Answered FlappyBirds Bo2 {Need Help Please I Have Script}


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Hey guys, whats up , anyways i'm trying to convert flappybirds from cod waw
and i have most of it working correctly but i need help, if u can please help....

#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message;
#include maps\_destructible_types;

    level thread onPlayerConnect();

        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    self endon("disconnect");
    level endon("game_ended");
        self waittill("spawned_player");
        self thread FlappyPrintStart();
    self thread flappyBird();
        self iprintln("FlappyBirds ^F^1Test");
flappyBird() {
    //close menu founction
    //Delete Any Hud On Screen Etc Goes Here In A Thread
    self setDvar("ammoCounterHide", 1);
    self setDvars("ui_hud_hardcore", 1, "cg_drawCrosshair", 0);
    self freezeControls(true);
    self.FlappyGame = true;
    hud = [];
    bird = [];
    pipe = [];
    hud["bg"] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0, 1000, 1000, divideColor(120, 255, 255), "white", -12, 1);
    hud["bg_bot"] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 0, 100, 1000, 130, divideColor(255, 230, 192), "white", -7, 1);
    hud["bg_strip"] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 0, -20, 1000, 20, divideColor(97, 255, 113), "white", -6, 1);
    bird = self createBird();//Bird Hud
    self thread floatWaitingFlappy(bird);//Another Thread Needed
    self thread initFlappyOptions(bird, hud, pipe);//A Thread
    self waittill("ExitFlappy");
    //add a thread to remake menu/or reopen menu
exitFlappyBird(bird, hud, pipe, end) {
    self notify("ExitFlappy");
    self.FlappyGame = undefined;
    self.FlappyGameOver = undefined;
    self destroyAll(bird);
    self destroyAll(pipe);
    self destroyAll(hud);
    self destroyAll(end);
    self freezeControls(false);
    self setDvars("ui_hud_hardcore", 0, "cg_drawCrosshair", 1, "ammoCounterHide", 0);
    //open menu/unlock...?
createBird() {
    bird = [];
    bird[0] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0, 45, 60, divideColor(255, 135, 135), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 1, 1);
    bird[1] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[0].x - 16, bird[0].y, 22, 26, divideColor(123, 197, 200), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    bird[2] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[0].x + 9, bird[0].y - 4, 24, 34, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    bird[3] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[2].x + 5, bird[2].y + 1, 2, 3, (0, 0, 0), "white", 3, 1);
    bird[4] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[3].x - 1, bird[3].y + 10, 25, 20, divideColor(255, 255, 130), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 3, 1);
    bird[5] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[4].x + 3, bird[4].y, 14, 1, divideColor(131, 131, 122), "white", 4, 1);
    self.flappyBirdPosition = [];
    for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) self.flappyBirdPosition[a] = bird[a].y;
    return bird;
tempFlappy() {
    temp = [];
    temp[0] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -10, 45, 60, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 1, 1);
    temp[1] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[0].x - 16, temp[0].y, 22, 26, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    temp[2] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[0].x + 9, temp[0].y - 4, 24, 34, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    temp[3] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[2].x + 5, temp[2].y + 1, 2, 3, divideColor(131, 131, 122), "white", 3, 1);
    temp[4] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[3].x - 1, temp[3].y + 10, 25, 20, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 3, 1);
    temp[5] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[4].x + 3, temp[4].y, 14, 1, divideColor(131, 131, 122), "white", 4, 1);
    temp[6] = self createText("bigfixed", 1, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 40, 8, 1, "Tap-- [{+activate}] --Tap");//Created Text
    self waittill("flapping");
    for (a = 0; a < temp.size; a++) temp[a] thread hudFadenDestroy(0, .4);
floatWaitingFlappy(bird) {
    self endon("ExitFlappy");
    self endon("EnterFlappy");
    self endon("flapping");
    num = 20;
    while (1) {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(bird[a].y + num, .55);
        num = num * -1;
        wait .6;
initFlappyOptions(bird, hud, pipe) {
    self endon("ExitFlappy");
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver)) hud["Title"] = self createText("bigfixed", 2, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -60, 1, 1, "FlappyBird");
    else hud["Title"] = self createText("bigfixed", 2, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -60, 1, 1, "^6Game Over");
    gameOverHud = self runGameOverScreen();
    hud[0] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", -100, hud["bg_strip"].y - 25, 110, 50, (0, 1, 0), "white", 7, 0);
    hud[1] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 100, hud["bg_strip"].y - 25, 100, 40, (1, 0, 0), "white", 7, 0);
    hud[2] = self createText("default", 1.4, "BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 0, hud["bg_strip"].y - 2, 3, 0, "^2Play FlappyBird");
    for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) hud[a] thread hudFade(1, .25);
    wait .3;
    curs = 0;
    while (1) {
        wait .05;
        if (self adsButtonPressed() || self attackButtonPressed()) {
            self playSound("deny");
            oldCurs = curs;
            curs += self attackButtonPressed();
            curs -= self adsButtonPressed();
            if (curs < 0) curs = 1;
            if (curs > 1) curs = 0;
            hud[oldCurs] scaleOverTime(.3, 100, 40);
            wait .25;
            if (curs == 0) hud[2] setText("^2Play FlappyBird");
            if (curs == 1) hud[2] setText("^1Exit FlappyBird");
