so like a credits script after text is displayed endgameI want to display some text right before the game ends. For example my text should be displayed for like 5 seconds when every player in zombies dies. (it should wait unitl my text is gone and then end the game)
so like a credits script after text is displayed endgame
so like?
function init()
function end_game_mod()
self waittill("game_ended");
self iprintlnbold("^1You All Are Hoes?");
the message wouldn't be displayed till the game ends
level waittill("game_ended");
add a wait 20; ? Either that or make a credit function that plays then ends the game via the script?The game ends before my credits start :/Code:level waittill("game_ended");
Not like that, That is only waiting to waittill game_ended...i only want to end the game to end when it would really end. And what do you mean? add wait 20?
This wouldn't change anything and where's to point for making a script to end the game when the game would end anywaysCode:self wait 20; level waittill("game_ended");
Ill make a scriptin a lil bitThe game ends before my credits start :/Code:level waittill("game_ended");