Release Anarchy Private (Update 6)

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The Dark Side

Former Staff Member
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Got a menu here ive been working on forever. Got a few bugs and alot to update. I hope you guys like, i am after all a very sensitive individual. xD But if i get alot of love, i may release it once im done with it. :grinning: this video was captured by my friend Emz/Cut4Lyfe/whatever the **** his name will be after he gets banned again| So thanks bruh. xD He wasnt able to show you all of it, and since i lack a capture card, i cant exactly show all of it. :tongueclosed:

There is alot of things to clarify, and that im nervous about. So feel free to ask questions/give suggestions in the comments. While also keeping at mind im not the best coder ever. :grinning: xD So i hope you enjoy.

Feats: Stealth,
Real Advanced Noclip
Real Advanced Forge Mode
Stability, NEVER crashes/overflows
Option to Stick Verification between games and rounds!
Gamemodes such as; Tricky Myers, Dodgeball, Cranked.
700+ Options! Advanced Functions!
Much more.

Wehn it comes to credits i could give a list to fill your entire computer screen. Credits to everyone. Tehmerkmods, xTul, SeriousHD, StonedYoda, Cabcon, IM-83, JWM614 etc etc etc. I look up to you guys, really i do. Thank you so much. :grinning: If anyone could make a showcase off of this, or make a mod troll or two with this, i would be a happy camper.

Download Link Below! THIS IS CONFIRMED WORKING ON: Xbox, PS3, Pc.
This will also continue to stay updated. <3
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Cant infect GSC with a virus. xD


Bigish Update 1.
Updated Verification System, hopefully will add in bot detection
Added instructions if you're verified and only you can see them.
Added Uber Bullets (Fires a Vtol, Cobra, and a Warthog bullet at the same time)
Added more stats to the stat menu for all players
(I.E: 65,000 XP, 100,000,000 score, 10,000 Kills, 5,000 deaths)
Added more drop stuff options
(I.E: Drop EMP, Tactical Insertion, Minigun, War Machine, UAV, Counter UAV, Hunter Killer, Bomb, Care Package Marker, AGR marker, Dragonfire iPad, Sentry Gun Marker, Regular package marker/it doesnt do anything when you throw it.)
Added TehMerkMods' Prison, you can teleport to it and if you teleport before spawning, it spawns first THEN teleports you to it. More stuff to add involving this later on.

(Images below say they're broken,just right click, copy image location, paste in your browser. Its the site not processing them correctly.)




Bigish Update 2
Added Sheperdebops' Skybase. <3 Much love.
Added Unlock All Camos for Clients
Added BOT verification (for the lulz, Thx Procyon!)
Added Fake Lag for the lobby.
Added Quick Mods and Quick TS Mods for All Clients
Added a Lag Meter
Added Advanced Location finder (It changes real time and shows angles as well)
Fixed Change Map Gun bug.
Added gamemode Dodgeball
Added Akimbo Miniguns
Added Trippy Sky
Added BullyWiiPlaza's Combat Axe Aimbot. Its still a little strange. But its hilarious.
Added Friendly Fire (Glitchy at times, but it works!)
Added Toggle Shadow and Cabcons Prestige Slider <3
Added Auto Ban (Still needs testing, when people join the lobby the automatically get banned from your game)
Added JWM614's Stunt Plane.
Added Spawn Trampoline
Added Exploding Jet
Added Burning VTOL Crash
Fixed a bug in WAW Artillery and Fire Everything
Added Stealth Binds, All work for anyone verified.
(I.E Prone, Aim, Dpad Up = Quick Mods
Prone, Aim, Dpad Down = Camo Loop
Prone, Aim, Dpad Left = Force Host (Only Works for Host!)
Prone, Aim, Dpad Right = Legit Aimbot)

Pictures coming in a bit.
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<--- Lag meter lel

Bigish Update 3 +_RELEASE
Added a friendly Team and an Enemy Team menu with mods and a status menu.
Fixed the Scrollbar being a little short of the base. (Look at the preview closely)
Fixed the status menu displaying the wrong text.
Upgraded the welcome message, looks flashy and cool af.
Added some of StonedYoda's functions he posted a little bit ago. <3
Fixed the combat axe aimbot not having a toggle.
Moved some stuff around, will do more in the future.
Added Give Random Weapon
Added Drop Random Weapon (As Drop-Can Swap as well)

If the game is restarted with bots, some are dead and the status is incorrect, "Unverified"
Random Weapon Box doesnt give you a weapon :disappointed: << Fixed.
Hardcore Mode doesnt do anything, it only restarts the game. (I would like some help with this one, plus ive only tried this offline so..)
-Newsbar shows the wrong button combination for opening the menu.- << Fixed.
Tricky Myers freezes your game with a connection interupted if you try using bots. (Dont think its fixable :disappointed: )
RARELY If you change the scrollbar or background shader it doesnt show the shader. Even if you change the minimap. << Fixed.


