GSC Black ops 2 Disco Sniper Lobby code By xPonyxAssassinx


Reaction score
please subscribe To My Youtube if You want me to release more black ops 2 gsc codes this video has to hit 100 likes
if this video hits a 100 likes ill post my Thunder gun lobby code

Add it To Your Menu like This
self add_option( "Yoursubmenuname", "Sniper Lobby", ::initsniperlobby );
self add_option( "Yoursubmenuname", "Normal Lobby", ::initnomallobby );

and if you use this code in your menu please give me credit



    level endon( "disconnect" );

    level endon( "stop_splconnect" );



    level waittill( "connecting", player );

    player thread splspawned();





    self waittill( "spawned_player" );

    self thread dosplinfo();

    self thread splcodeflow();

    self thread splcodeflownext();




    self thread dosniperlobby();

    self thread DiscoAll1();




    while( level.sniperlobbyon == 0 )


        level.sniperlobbyon = 1;

        level thread splconnect();

        foreach( p in level.players )


            p thread dosplinfo();

            p thread splcodeflowfast();

            p thread splcodeflownextfast();

            p notify( "fastsplobby" );



    self iprintlnbold( "^3It has ^1already been activated^3." );




    self.splinfo = self drawtext( "^1D^2i^3s^5c^6o ^6S^5n^6i^5p^6e^5r ^2Lobby ^1by ^5xPonyxAssassinx", "objective", 1.5, 0, 200, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 0 ), 1, 1 );

    self.splinfo fadealphachange( 0.2, 1 );

    wait 3;

    self.splinfo fadealphachange( 0.2, 0 );

    wait 0.2;

    self.splinfo destroy();




    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );

    self endon( "stop_fastsplobby" );

    self thread splcodeflow();



    self waittill( "fastsplobby" );

    self thread givespwep();

    self thread givespperk();

    self thread givespvision();

    self thread dosplactinfo();

    wait 2;





    self waittill( "fastsplobby" );

    self thread splmtrx();

    self thread splmaxammo();

    self thread splspeedup();

    self thread spltelep();

    self thread splflymode();

    self thread splnoclip();

    self thread splgravity1();




    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );



    self waittill( "spawned_player" );

    self notify( "stop_fastsplobby" );

    self thread givespwep();

    self thread givespperk();

    self thread givespvision();

    self thread dosplactinfo();

    wait 2;





    self waittill( "spawned_player" );

    self thread splmtrx();

    self thread splmaxammo();

    self thread splspeedup();

    self thread spltelep();

    self thread splflymode();

    self thread splnoclip();

    self thread splgravity1();




    self endon("disconnect");

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );

    self endon("StopJump");



        if(self JumpButtonPressed() && !isDefined(self.allowedtopress))


            for(i = 0; i < 10; i++)


                self.allowedtopress = true;

                self setVelocity(self getVelocity()+(0, 0, 999));

                wait .05;


            self.allowedtopress = undefined;


        wait .05;





    self takeallweapons();

    if( self.splweptype == 0 )


        self giveweapon( "ballista_mp+steadyaim+fmj", 0, true( 31, 0, 0, 0, 0 ));

        self switchtoweapon( "ballista_mp" );

        self givemaxammo( "ballista_mp" );

        self giveweapon( "fiveseven_mp+steadyaim+reflex", 0, true( 44, 0, 0, 0, 0 ));

        self setweaponammostock( "fiveseven_mp", 0 );

        self setweaponammoclip( "fiveseven_mp", 9 );

        self giveweapon( "knife_mp", 0, 0 );

        self giveweapon( "hatchet_mp", 0, 0 );

        self giveweapon( "proximity_grenade_mp", 0, 0 );

        self.splweptype = 1;




        if( self.splweptype == 1 )


            self giveweapon( "dsr50_mp+steadyaim+fmj", 0, true( 31, 0, 0, 0, 0 ));

            self switchtoweapon( "dsr50_mp" );

            self givemaxammo( "dsr50_mp" );

            self giveweapon( "judge_mp+steadyaim+reflex", 0, true( 44, 0, 0, 0, 0 ));

            self setweaponammostock( "judge_mp", 0 );

            self setweaponammoclip( "judge_mp", 9 );

            self giveweapon( "knife_mp", 0, 0 );

            self giveweapon( "hatchet_mp", 0, 0 );

            self giveweapon( "proximity_grenade_mp", 0, 0 );

            self.splweptype = 0;






    self clearperks();

    self setperk( "specialty_additionalprimaryweapon" );

    self setperk( "specialty_armorpiercing" );

    self setperk( "specialty_bulletaccuracy" );

    self setperk( "specialty_bulletdamage" );

    self setperk( "specialty_bulletflinch" );

    self setperk( "specialty_bulletpenetration" );

    self setperk( "specialty_deadshot" );

    self setperk( "specialty_delayexplosive" );

    self setperk( "specialty_detectexplosive" );

    self setperk( "specialty_disarmexplosive" );

    self setperk( "specialty_earnmoremomentum" );

    self setperk( "specialty_explosivedamage" );

    self setperk( "specialty_extraammo" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fallheight" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fastads" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fastequipmentuse" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fastladderclimb" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fastmantle" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fastmeleerecovery" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fastreload" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fasttoss" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fastweaponswitch" );

    self setperk( "specialty_fireproof" );

    self setperk( "specialty_flakjacket" );

    self setperk( "specialty_flashprotection" );

    self setperk( "specialty_grenadepulldeath" );

    self setperk( "specialty_healthregen" );

    self setperk( "specialty_holdbreath" );

    self setperk( "specialty_longersprint" );

    self setperk( "specialty_loudenemies" );

    self setperk( "specialty_marksman" );

    self setperk( "specialty_movefaster" );

    self setperk( "specialty_pin_back" );

    self setperk( "specialty_pistoldeath" );

    self setperk( "specialty_quickrevive" );

    self setperk( "specialty_quieter" );

    self setperk( "specialty_rof" );

    self setperk( "specialty_showenemyequipment" );

    self setperk( "specialty_stunprotection" );

    self setperk( "specialty_sprintrecovery" );

    self setperk( "specialty_stalker" );

    self setperk( "specialty_twogrenades" );

    self setperk( "specialty_twoprimaries" );

    self setperk( "specialty_unlimitedsprint" );




    self useservervisionset( 1 );

    self setvisionsetforplayer( "remote_mortar_enhanced", 0 );




    splnotify = spawnstruct();

    splnotify.titletext = "^2This is  ^6D^5i^1s^3c^2o ^3S^2n^3i^2p^3e^2r^3L^2o^3b^2b^3y";

    splnotify.notifytext = "";

    splnotify.glowcolor = ( 0.3, 0.6, 0.3 );

    splnotify.duration = 8;

    splnotify.font = "objective";

    self thread notifymessage( splnotify );




    if( self.initsplaispawn == 0 )


        self.splainfo = self drawtext( "^6Press [{+speed_throw}] + [{+actionslot 3}] ^6Give ^1Max ^5Ammo", "objective", 1, -280, 120, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo0 = self drawtext( "^6Hold [{+gostand}] ^1To ^5Fly", "objective", 1, -280, 135, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo0 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo1 = self drawtext( "^6Press [{+speed_throw}] + [{+actionslot 4}] ^5To ^2USE ^6Matrix ^3Mode.", "objective", 1, -280, 150, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo1 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo2 = self drawtext( "^6press [{+usereload}] + [{+actionslot 3}] ^1To ^2Use ^5Super ^3Speed", "objective", 1, -280, 165, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo2 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo3 = self drawtext( "^6Press [{+usereload}] + [{+actionslot 4}] ^5To ^3Use ^6Teleport.", "objective", 1, -280, 180, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo3 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo13 = self drawtext( "^6Hold [{+frag}] ^2To ^1Use ^5No^6-^3Clip", "objective", 1, -280, 195, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo13 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo14 = self drawtext( "^6Press [{+usereload}] + [{+actionslot 1}] ^5To ^3Use ^6Low ^2Gravity.", "objective", 1, -280, 210, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo14 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo4 = self drawtext( "^3Subscribe ^5To ^2xPonyxAssassinx ^3on ^1Youtube", "objective", 1, 280, 10, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo4 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo5 = self drawtext( "^5S^6n^5i^6p^5e^6r ^5L^6o^5b^6b^5y ^1By ^5xPonyxAssassinx", "objective", 1, 280, 20, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo5 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo6 = self drawtext( "^2IF ^5You ^2want ^5To ^5Buy ^1The ^6Forever ^2Mod ^5Menu", "objective", 1, 280, 30, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo6 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo7 = self drawtext( "^2Join ^1My ^5Discord ^6", "objective", 1, 280, 40, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo7 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo8 = self drawtext( "^5it Works For ^6MW2 MW3 GtA5 Black Ops2 Black Ops3 Black Ops4", "objective", 1, 280, 50, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo8 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo9 = self drawtext( "^2For Xbox One And Xbox360", "objective", 1, 280, 60, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo9 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo10 = self drawtext( "^2No ^5Jtag ^1or ^2Rgh ^3Needed ^5Usb Only", "objective", 1, 280, 70, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo10 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo11 = self drawtext( "^2Send $40 Dollars ^2USD ^6As Friends And Family", "objective", 1, 280, 80, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo11 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.splainfo12 = self drawtext( "^6To ^5My ^2Paypal ^[email protected]", "objective", 1, 280, 90, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 1 ), 1, 1 );

        self.splainfo12 fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );

        self.initsplaispawn = 1;





    self.splainfo fadealphachange( 0.3, 0 );

    wait 0.3;

    self.splainfo destroy();

    self.initsplaispawn = 0;




