Request For any fortnite hacks


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I am making a suggestion for any hack creaters. I believe the Fortnight anti cheat uses a signature based system to ban people. If you made a little code that made each cheat unique then it may be impossible for them to ban everyone with the cheat. Let me know what u guys think.


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I understand many of you have questions and concerns about this. I will go more into detail. When a cheat is reported to Fortnite, they will blacklist the code from that cheat. If the code is changed even a little bit they might not detect that cheat anymore, so you won’t get banned. I hack in csgo a lot, their anti cheat is just like fortnite. In CSGO many developers have made unique builds for each person to be able to use the cheat undetected. (They don’t manually make a new cheat every time, they insert some dummy code and change it up). They can do the same for fortnite and only a small percantage of people may get banned. I’m not an expert in this, if you have any concerns about this or if you see false information, feel free to let me know.


Certified Sick ℂunt
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Ok, so signature based system is sorta right, sorta not. The bigger issue for cheat developers is becoming legal issues now, but I'm underage and Australian, so I bypass that for another 2 years at least.
So let's say I manage to bypass BattlEye, and spoof MD5/SHA1 Hash on every launch, and write dummy code for each user, Epic Games can still manage to ban my users by searching for offsets and bytes and seeing if they have been edited, for instance, chams, no recoil, or other cheats that work based off editing memory.

They could also search for memory sizes of certain parts of the memory and see if they correlate to how it should be, and not what it is after cheat injection.

- Signature randomizing based cheat *could* work
- Epic Games are retards


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Please someone tell me where to buy the mods? I keep hearing "you gotta buy them" but there nowhere to be found


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ummmm hello yall, so check it out, I guess I got curious about fortnite since the damn games basically begging to have its A-hole Ripped open, nahh, but seriously, I usto do a lot of memory modding and game hacks (you will never see me mention the word hacking or hacks again since the words lost it's meaning to me long ago) but I want to re establish myself back on the throne of modding developers, which I'm very serious about making mods for this game and many others to come, but I want it to be known I DO NOT WANT YOUR FK MONEY! Not a dime or a penny EVER! I mod and tweak games because I love learning and building my knowledge. The skills, experience and reputation are more then enough payment. So I'm not going tomgo into how awesome And WTF OMG my work is in asking anyone who wants mods for this game to basically just freakin tell me what you want, or give me an idea? I can make the stupid and lame nonsense as well but if you want guns to shot trees, or bullets to fly though you while every step your character takes sounds like a squeaky toy? Then well have some fun. What im expecting to do (correction) what im going to do, is get a private. Server for people to play in and my mods will be something that youll get in there and whatever you do with them after you leave my private server is up to you. I feel its very obvious why I do things this way, but please try not to go full retard and get yourself banned on a main account of yours then go and talk down on my work because you decided flat out not care. But the best way to get ahold of me is probably through twitch or youtube, since I make streams and videos, but unlessmthis site sends me notifications I might forget to come back, so just find freakinkat and yell at me and ill eventually respond and get to work. So ill shut up for now. Thanks for your time peeps.