Bigish Update 4
Removed Sound Menu (15 Functions) (Useless lines)
Removed Fireworks + 3 other functions (Trying to make it work for ps3, the console is just so unbearable to mod and work with)
Optimized Mexican wave, over 750 lines removed.
Removed Laser Gun, Ray Gun is basically the same thing.
Changed a few smaller things, fixed a couple functions for instance the classes.
Added Troll All Players (Little glitchy. D: )
Optimized Explosive Bullets
Optimized Unlock All Camos so it doesnt freeze your console if you're not in a ranked match.
Optimized Camo Loop. (Thx Extinct lel)
Made scrollbar ****ing sick.
Added experimental Yes or no option to suicide (Thx Extinct.. again. We tight. <3)
Deleted 13 functions by optimizing the model codes.
Customization for the scrollbar wont work for now. considering my new scrollbar. <3
Working on PS3 fix now..

Smallish Update 4.1
Works for ps3, had to remove RTD Though. :cry: More to update! :smile:
Fixed an Advanced Location bug :grinning:

Bigish Update 5
Fixed a couple small erks. xD
Added Custom crosshairs menu, rainbow.
Added "Infinite Lives" for self, teams, and all players.
Added BJ
Fixed a scrollbar bug.
Fixed the glitchy troll all players, it works perfectly now.
Added a movement type menu, Normal/UFO/NoClip/Freeze/Bind Advanced Noclip.
Improved S.S Billcam. (Thanks DrifterTheHomie!)
Added Infinite Equipment
Added a couple more models to the model menu.
Added Floating Bodies.
Added "Shoutout" to the players menu, which isnt working atm for some reason. o_O

Bigish Update 6
Added a clear list to clear the Co-Host, VIP, Admin, Verify lists.
Fixed a ton of bugs, for example the grenades in the bullets menu now work.
Fixed Infinite Health saying god mode.
Fixed Physical Weapons Menu not closing Anarchy.
Added some more minimaps.
Fixed UFO Mode taking away weapons for good, make sure you press NORMAL. :tongue:
Stability has improved!
PC Release!!!
Fixed a few bugs, Updated a couple mods like the forge mode no longer needs instructions, they display when you use the mod.
Added Vtol crash.
Removed Pokeball
Added StonedYodas Shotgun rounds, which also inspired me to make the next mods
Added Gun Bullets. Ever thought about shoooting DSR rounds out of your Five Seven? xD Now you can.
Organized some of the stuff, still have more to move around.
The last one i uploaded didnt work for ps3. This one does. <3 Have fun guys.
Last edited:


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I like the design, about option he looks like complete of useful mods but i can't really say something untill i don't have tested it.
What do you mean about "Will it stay private" ?

The Dark Side

Former Staff Member
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I like the design, about option he looks like complete of useful mods but i can't really say something untill i don't have tested it.
What do you mean about "Will it stay private" ?
I mean im still contemplating on releasing it. :smile:


Reaction score
I mean im still contemplating on releasing it. :smile:
Release him mean you take the risk to see some people take you menu for edit it a their own name without any credits for you. But he can give me a reason to go back on black ops 2. So yes for the release but if you release it, how his form will be ? Gsc ? An injector like Bossam v5 ? Sprx ? My english is very bad, say me if you don't understand.


Reaction score
Got a menu here ive been working on forever. Got a few bugs and alot to update. I hope you guys like, i am after all a very sensitive individual. xD But if i get alot of love, i may release it once im done with it. :smile: this video was captured by my friend Emz/Cut4Lyfe/whatever the **** his name will be after he gets banned again| So thanks bruh. xD He wasnt able to show you all of it, and since i lack a capture card, i cant exactly show all of it. :tongueclosed:

There is alot of things to clarify, and that im nervous about. So feel free to ask questions/give suggestions in the comments. While also keeping at mind im not the best coder ever. :smile: xD So i hope you enjoy.

Feats: Stealth,
Real Advanced Noclip
Real Advanced Forge Mode
Stability, NEVER crashes/overflows
Option to Stick Verification
Gamemodes such as; Border Patrol, Roll The Dice, Cranked.
Much more.

Wehn it comes to credits i could give a list to fill your entire computer screen. Credits to everyone. Tehmerkmods, xTul, SeriousHD, StonedYoda, Cabcon, IM-83, JWM614 etc etc etc. I look up to you guys, really i do. Thank you so much. :smile:
good **** man keep up the good work you are welcome for recording it :smile:

The Dark Side

Former Staff Member
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should change up the design a bit, just kid of looks like every other gsc :/
Forgot to mention you can change the background shader and the scroller shader in menu. So if you dont like it you can chnage it yourself! :smile:

The Dark Side

Former Staff Member
Reaction score
Release him mean you take the risk to see some people take you menu for edit it a their own name without any credits for you. But he can give me a reason to go back on black ops 2. So yes for the release but if you release it, how his form will be ? Gsc ? An injector like Bossam v5 ? Sprx ? My english is very bad, say me if you don't understand.
I dont know yet. Ill think about that when i know for sure its ready for release xD

The Dark Side

Former Staff Member
Reaction score
There is the option Freeze ps3 and derank ?
You cant derank someone in Black Ops 2, and yes there is one. Including a freeze all ps3's/xbox's in all players. That of course leaves out anyone verified. :tonguewink:

The Dark Side

Former Staff Member
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Update with a small changelog and a few pictures.still havent decided on releasing yet. Most likely it will be released when its done.