            hud[curs] scaleOverTime(.3, 110, 50);
            wait .25;
        if (self useButtonPressed()) {
            self.initFlappyOptions = undefined;
            self.FlappyBirdTop = undefined;
            self.FlappFallingCounter = undefined;
            self playSound("deny");
            hud[curs] scaleOverTime(.3, 100, 40);
            wait .25;
            hud[curs] scaleOverTime(.3, 110, 50);
            wait .25;
            if (curs == 0) break;
            if (curs == 1) self thread exitFlappyBird(bird, hud, pipe, gameOverHud);
    self.flappScore = 0;
    bird["wink"] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0, 1000, 1000, (0, 0, 0), "white", 9, 0);
    bird["wink"] hudFade(1, .6);
    wait .6;
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver))
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveX(bird[a].x - 200, .05);
    else {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(self.flappyBirdPosition[a], .05);
        self thread floatWaitingFlappy(bird);
    self.FlappyGameOver = undefined;
    self destroyAll(gameOverHud);
    for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) hud[a] destroy();
    self thread tempFlappy();
    bird["score"] = self createText("bigfixed", 1.35, "TOP", "TOP", 0, 20, 5, 1, "0");
    hud["Title"] setText("^2Get Ready!");
    wait .15;
    bird["wink"] hudFadenDestroy(0, .6);
    wait .5;
    self thread controlFlappy(bird);
    self thread doFlappyLoop(bird, hud, pipe);
    self waittill("flapping");
    hud["Title"] thread hudFadenDestroy(0, .4);
    self notify("EnterFlappy");
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver)) self thread marioPipes(bird, hud, pipe);
runGameOverScreen() {
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver)) return undefined;
    hud = [];
    if (self.flappScore >["flappBestScore"]) {["flappBestScore"] = self.flappScore;
        self setSavedVariable("113",["flappBestScore"]);
        if (isConsole()) updateGamerProfile();
    wait .5;
    hud[0] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 350, 225, 50, divideColor(205, 226, 118), "white", 7, 1);
    hud[1] = self createText("default", 1.5, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 340, 8, 1, "Score: " + self.flappScore);
    hud[2] = self createText("default", 1.5, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 360, 8, 1, "Best: " +["flappBestScore"]);
    hud[0] thread hudMoveY(20, .6);
    hud[1] thread hudMoveY(hud[0].y - 10, .6);
    hud[2] thread hudMoveY(hud[0].y + 10, .6);
    wait 1;
    return hud;
doFlappyLoop(bird, hud, pipe) {
    while (1) {
        if (bird[5].y >= 180) {
            self.FlappyGameOver = true;
            bird["score"] destroy();
            self thread initFlappyOptions(bird, hud, pipe);
            self notify("flappyCollision");
            self notify("flapping");
        if (bird[0].y <= -215) {
            self.FlappyBirdTop = true;
            self notify("flapping");
            wait .1;
            for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) self thread flappyFall(bird, 2);
            wait .15;
            self.FlappyBirdTop = undefined;
        wait .05;
controlFlappy(bird) {
    self endon("flappyCollision");
    while (1) {
        if (self useButtonPressed() && !isDefined(self.FlappyBirdTop)) {
            self thread flappySemiFly(bird);
            while (self useButtonPressed()) wait .01;
        wait .01;
flappySemiFly(bird) {
    self notify("flapping");
    self endon("flapping");
    num = 0;
    while (1) {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(bird[a].y - 14, .05);
        if (num > 3) break;
        wait 0.05;
    wait .15;
    for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) self thread flappyFall(bird, 4);
flappyFall(bird, val) {
    self endon("flapping");
    while (1) {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(bird[a].y + val, 0.05);
        wait 0.05;
        if (val < 7) val++;
marioPipes(bird, hud, pipe) {
    self endon("flappyCollision");
    tok = strTok("tube|tube2|cap|cap2|tube3|tube4|cap3|cap4|tube5|tube6|cap5|cap6", "|");
    wait 2.5;
    while (1) {
        pipe = [];
        for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
            length = randomIntRange(70, 485);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, -230, 100, length, divideColor(35, 205, 35), "white", -8, 1);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, -230 + ((length / 2) + 295), 100, 300, divideColor(35, 205, 35), "white", -8, 1);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, pipe[tok[4 * a]].y + ((length / 2) - 15), 110, 30, divideColor(19, 190, 19), "white", -1, 1);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, pipe[tok[4 * a + 1]].y - 150, 110, 30, divideColor(19, 190, 19), "white", -1, 1);
            for (b = a * 4; b < pipe.size; b++) pipe[tok[b]] thread movePipes(self);
            wait 1.3;
            self thread checkPipeCollision(pipe[tok[2 + 4 * a]], pipe[tok[3 + 4 * a]], bird, pipe, hud);
        wait .05;
movePipes(me) {
    me endon("flappyCollision");
    self endon("PipesDeleted");
    self thread waitForCollision(me);
    self hudMoveX(self.x - 1000, 3.5);
    if (isDefined(self)) self destroy();
waitForCollision(me) {
    me waittill_any("FlappyCollider", "flappyCollision");
    self destroy();
checkPipeCollision(pipe, pipe2, bird, pip, hud) {
    self endon("flappyCollision");
    wait .85;
    pipe endon("PipeCollision");
    pipe thread collisionCount(self, bird);
    while (1) {
        if (bird[0].y - 15 < pipe.y + 15 || bird[0].y + 25 > pipe2.y - 15) {
            bird["score"] destroy();
            self notify("flapping");
            for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) self thread flappyFall(bird, 4);
            self notify("flappyCollision");
        wait 0.05;
collisionCount(me, bird) {
    me endon("flappyCollision");
    wait .45;
    me playSound("cha_ching");
    bird["score"] setText(me.flappScore);
    self notify("PipeCollision");
divideColor(c1, c2, c3)
    return (c1 / 255, c2 / 255, c3 / 255);

