A new Style | CCM 1.3 Design | New features

What do you thing about CCM 1.3?

  • No, I like the old one more. (are you sure?)

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Head Administrator
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Head Staff Team
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Hello guys,
if the staffs are not sleeping or fixing bugs like @xPoked do it all the day. We are working on new things, features and style! This post was actually made with the new design. I need to work on some last things but I thought let's share what we have at the moment. :smile: I hope you like our new upcomming design, if not you will be able to switch to the old one. :smile: Cheers!

CCM 1.3 Overview
Looks much the same, yes. :smile:

We will have a real footer:

A better mark read system + the red new tabs to make new threads more visible.:

Nicer thread user layout:

Without pictures...
  • Better mobile version
  • Mobile version got a off-canvas responsive menu (optional)
  • Premium changeable Message Layout (Postbit Style)
  • Welcome message for new users
  • Completely new top notification system
  • Maybe we will activate a sticked navbar (Write your opinion below)
  • New Popup Login/register form
  • New Login Form for members on the sidebar
  • Following sidebar (maybe)
  • Go to Top for pc and mobile version to make the scroll up faster!
  • New social icons (g+ and steam)
  • To much to write down..

Write what you thing below!
Cheers :peace:


Hello guys,
if the staffs are not sleeping or fixing bugs like @xPoked do it all the day. We are working on new things, features and style! This post was actually made with the new design. I need to work on some last things but I thought let's share what we have at the moment. :grinning: I hope you like our new upcomming design, if not you will be able to switch to the old one. :grinning: Cheers!

CCM 1.3 Overview
Looks much the same, yes. :grinning:

We will have a real footer:

A better mark read system + the red new tabs to make new threads more visible.:

Nicer thread user layout:

Without pictures...
  • Better mobile version
  • Mobile version got a off-canvas responsive menu (optional)
  • Premium changeable Message Layout (Postbit Style)
  • Welcome message for new users
  • Completely new top notification system
  • Maybe we will activate a sticked navbar (Write your opinion below)
  • New Popup Login/register form
  • New Login Form for members on the sidebar
  • Following sidebar (maybe)
  • Go to Top for pc and mobile version to make the scroll up faster!
  • New social icons (g+ and steam)
  • To much to write down..

Write what you thing below!
Cheers :peace:
Damn this is almost as hot as CabePix


Head Administrator
Staff member
Head Staff Team
Reaction score
Gimme early i wanna be special and upload
Yes, I just have the source of it. I'm waiting for xePixTvx for the compiled versions. But I can make a download for the mod folder source for pc, may you can compile it too :smile: