
Reaction score
I recently started remaking all gobblegums from bo3 (not the crazy ones though) and now I got them all to work except for alchemical antithesis, impatient and pop shocks. Some of these are could be wrecks, but I tried to explain what i was thinking

These just make my head hurt... (except for impatient)

Some functions I'm using throughout this
function waittill_notify(event, event1)
    self waittill(event);
    self notify(event1);

function waittill_call(event, func, arg1, arg2)
    self waittill(event)
    if(areDefined(arg1, arg2))
        self thread [[ func ]](arg1, arg2);

    else if(isDefined(arg1) && !isDefined(arg2))
        self thread [[ func ]](arg1);

        self thread [[ func ]]();
function wait_notify(time, event)
    self wait(time);
    self notify(event);
function waittill_any_notify(notify_event, event1, event2, event3)
    if(isDefined(event1) && isDefined(event2) && isDefined(event3))
        self util::waittill_any(event1, event2, event3);

    else if(isDefined(event1) && isDefined(event2))
        self util::waittill_any(event1, event2);

        self waittill(event1);
    self notify(notify_event);

function areDefined(arg1, arg2)
    return isDefined(arg1) && isDefined(arg2);


Pop Shocks

First one:
function gum_pop_shocks()
    self endon("death");
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");
    self endon("player_downed");

    //from electric cherry
    n_clip_current = 1;
    n_clip_max = 10;
    n_fraction = n_clip_current/n_clip_max;

    //just a random numbers idk the real stats obv
    min_damage = 1000;
    max_damage = 7000;

    //electric cherry melee radius - ik the radius is high but idk
    min_range = 32;
    max_range = 128;

    //<player> thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]]( <entityThatCausesDamage>, <attacker>, <damageAmount>, <flags>, <meansOfDeath>, <weapon>, <pointTheDamageIsFrom>, <directionOfTheDamage>, <locationOfTheHit>, <timeOffset> );

    self.pop_shock_kills = 0;
    self thread watch_kills();

        self waittill(/*WE MELEED*/); //idk the name of the event + we can't do self meleebuttonpressed bc you would be able to spam it even when youre not meleeing
        perk_radius = math::linear_map(n_fraction, 1.0, 0.0, min_range, max_range);
        perk_dmg = math::linear_map(n_fraction, 1.0, 0.0, min_damage, max_damage);
        //electric cherry attack
            n_zombie_limit = 2; //amount of zombies we can kill with one melee attack

            self thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_reload_fx(n_fraction);
            self PlaySound( "zmb_cherry_explode" );
            a_zombies = zombie_utility::get_round_enemy_array();
            a_zombies = util::get_array_of_closest(self.origin, a_zombies, undefined, undefined, perk_radius);
            n_zombies_hit = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < a_zombies.size; i++)
                if(isAlive(self) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                    if(isDefined(n_zombie_limit)) //if the limit of zombies is undefined, keep going and hit all zombies we can
                        if(n_zombies_hit < n_zombie_limit) //if the we're under the limit, increment the count of zombies
                            break; //if we're at the limit of zombies, don't kill any more zombies
                    if(a_zombies[i].health <= perk_dmg) //if they died
                        a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_death_fx();
                        self zm_score::add_to_player_score(40);
                    else //if they survived
                        if(!isDefined(a_zombies[ i ].is_brutus)) //if they're not 'a' brutus don't stun them
                            a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_stun();
                        a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_shock_fx();
                    wait 0.1;
                    if(isDefined(a_zombies[i]) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                        a_zombies[i] doDamage(perk_dmg, self.origin, self, self, "none");

function watch_kills()
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");

    while(self.pop_shock_kills >= 5)
        self notify("killed_5");

Second one:
function gum_pop_shocks()
    self endon("death");
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");
    self endon("player_downed");
    //from electric cherry
    n_clip_current = 1;
    n_clip_max = 10;
    n_fraction = n_clip_current/n_clip_max;

