Welcome back to our new CabConModding!


Head Administrator
Staff member
Head Staff Team
Reaction score
Hello everyone,
We are back with our new system xenforo. We decided to use it because we have here a much better CMS, more security and we will increase here the features. But at the moment we aren't started completly, it is open to test all and build our features.

Donation for the new System
Thanks to the following people for their donations. (Contact me with the email from your paypal to [email protected], you will get lifetime premium and some extra features. Also you will marked with our ammount of the donation soon on our donation list. Thank you! )

- Philippe N. - 15.00€
- Miguel Z. - 2.00€
- Money P. - 1.00€

For everyone who have a rank on the old site, register and message me. You will get rank back!

Thank you,
I hope we will have a great time, your @CabCon.
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