if u can or want to help skype: juggloswag


Reaction score
Hey guys, whats up , anyways i'm trying to convert flappybirds from cod waw
and i have most of it working correctly but i need help, if u can please help....

#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message;
#include maps\_destructible_types;

    level thread onPlayerConnect();

        level waittill("connected", player);
        player thread onPlayerSpawned();

    self endon("disconnect");
    level endon("game_ended");
        self waittill("spawned_player");
        self thread FlappyPrintStart();
    self thread flappyBird();
        self iprintln("FlappyBirds ^F^1Test");
flappyBird() {
    //close menu founction
    //Delete Any Hud On Screen Etc Goes Here In A Thread
    self setDvar("ammoCounterHide", 1);
    self setDvars("ui_hud_hardcore", 1, "cg_drawCrosshair", 0);
    self freezeControls(true);
    self.FlappyGame = true;
    hud = [];
    bird = [];
    pipe = [];
    hud["bg"] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0, 1000, 1000, divideColor(120, 255, 255), "white", -12, 1);
    hud["bg_bot"] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 0, 100, 1000, 130, divideColor(255, 230, 192), "white", -7, 1);
    hud["bg_strip"] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 0, -20, 1000, 20, divideColor(97, 255, 113), "white", -6, 1);
    bird = self createBird();//Bird Hud
    self thread floatWaitingFlappy(bird);//Another Thread Needed
    self thread initFlappyOptions(bird, hud, pipe);//A Thread
    self waittill("ExitFlappy");
    //add a thread to remake menu/or reopen menu
exitFlappyBird(bird, hud, pipe, end) {
    self notify("ExitFlappy");
    self.FlappyGame = undefined;
    self.FlappyGameOver = undefined;
    self destroyAll(bird);
    self destroyAll(pipe);
    self destroyAll(hud);
    self destroyAll(end);
    self freezeControls(false);
    self setDvars("ui_hud_hardcore", 0, "cg_drawCrosshair", 1, "ammoCounterHide", 0);
    //open menu/unlock...?
createBird() {
    bird = [];
    bird[0] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0, 45, 60, divideColor(255, 135, 135), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 1, 1);
    bird[1] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[0].x - 16, bird[0].y, 22, 26, divideColor(123, 197, 200), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    bird[2] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[0].x + 9, bird[0].y - 4, 24, 34, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    bird[3] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[2].x + 5, bird[2].y + 1, 2, 3, (0, 0, 0), "white", 3, 1);
    bird[4] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[3].x - 1, bird[3].y + 10, 25, 20, divideColor(255, 255, 130), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 3, 1);
    bird[5] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", bird[4].x + 3, bird[4].y, 14, 1, divideColor(131, 131, 122), "white", 4, 1);
    self.flappyBirdPosition = [];
    for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) self.flappyBirdPosition[a] = bird[a].y;
    return bird;
tempFlappy() {
    temp = [];
    temp[0] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -10, 45, 60, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 1, 1);
    temp[1] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[0].x - 16, temp[0].y, 22, 26, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    temp[2] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[0].x + 9, temp[0].y - 4, 24, 34, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 2, 1);
    temp[3] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[2].x + 5, temp[2].y + 1, 2, 3, divideColor(131, 131, 122), "white", 3, 1);
    temp[4] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[3].x - 1, temp[3].y + 10, 25, 20, (1, 1, 1), "ui_sliderbutt_1", 3, 1);
    temp[5] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", temp[4].x + 3, temp[4].y, 14, 1, divideColor(131, 131, 122), "white", 4, 1);