    //electric cherry melee radius - ik the radius is high but idk
    min_range = 32;
    max_range = 128;
    radius = math::linear_map(n_fraction, 1.0, 0.0, min_range, max_range);

    self.pop_shock_kills = 0;
    self.done_meleeing = true;

    self thread trackMeleeAttack();
    self thread watch_kills();

    while(self meleeButtonPressed())
        wait 0.05; //no idea how long it takes to start the melee anim
        if(self isMeleeing() && self.done_meleeing)
            self.done_meleeing = false;
            self thread damageZombies(radius);

            //self SetElectrified(1.0);
//play fx on self for now
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "j_head" );
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "J_Spine1" );
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "J_Spine4" );
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "pelvis" );
            self playSound( "zmb_cherry_explode" );
        wait 0.05;

function trackMeleeAttack()
    self endon("death");
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");
    self endon("player_downed");

    while(self isMeleeing() == false)
        self.done_meleeing = true;
        wait 0.05;

function damageZombies(radius)
        a_zombies = zombie_utility::get_round_enemy_array();
        a_zombies = util::get_array_of_closest(self.origin, a_zombies, undefined, undefined, radius);

        n_zombies_hit = 0;
        n_zombie_limit = 1; //amount of zombies we can kill with one melee attack
        for(i = 0; i < a_zombies.size; i++)
            if(isAlive(self) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                if(isDefined(n_zombie_limit)) //if the limit of zombies is undefined, keep going and hit all zombies we can
                    if(n_zombies_hit < n_zombie_limit) //if the we're under the limit, increment the count of zombies
                        break; //if we're at the limit of zombies, don't kill any more zombies
                if(a_zombies[i].health <= perk_dmg) //if they died
                    a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_death_fx();
                    self zm_score::add_to_player_score(40); //points
                else //if they survived
                    if(!isDefined(a_zombies[ i ].is_brutus)) //if they're 'a' brutus don't stun them
                        a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_stun();
                    a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_shock_fx();
                wait 0.1;
                if(isDefined(a_zombies[i]) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                    a_zombies[i] doDamage(7000, self.origin, self, self, "none"); //1045 = zombie health at round 10 and since we only have 5 hits we do 7k

function watch_kills()
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");

    while(self.pop_shock_kills >= 5)
        self notify("killed_5");


function gum_impatient()
    self endon("bgb_done");

    self waittill("death");
    zombies = &GetAIArray("axis"); //if this is false I'll just call it in the loop
        if(zombies.size <= 1)
            //how do i spawn back in
        wait 1;


Alchemical antithesis
function gum_alchemical_antithesis()
    self endon("gum_done");
    self endon("alchem_done");

    self thread waittill_notify("gum_done", "death", "player_downed"); //idfk what i was thinking
    self thread wait_notify(30, "alchem_done");

    //self thread disableScoring();
    oldScore = self.score;
    max_clip = getWeaponAmmoClip();
    max_stock = getWeaponAmmoStock();

    curWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
    curWeapon_alt = getWeapon(curWeapon);

    //could probably waittill weapon fired too but this wouldnt include melee & grenade kills
        if(self secondaryOffhandButtonPressed())
            wait 0.3; //just to see if he double tapped
            if(curWeapon != self getCurrentWeapon())
                curWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
                curWeapon_alt = getWeapon(curWeapon);

                max_clip = getWeaponAmmoClip(curWeapon_alt);
                max_stock = getWeaponAmmoStock(curWeapon_alt);

        if(oldScore != self.score)
            dif = difference(oldScore, self.score);
            amount = int(dif/10);

            curClip = self getAmmoCount(curWeapon_alt);
            curStock = getTotalAmmo(self getLocalClientNumber(), curWeapon_alt);

            if(curStock - max_clip <= 0)
                curStock = max_clip;

            if(curStock - max_clip < max_stock)
                self setWeaponAmmoStock(curWeapon_alt, amount);
            oldScore = self.score;
        wait 0.05;


function disableScoring()
    self endon("gum_done");

    oldScore = self.score;
    oldScore_alt = self.pers["score"];
    while(self.score != oldScore)
        self.score = oldScore;
        self.pers["score"] = oldScore_alt;
        wait 0.05;

function difference(num1, num2)
    if(isDefined(num1) && isDefined(num2))
        dif = num1 - num2;
        if(dif < 0)
            dif *= -1;
        return dif;
    return 0;
Last edited:


