", ( 100, 0, 600 ) );//100, 0, 500 Plane setModel( "veh_t6_air_v78_vtol_killstreak" ); Plane.angles = ( 0, 180, 0 ); Plane MoveTo( self.origin + ( 0, 0, 100 ), 7 ); wait 7; self thread monitorBillcam( self, Plane ); } monitorBillcam( owner, planee ) { self endon( "death" ); self endon( "disconnect" ); self endon( "endBillcam" ); self endon( "game_ended" ); player = owner; plane = planee; height = 110; radius = 160; setDvar( "cg_thirdPersonRange", "800" ); player.InPlane = false; for (;;) { if ( !player.InPlane ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, plane.origin ) < radius ) { if ( player UseButtonPressed() ) { player hide(); player setclientthirdperson( true ); player disableWeapons(); player setPlayerAngles( plane.angles + ( 0, 0, 0 ) ); player Playerlinkto( plane ); player.InPlane = true; } } } else if ( player.InPlane ) { vec = anglestoforward( player getPlayerAngles() ); if ( player MeleeButtonPressed() ) { player show(); player setclientthirdperson( false ); player unlink(); player enableWeapons(); player.InPlane = false; plane delete(); //player thread savePosition(); playfx( level.remote_mortar_fx[ "missileExplode" ], player.origin ); buildPlatform( player.origin, player ); player notify( "endBillcam" ); wait 0.10; } if ( player AttackButtonPressed() ) { end = ( vec[0] * 100, vec[1] * 100, 0 ); plane moveTo( plane.origin + end, .2 ); } if ( player FragButtonPressed() ) { height ++; plane moveTo( plane.origin + ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } if ( player SecondaryOffHandButtonPressed() ) { height --; plane moveTo( plane.origin - ( 0, 0, height ), .2 ); } } else { } wait 0.05; } wait 0.05; } buildPlatform( location, player ) { location = self.origin; x = location[ 0 ]; y = location[ 1 ]; z = location[ 2 ]; ang = ( 0, 0, 0 ); ang1 = ( 0, 60, 0 ); ang2 = ( -40, 0, 0 ); ang3 = ( 90, 35, 0 ); ang4 = ( 0, 35, 0 ); slide_location = ( x + 541, y + 168, z + 210 ); slide2_location = ( x + 541, y - 414, z + 210 ); bounce_location = ( x + 840, y + 168, z + 100 ); bounce2_location = ( x + 840, y - 414, z + 100 ); platform_location = ( x - 120, y - 410, z ); platform2_location = ( x + 238, y - 410, z + 175 ); m27_location = ( x - 119, y + 155, z + 50 ); dsr_location = ( x + 234, y + 152, z + 50 ); peace_location = ( x + 240, y - 418, z + 50 ); ladder_location = ( x + 35, y - 410, z + 15 ); riotShield_location = ( x + 238, y + 155, z + 230 ); for ( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { for ( y = 0; y < 9; y++ ) self spaawnFirst_Crate( platform2_location + ( i * 40, y * 70, 0 ), ang ); } la = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++ ) { self spaawnFirst_Crate( ladder_location + ( i * 30, 0, la ), ang2 ); la += 25; } spawnSlide( slide_location ); wait 0.05; spawnSlide( slide2_location ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnBounce( bounce2_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "dsr50_mp+steadyaim", dsr_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "peacekeeper_mp+sf", peace_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "hk416_mp+dualoptic", m27_location, ang ); wait 0.05; spawnWeapon( "riotshield_mp", riotShield_location, ang3 ); wait 0.05; } spawnWeapon( weapon, start, Angles ) { weapon_model = getWeaponModel( Weapon ); if ( weapon_model == "" ) weapon_model = Weapon; if ( weapon_model == "minigun_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "minigun_mp"; if ( weapon_model == "m32_wager_mp" ) weapon_model = "m32_mp"; spawnEntity( weapon_model, start, Angles ); level thread spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ); } spawnWeapon_Crate( start, weapon ) { level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, start ) < 60 ) { if ( player usebuttonpressed() ) { playFx( level._effect[ "prox_grenade_player_shock" ], start ); //self playsound( "dst_tac_insert_break" ); player giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ); wait .50; } } } wait 0.05; } } giveWeapon_Think( player, weapon ) { randomCamo = RandomIntRange( 0 , 44 ); player TakeWeapon( player.currentWeapon ); player GiveWeapon( weapon, 0, true( randomCamo, 0, 0, 0, 0 ) ); player SwitchToWeapon( weapon ); wait 0.50; } spawnBounce( bounceOrigin, angless ) { spaawnFirst_Crate( bounceOrigin, angless ); level thread doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ); } doBounce_Think( bounceOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( Distance( player.origin, bounceOrigin ) < 75 ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 20 ) ); b = 0; while( b < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 850 ) ); b++; wait 0.01; } wait 0.02; } } wait 0.01; } } spawnSlide( slideOrigin ) { spawnSecond_Crate( slideOrigin ); level thread doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ); } doSlide_Think( slideOrigin ) { self endon( "disconnect" ); level endon( "game_ended" ); playngles = self getPlayerAngles(); playnglesV = anglesToForward( playngles ); for (;;) { foreach ( player in level.players ) { if ( player isInPos( slideOrigin ) && player meleeButtonPressed() ) { player setOrigin( player getOrigin() + ( 0, 0, 15 ) ); playngles2 = anglesToForward( player getPlayerAngles() ); s = 0; player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( playngles2[0] * 1000, playngles2[1] * 1000, 0 ) ); while( s < 15) { player setVelocity( player getVelocity() + ( 0, 0, 999 ) ); s++; wait 0.01; } wait 1; } } wait 0.05; } } isInPos( sP ) { if ( distance( self.origin, sP ) < 100 ) return true; else return false; } spawnEntity( model, origin, angle ) { entity_crate = spawn( "script_model", origin ); entity_crate.angles = angle; entity_crate setModel( model ); return entity_crate; } spaawnFirst_Crate( originn, angless ) { crateNum_One = spawn( "script_model", originn ); crateNum_One.angles = angless; crateNum_One setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_One; } spawnSecond_Crate( originnn ) { crateNum_Two = spawn( "script_model", originnn ); crateNum_Two.angles = ( 0, -90, 55 ); crateNum_Two setModel( "t6_wpn_supply_drop_trap" ); return crateNum_Two; }
Try with my edited billcam(unfinished):