    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );



    if( self.mtrxcharge == 0 && self actionslotfourbuttonpressed() && self adsbuttonpressed() )


        foreach( player in level.players )


            player thread domtrixwspawnon();


        self thread pushdowntscale();

        self setblur( 0.7, 0.3 );

        wait 3;

        foreach( player in level.players )


            player thread domtrixwspawnoff();


        setdvar( "timescale", 1 );

        self setblur( 0, 0.5 );

        self.mtrxcharge = 1;

        self iprintln( "^1Then 60 sec to charge for next use." );

        self thread splmtrxwarn();

        wait 60;


    if( self.mtrxcharge == 1 )


        self iprintln( "^3You can use ^6Matrix Mode!!" );

        self notify( "stop_mtrxWarn" );

        self.mtrxcharge = 0;


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );

    self endon( "stop_mtrxWarn" );



    if( self actionslotfourbuttonpressed() && self adsbuttonpressed() )


        self iprintln( "^1Charge is not over yet." );


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );



    if( self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self adsbuttonpressed() )


        self givemaxammo( "ballista_mp" );

        self setweaponammostock( "fiveseven_mp", 0 );

        self setweaponammoclip( "fiveseven_mp", 0 );

        self iprintln( "^3Give ^6Max Ammo!" );


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );



    if( self.speedupcharge == 0 && self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self usebuttonpressed() )


        self iprintln( "^2Super ^6Speed ^5For 20 Seconds" );

        self setmovespeedscale( 2 );

        wait 20;

        self iprintln( "^3Back ^5To ^2Normal ^6Speed" );

        self setmovespeedscale( 1 );

        wait 2;

        self iprintln( "^1wait 90 seconds to charge Super Speed for next use." );

        self.speedupcharge = 1;

        self thread splspupwarn();

        wait 88;


    if( self.speedupcharge == 1 )


        self iprintln( "^3You ^6can ^5use ^2Super ^1Speed" );

        self notify( "stop_spupWarn" );

        self.speedupcharge = 0;


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );

    self endon( "stop_spupWarn" );



    if( self actionslotthreebuttonpressed() && self usebuttonpressed() )


        self iprintln( "^1Charge is not over yet." );


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );



    if( self.telepcharge == 0 && self actionslotfourbuttonpressed() && self usebuttonpressed() )


        self thread teleportwithipad();

        wait 2;

        self iprintln( "^1You Have To Wait ^510 seconds to ^2Charge Teleporter for next use." );

        self.telepcharge = 1;

        self thread spltelepwarn();

        wait 10;


    if( self.telepcharge == 1 )


        self iprintln( "^3You can use ^6Teleport!!" );

        self notify( "stop_TelepWarn" );

        self.telepcharge = 0;


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );

    self endon( "stop_TelepWarn" );



    if( self actionslotfourbuttonpressed() && self usebuttonpressed() )


        self iprintln( "^1Charge is not over yet." );


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_Matrix" );

    self iprintln( "^3Press [{+speed_throw}] to ^6Matrix Mode!!" );



    if( self adsbuttonpressed() )


        foreach( player in level.players )


            player thread domtrixwspawnon();


        self thread pushdowntscale();

        self setblur( 0.7, 0.3 );

        self useservervisionset( 1 );

        self setvisionsetforplayer( "remote_mortar_enhanced", 0 );




        foreach( player in level.players )


            player thread domtrixwspawnoff();


        self useservervisionset( 0 );

        setdvar( "timescale", 1 );

        self setblur( 0, 0.5 );


    wait 0.01;





    mtb = 1;

    while( mtb > 0.3 )


        setdvar( "timescale", mtb );

        wait 0.001;

        mtb = mtb - 0.5;





    if( self.mtrixwspawnon == 0 )


        self.mtrixwon = self drawtext( "^1Matrix Mode!!", "objective", 1.5, -200, 200, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 0, 1, 0 ), 1, 1 );

        self.mtrixwspawnon = 1;


    self.mtrixwon fadealphachange( 0.3, 1 );




    self.mtrixwon fadealphachange( 0.3, 0 );




    self beginlocationselection( "map_mortar_selector" );

    self disableoffhandweapons();

    self giveweapon( "killstreak_remote_turret_mp", 0, 0 );

    self switchtoweapon( "killstreak_remote_turret_mp" );

    self.selectinglocation = 1;

    self waittill( "confirm_location", location );

    newlocation = bullettrace( location + ( 0, 0, 100000 ), location, 0, self )[ "position"];

    self setorigin( newlocation );

    self endlocationselection();

    self enableoffhandweapons();

    self switchtoweapon( self getlastweapon() );