Head Administrator
Staff member
Head Staff Team
Reaction score
I recently started remaking all gobblegums from bo3 (not the crazy ones though) and now I got them all to work except for alchemical antithesis, impatient and pop shocks. Some of these are could be wrecks, but I tried to explain what i was thinking

These just make my head hurt... (except for impatient)

Some functions I'm using throughout this
function waittill_notify(event, event1)
    self waittill(event);
    self notify(event1);

function waittill_call(event, func, arg1, arg2)
    self waittill(event)
    if(areDefined(arg1, arg2))
        self thread [[ func ]](arg1, arg2);

    else if(isDefined(arg1) && !isDefined(arg2))
        self thread [[ func ]](arg1);

        self thread [[ func ]]();
function wait_notify(time, event)
    self wait(time);
    self notify(event);
function waittill_any_notify(notify_event, event1, event2, event3)
    if(isDefined(event1) && isDefined(event2) && isDefined(event3))
        self util::waittill_any(event1, event2, event3);

    else if(isDefined(event1) && isDefined(event2))
        self util::waittill_any(event1, event2);

        self waittill(event1);
    self notify(notify_event);

function areDefined(arg1, arg2)
    return isDefined(arg1) && isDefined(arg2);


Pop Shocks

First one:
function gum_pop_shocks()
    self endon("death");
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");
    self endon("player_downed");

    //from electric cherry
    n_clip_current = 1;
    n_clip_max = 10;
    n_fraction = n_clip_current/n_clip_max;

    //just a random numbers idk the real stats obv
    min_damage = 1000;
    max_damage = 7000;

    //electric cherry melee radius - ik the radius is high but idk
    min_range = 32;
    max_range = 128;

    //<player> thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]]( <entityThatCausesDamage>, <attacker>, <damageAmount>, <flags>, <meansOfDeath>, <weapon>, <pointTheDamageIsFrom>, <directionOfTheDamage>, <locationOfTheHit>, <timeOffset> );

    self.pop_shock_kills = 0;
    self thread watch_kills();

        self waittill(/*WE MELEED*/); //idk the name of the event + we can't do self meleebuttonpressed bc you would be able to spam it even when youre not meleeing
        perk_radius = math::linear_map(n_fraction, 1.0, 0.0, min_range, max_range);
        perk_dmg = math::linear_map(n_fraction, 1.0, 0.0, min_damage, max_damage);
        //electric cherry attack
            n_zombie_limit = 2; //amount of zombies we can kill with one melee attack

            self thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_reload_fx(n_fraction);
            self PlaySound( "zmb_cherry_explode" );
            a_zombies = zombie_utility::get_round_enemy_array();
            a_zombies = util::get_array_of_closest(self.origin, a_zombies, undefined, undefined, perk_radius);
            n_zombies_hit = 0;
            for(i = 0; i < a_zombies.size; i++)
                if(isAlive(self) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                    if(isDefined(n_zombie_limit)) //if the limit of zombies is undefined, keep going and hit all zombies we can
                        if(n_zombies_hit < n_zombie_limit) //if the we're under the limit, increment the count of zombies
                            break; //if we're at the limit of zombies, don't kill any more zombies
                    if(a_zombies[i].health <= perk_dmg) //if they died
                        a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_death_fx();
                        self zm_score::add_to_player_score(40);
                    else //if they survived
                        if(!isDefined(a_zombies[ i ].is_brutus)) //if they're not 'a' brutus don't stun them
                            a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_stun();
                        a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_shock_fx();
                    wait 0.1;
                    if(isDefined(a_zombies[i]) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                        a_zombies[i] doDamage(perk_dmg, self.origin, self, self, "none");

function watch_kills()
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");

    while(self.pop_shock_kills >= 5)
        self notify("killed_5");