    temp[6] = self createText("bigfixed", 1, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 40, 8, 1, "Tap-- [{+activate}] --Tap");//Created Text
    self waittill("flapping");
    for (a = 0; a < temp.size; a++) temp[a] thread hudFadenDestroy(0, .4);
floatWaitingFlappy(bird) {
    self endon("ExitFlappy");
    self endon("EnterFlappy");
    self endon("flapping");
    num = 20;
    while (1) {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(bird[a].y + num, .55);
        num = num * -1;
        wait .6;
initFlappyOptions(bird, hud, pipe) {
    self endon("ExitFlappy");
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver)) hud["Title"] = self createText("bigfixed", 2, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -60, 1, 1, "FlappyBird");
    else hud["Title"] = self createText("bigfixed", 2, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, -60, 1, 1, "^6Game Over");
    gameOverHud = self runGameOverScreen();
    hud[0] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", -100, hud["bg_strip"].y - 25, 110, 50, (0, 1, 0), "white", 7, 0);
    hud[1] = self createRectangle("BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 100, hud["bg_strip"].y - 25, 100, 40, (1, 0, 0), "white", 7, 0);
    hud[2] = self createText("default", 1.4, "BOTTOM", "BOTTOM", 0, hud["bg_strip"].y - 2, 3, 0, "^2Play FlappyBird");
    for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) hud[a] thread hudFade(1, .25);
    wait .3;
    curs = 0;
    while (1) {
        wait .05;
        if (self adsButtonPressed() || self attackButtonPressed()) {
            self playSound("deny");
            oldCurs = curs;
            curs += self attackButtonPressed();
            curs -= self adsButtonPressed();
            if (curs < 0) curs = 1;
            if (curs > 1) curs = 0;
            hud[oldCurs] scaleOverTime(.3, 100, 40);
            wait .25;
            if (curs == 0) hud[2] setText("^2Play FlappyBird");
            if (curs == 1) hud[2] setText("^1Exit FlappyBird");
            hud[curs] scaleOverTime(.3, 110, 50);
            wait .25;
        if (self useButtonPressed()) {
            self.initFlappyOptions = undefined;
            self.FlappyBirdTop = undefined;
            self.FlappFallingCounter = undefined;
            self playSound("deny");
            hud[curs] scaleOverTime(.3, 100, 40);
            wait .25;
            hud[curs] scaleOverTime(.3, 110, 50);
            wait .25;
            if (curs == 0) break;
            if (curs == 1) self thread exitFlappyBird(bird, hud, pipe, gameOverHud);
    self.flappScore = 0;
    bird["wink"] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 0, 1000, 1000, (0, 0, 0), "white", 9, 0);
    bird["wink"] hudFade(1, .6);
    wait .6;
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver))
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveX(bird[a].x - 200, .05);
    else {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(self.flappyBirdPosition[a], .05);
        self thread floatWaitingFlappy(bird);
    self.FlappyGameOver = undefined;
    self destroyAll(gameOverHud);
    for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) hud[a] destroy();
    self thread tempFlappy();
    bird["score"] = self createText("bigfixed", 1.35, "TOP", "TOP", 0, 20, 5, 1, "0");
    hud["Title"] setText("^2Get Ready!");
    wait .15;
    bird["wink"] hudFadenDestroy(0, .6);
    wait .5;
    self thread controlFlappy(bird);
    self thread doFlappyLoop(bird, hud, pipe);
    self waittill("flapping");
    hud["Title"] thread hudFadenDestroy(0, .4);
    self notify("EnterFlappy");
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver)) self thread marioPipes(bird, hud, pipe);
runGameOverScreen() {
    if (!isDefined(self.FlappyGameOver)) return undefined;
    hud = [];
    if (self.flappScore >["flappBestScore"]) {["flappBestScore"] = self.flappScore;
        self setSavedVariable("113",["flappBestScore"]);
        if (isConsole()) updateGamerProfile();
    wait .5;
    hud[0] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 350, 225, 50, divideColor(205, 226, 118), "white", 7, 1);