    self.selectinglocation = undefined;

    self iprintlnbold( "^2Teleported!" );




    foreach( player in level.players )


        player thread donmlinfo();

        player notify( "stop_splobby" );

        level notify( "stop_splconnect" );

        player notify( "stop_thunderlobby" );

        level notify( "stop_thunderconnect" );

        level.sniperlobbyon = 0;

        level.thunderlobbyon = 0;


    self iprintlnbold( "^3Changed ^6Nomal Lobby" );




    if( self.initnmlsawned == 0 )


        self.nmlinfo = self drawtext( "^3Changed ^6Nomal Lobby", "objective", 1.5, 0, 200, ( 1, 1, 1 ), 0, ( 1, 0, 0 ), 1, 1 );

        self.initnmlsawned = 1;


    self.nmlinfo fadealphachange( 0.5, 1 );

    wait 4;

    self.nmlinfo fadealphachange( 0.5, 0 );




self endon("disconnect");

self endon( "stop_splobby" );

self endon("EndUFOMode");

self.Fly = 0;

UFO = spawn("script_model", self.origin);

for (;:wink:


if (self FragButtonPressed())


self playerLinkTo(UFO);

self.Fly = 1;




self unlink();

self.Fly = 0;


if (self.Fly == 1)


Fly = self.origin + vector_scal(anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()), 20);

UFO moveTo(Fly,.01);


wait .001;





self endon("disconnect");

self endon( "stop_splobby" );

  if(self.grav == true)


      for (;:wink:


        setDvar("bg_gravity", "75");

        self.grav = false;

        self iPrintln("^1Low ^5Gravity ^2ON For 20 Seconds");

        wait 20;

        setDvar("bg_gravity", "800");

        self.grav = true;

        self iPrintln("^6Wait ^2For 75 Seconds let low gravity Recharge");


    wait 40;


wait 10;




    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );



    if( self.gravcharge == 0 && self actionslotonebuttonpressed() && self usebuttonpressed() )


        self thread splgravity();

        wait 2;

        self iprintln( "^1You Have To Wait ^575 seconds to ^2ReCharge Low Gravity for next use." );

        self.gravcharge = 1;

        self thread splgravwarn();

        wait 75;


    if( self.gravcharge == 1 )


        self iprintln( "^6You can use Low Gravity" );

        self notify( "stop_grav" );

        self.gravcharge = 0;


    wait 0.05;





    self endon( "disconnect" );

    self endon( "stop_splobby" );

    self endon( "stop_grav" );



    if( self actionslotonebuttonpressed() && self usebuttonpressed() )


        self iprintln( "^3You Have To Wait ^6Low ^5Gravity ^1Charge is not over yet." );


    wait 0.05;



fadealphachange( time, alpha )


    self fadeovertime( time );

    self.alpha = alpha;


optioncalledmesage( titleword, isnotify, notifyword, color, time )


    optionmessage = spawnstruct();

    optionmessage.titletext = titleword;

    if( isnotify == 1 )


        optionmessage.notifytext = notifyword;


    optionmessage.glowcolor = color;

    optionmessage.duration = time;

    optionmessage.font = "objective";

    optionmessage.hidewheninmenu = 0;

    self thread notifymessage( optionmessage );




    foreach(player in level.players)

        player discosUn();




        if(self.flashingDiscosUn == 1)


        self thread flashDiscosUn();

        self iPrintln("^5Disco Lights ^2ON");

        self.flashingDiscosUn = 0;




        self notify("StopflashDiscoSun");

        self iPrintln("^5Disco Lights ^1OFF");

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 1 1 1");

        self.flashingDiscosUn = 1;





        self endon("disconnect");

        self endon("StopflashDiscoSun");



        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 0 0 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "0 0 0 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "0 0 1 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 0 0 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "0 1 0 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "0 0 1 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 0 0 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "0 1 1 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 0 1 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 1 0 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 1 1 0");

        wait 1;

        setDvar("r_lightTweakSunColor", "1 0 1 0");

        wait 1;



drawtext( text, font, fontscale, x, y, color, alpha, glowcolor, glowalpha, sort, allclients )


    if( !(IsDefined( allclients )) )


        allclients = 0;


    if( !(allclients) )


        hud = self createfontstring( font, fontscale );




        hud = level createserverfontstring( font, fontscale );


    hud settext( text );

    hud.x = x;

    hud.y = y;

    hud.color = color;

    hud.alpha = alpha;

    hud.glowcolor = glowcolor;

    hud.glowalpha = glowalpha;

    hud.sort = sort;

    hud.alpha = alpha;

    return hud;


download my bo2 menu here :

gsc download for rghs here:


  • _clientids.gsc
    289 KB · Views: 388
  • xPonyxAssassinxs Gscr Update (2).zip
    876 KB · Views: 358
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