Second one:
function gum_pop_shocks()
    self endon("death");
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");
    self endon("player_downed");
    //from electric cherry
    n_clip_current = 1;
    n_clip_max = 10;
    n_fraction = n_clip_current/n_clip_max;

    //electric cherry melee radius - ik the radius is high but idk
    min_range = 32;
    max_range = 128;
    radius = math::linear_map(n_fraction, 1.0, 0.0, min_range, max_range);

    self.pop_shock_kills = 0;
    self.done_meleeing = true;

    self thread trackMeleeAttack();
    self thread watch_kills();

    while(self meleeButtonPressed())
        wait 0.05; //no idea how long it takes to start the melee anim
        if(self isMeleeing() && self.done_meleeing)
            self.done_meleeing = false;
            self thread damageZombies(radius);

            //self SetElectrified(1.0);
//play fx on self for now
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "j_head" );
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "J_Spine1" );
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "J_Spine4" );
            playFxOnTag( level._effect[ "electric_cherry_explode" ], self, "pelvis" );
            self playSound( "zmb_cherry_explode" );
        wait 0.05;

function trackMeleeAttack()
    self endon("death");
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");
    self endon("player_downed");

    while(self isMeleeing() == false)
        self.done_meleeing = true;
        wait 0.05;

function damageZombies(radius)
        a_zombies = zombie_utility::get_round_enemy_array();
        a_zombies = util::get_array_of_closest(self.origin, a_zombies, undefined, undefined, radius);

        n_zombies_hit = 0;
        n_zombie_limit = 1; //amount of zombies we can kill with one melee attack
        for(i = 0; i < a_zombies.size; i++)
            if(isAlive(self) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                if(isDefined(n_zombie_limit)) //if the limit of zombies is undefined, keep going and hit all zombies we can
                    if(n_zombies_hit < n_zombie_limit) //if the we're under the limit, increment the count of zombies
                        break; //if we're at the limit of zombies, don't kill any more zombies
                if(a_zombies[i].health <= perk_dmg) //if they died
                    a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_death_fx();
                    self zm_score::add_to_player_score(40); //points
                else //if they survived
                    if(!isDefined(a_zombies[ i ].is_brutus)) //if they're 'a' brutus don't stun them
                        a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_stun();
                    a_zombies[i] thread zm_perk_electric_cherry::electric_cherry_shock_fx();
                wait 0.1;
                if(isDefined(a_zombies[i]) && isAlive(a_zombies[i]))
                    a_zombies[i] doDamage(7000, self.origin, self, self, "none"); //1045 = zombie health at round 10 and since we only have 5 hits we do 7k

function watch_kills()
    self endon("bgb_done");
    self endon("killed_5");

    while(self.pop_shock_kills >= 5)
        self notify("killed_5");


function gum_impatient()
    self endon("bgb_done");

    self waittill("death");
    zombies = &GetAIArray("axis"); //if this is false I'll just call it in the loop
        if(zombies.size <= 1)
            //how do i spawn back in
        wait 1;


Alchemical antithesis
function gum_alchemical_antithesis()
    self endon("gum_done");
    self endon("alchem_done");

    self thread waittill_notify("gum_done", "death", "player_downed"); //idfk what i was thinking
    self thread wait_notify(30, "alchem_done");

    //self thread disableScoring();
    oldScore = self.score;
    max_clip = getWeaponAmmoClip();
    max_stock = getWeaponAmmoStock();

    curWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
    curWeapon_alt = getWeapon(curWeapon);