    hud[1] = self createText("default", 1.5, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 340, 8, 1, "Score: " + self.flappScore);
    hud[2] = self createText("default", 1.5, "CENTER", "CENTER", 0, 360, 8, 1, "Best: " +["flappBestScore"]);
    hud[0] thread hudMoveY(20, .6);
    hud[1] thread hudMoveY(hud[0].y - 10, .6);
    hud[2] thread hudMoveY(hud[0].y + 10, .6);
    wait 1;
    return hud;
doFlappyLoop(bird, hud, pipe) {
    while (1) {
        if (bird[5].y >= 180) {
            self.FlappyGameOver = true;
            bird["score"] destroy();
            self thread initFlappyOptions(bird, hud, pipe);
            self notify("flappyCollision");
            self notify("flapping");
        if (bird[0].y <= -215) {
            self.FlappyBirdTop = true;
            self notify("flapping");
            wait .1;
            for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) self thread flappyFall(bird, 2);
            wait .15;
            self.FlappyBirdTop = undefined;
        wait .05;
controlFlappy(bird) {
    self endon("flappyCollision");
    while (1) {
        if (self useButtonPressed() && !isDefined(self.FlappyBirdTop)) {
            self thread flappySemiFly(bird);
            while (self useButtonPressed()) wait .01;
        wait .01;
flappySemiFly(bird) {
    self notify("flapping");
    self endon("flapping");
    num = 0;
    while (1) {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(bird[a].y - 14, .05);
        if (num > 3) break;
        wait 0.05;
    wait .15;
    for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) self thread flappyFall(bird, 4);
flappyFall(bird, val) {
    self endon("flapping");
    while (1) {
        for (a = 0; a < 6; a++) bird[a] thread hudMoveY(bird[a].y + val, 0.05);
        wait 0.05;
        if (val < 7) val++;
marioPipes(bird, hud, pipe) {
    self endon("flappyCollision");
    tok = strTok("tube|tube2|cap|cap2|tube3|tube4|cap3|cap4|tube5|tube6|cap5|cap6", "|");
    wait 2.5;
    while (1) {
        pipe = [];
        for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
            length = randomIntRange(70, 485);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, -230, 100, length, divideColor(35, 205, 35), "white", -8, 1);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, -230 + ((length / 2) + 295), 100, 300, divideColor(35, 205, 35), "white", -8, 1);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, pipe[tok[4 * a]].y + ((length / 2) - 15), 110, 30, divideColor(19, 190, 19), "white", -1, 1);
            pipe[tok[pipe.size]] = self createRectangle("CENTER", "CENTER", 470, pipe[tok[4 * a + 1]].y - 150, 110, 30, divideColor(19, 190, 19), "white", -1, 1);
            for (b = a * 4; b < pipe.size; b++) pipe[tok[b]] thread movePipes(self);
            wait 1.3;
            self thread checkPipeCollision(pipe[tok[2 + 4 * a]], pipe[tok[3 + 4 * a]], bird, pipe, hud);
        wait .05;
movePipes(me) {
    me endon("flappyCollision");
    self endon("PipesDeleted");
    self thread waitForCollision(me);
    self hudMoveX(self.x - 1000, 3.5);
    if (isDefined(self)) self destroy();
waitForCollision(me) {
    me waittill_any("FlappyCollider", "flappyCollision");
    self destroy();
checkPipeCollision(pipe, pipe2, bird, pip, hud) {
    self endon("flappyCollision");
    wait .85;
    pipe endon("PipeCollision");
    pipe thread collisionCount(self, bird);
    while (1) {
        if (bird[0].y - 15 < pipe.y + 15 || bird[0].y + 25 > pipe2.y - 15) {
            bird["score"] destroy();
            self notify("flapping");
            for (a = 0; a < 2; a++) self thread flappyFall(bird, 4);
            self notify("flappyCollision");
        wait 0.05;
collisionCount(me, bird) {
    me endon("flappyCollision");
    wait .45;
    me playSound("cha_ching");
    bird["score"] setText(me.flappScore);
    self notify("PipeCollision");
divideColor(c1, c2, c3)
    return (c1 / 255, c2 / 255, c3 / 255);

if u can or want to help skype: juggloswag
yes please lets just noclip through all the tubes perfect gamemode man for bo2