    //could probably waittill weapon fired too but this wouldnt include melee & grenade kills
        if(self secondaryOffhandButtonPressed())
            wait 0.3; //just to see if he double tapped
            if(curWeapon != self getCurrentWeapon())
                curWeapon = self getCurrentWeapon();
                curWeapon_alt = getWeapon(curWeapon);

                max_clip = getWeaponAmmoClip(curWeapon_alt);
                max_stock = getWeaponAmmoStock(curWeapon_alt);

        if(oldScore != self.score)
            dif = difference(oldScore, self.score);
            amount = int(dif/10);

            curClip = self getAmmoCount(curWeapon_alt);
            curStock = getTotalAmmo(self getLocalClientNumber(), curWeapon_alt);

            if(curStock - max_clip <= 0)
                curStock = max_clip;

            if(curStock - max_clip < max_stock)
                self setWeaponAmmoStock(curWeapon_alt, amount);
            oldScore = self.score;
        wait 0.05;


function disableScoring()
    self endon("gum_done");

    oldScore = self.score;
    oldScore_alt = self.pers["score"];
    while(self.score != oldScore)
        self.score = oldScore;
        self.pers["score"] = oldScore_alt;
        wait 0.05;

function difference(num1, num2)
    if(isDefined(num1) && isDefined(num2))
        dif = num1 - num2;
        if(dif < 0)
            dif *= -1;
        return dif;
    return 0;
With what do you need actually help? :smile: If you want to share this awesome scripts with us, use Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Scripts | CabConModding



Reaction score
I already made the trigger script
function buyGMashine()
    trigger = GetEnt(MASHINE TARGETNAME, "targetname"); //idk MASHINE TARGETNAME have to look it up in radiant
    random_bgb = &get_random_bgb;

    trigger setHintString("Hold ^3&&1^7 to buy Gobblegum [Cost: " + self.mashine_price + "]");  
    trigger setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
    //trigger.gmashine_triggered = false;
        trigger waittill("trigger", player);
        if(player.score >= self.mashine_price)
            player.has_bgb = true;
            playSoundAtPosition("purchase", trigger.origin); //or the gmashine sound

            bgb = random_bgb;
            player zm_score::minus_to_player_score(self.mashine_price);
            player.current_bgb =;

            if(bgb.action == "player activated")
                self thread monitor_activation();

            self thread [[ bgb.func ]]();
            self thread usedMashine();

            /* Only used when player shouldnt be able trigger it again
                model = GetEnt(, "targetname");
                trigger.gmashine_triggered = true;
            trigger SetInvisibleToPlayer(player, true);
        wait 0.05;
I'd need help with these two

Alchemical Antithesis
Every 10 points earned is instead awarded 1 ammo in the stock of the current weapon.

Pop Shocks
Melee attacks trigger an electrostatic discharge, electrocuting nearby zombies.


Head Administrator
Staff member
Head Staff Team
Reaction score
I already made the trigger script
function buyGMashine()
    trigger = GetEnt(MASHINE TARGETNAME, "targetname"); //idk MASHINE TARGETNAME have to look it up in radiant
    random_bgb = &get_random_bgb;

    trigger setHintString("Hold ^3&&1^7 to buy Gobblegum [Cost: " + self.mashine_price + "]"); 
    trigger setCursorHint("HINT_NOICON");
    //trigger.gmashine_triggered = false;
        trigger waittill("trigger", player);
        if(player.score >= self.mashine_price)
            player.has_bgb = true;
            playSoundAtPosition("purchase", trigger.origin); //or the gmashine sound

            bgb = random_bgb;
            player zm_score::minus_to_player_score(self.mashine_price);
            player.current_bgb =;

            if(bgb.action == "player activated")
                self thread monitor_activation();

            self thread [[ bgb.func ]]();
            self thread usedMashine();

            /* Only used when player shouldnt be able trigger it again
                model = GetEnt(, "targetname");
                trigger.gmashine_triggered = true;
            trigger SetInvisibleToPlayer(player, true);
        wait 0.05;
I'd need help with these two

Alchemical Antithesis
Every 10 points earned is instead awarded 1 ammo in the stock of the current weapon.

Pop Shocks
Melee attacks trigger an electrostatic discharge, electrocuting nearby zombies.
Awesome, ok I will take a look when I find some time at the weekend into Alchemical Antithesis. :smile:

CabCon! Happy Modding!