CabConModding Help Desk Wiki - Community Development Project


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Hello guys :handwaving:,
a few of you already know it. I started working on a 'Wiki' page (don't know how to call it xD) for CabConModding with functions, assets, lists and more.. :wink: Since I started working on the website with html I every time thought to create this better with php or something else to manage the site easier. I started working on it with php but it's not far and not the best way... :grinning: So I thought why not making a community project, where we guys work on it together :dab:! Here is what I did so far:

First try, the HTML version:
When I started the project I thought to just create a Black Ops 3 Asset List, if you guys are interested in it let's make more:

There is a Index bar left with all asset categories. :grinning: If you click on something it will display the asset list on the main page. :grinning:

Also there is a footer with some short links:

That's the terrible html code (I'm sure we can do that better):

The Problem with the html solution:
The problem with that is very simple, if I want to change something on the footer/header or somewhere else I need to change all html pages which are 109 with all asset lists... so I thought this is a quite bad way to do that :grinning: A better way would be a full php coded website with which we could easier edit the page and which got the content of the asset list dynamically from a folder where are .txt files with the assets or from a database. :grinning:

Here is the HTML source solution: html_ccm_bo3_assets_wiki.rar

Second try, the PHP version:

This time it will generate the assetlist via a php code in a item.php file:

$verzeichnis = "c/";
                                if ( is_dir ( $verzeichnis ))
                                    if ( $handle = opendir($verzeichnis) )
                                        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
                                            $filesarray[] = $file;

                                foreach($filesarray as $file)
                                    $filename = preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $file);
                                    $displayname = substr($filename, 4);
                                    if(strpos($file, 'txt') !== false)
                                        if($filename == $_GET['id'])
                                            echo "<li><a href='item.php?id=".$filename."'><b>".$displayname."</b></a></li>";
                                            echo "<li><a href='item.php?id=".$filename."'>".$displayname."</a></li>";

This way is much easier to edit but it will load the assets any time when you click on something. And I think we can do that better. :grinning:

Download the PHP source: PHP_ccm_wiki_build_2.rar

Third, how to continue?
Now, it's your turn!
:grinning: If you are a php developer, html/css designer or a simple random who want to help out in this project! Download the sources and start working on this project and update everyone with a reply to this thread! Change the design, make a new idea, share what you're thinking! We appreciate any help! :grinning:

My plan is maybe to make a php code which generates the website in html, like some content management systemes do. What do you think about that?

Let's see if we can build this site together! :grinning:


Best regards,
happy coding,
your CabCon :cabconmodding:!

(New Smiley, hehe: :dab:)


  • [html]ccm_bo3_assets_wiki.rar
    993.4 KB · Views: 481
  • [PHP]ccm_wiki_build_2.rar
    679.6 KB · Views: 444
Last edited:


Reaction score
Hello guys :handwaving:,
a few of you already know it. I started working on a 'Wiki' page (don't know how to call it xD) for CabConModding with functions, assets, lists and more.. :wink: Since I started working on the website with html I every time thought to create this better with php or something else to manage the site easier. I started working on it with php but it's not far and not the best way... :grinning: So I thought why not making a community project, where we guys work on it together :dab:! Here is what I did so far:

First try, the HTML version:
When I started the project I thought to just create a Black Ops 3 Asset List, if you guys are interested in it let's make more:

There is a Index bar left with all asset categories. :grinning: If you click on something it will display the asset list on the main page. :grinning:

Also there is a footer with some short links:

That's the terrible html code (I'm sure we can do that better):

The Problem with the html solution:
The problem with that is very simple, if I want to change something on the footer/header or somewhere else I need to change all html pages which are 109 with all asset lists... so I thought this is a quite bad way to do that :grinning: A better way would be a full php coded website with which we could easier edit the page and which got the content of the asset list dynamically from a folder where are .txt files with the assets or from a database. :grinning:

Here is the HTML source solution: html_ccm_bo3_assets_wiki.rar

Second try, the PHP version:

This time it will generate the assetlist via a php code in a item.php file:

$verzeichnis = "c/";
                                if ( is_dir ( $verzeichnis ))
                                    if ( $handle = opendir($verzeichnis) )
                                        while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false)
                                            $filesarray[] = $file;

                                foreach($filesarray as $file)
                                    $filename = preg_replace('/\\.[^.\\s]{3,4}$/', '', $file);
                                    $displayname = substr($filename, 4);
                                    if(strpos($file, 'txt') !== false)
                                        if($filename == $_GET['id'])
                                            echo "<li><a href='item.php?id=".$filename."'><b>".$displayname."</b></a></li>";
                                            echo "<li><a href='item.php?id=".$filename."'>".$displayname."</a></li>";

This way is much easier to edit but it will load the assets any time when you click on something. And I think we can do that better. :grinning:

Download the PHP source: PHP_ccm_wiki_build_2.rar

Third, how to continue?
Now, it's your turn!
:grinning: If you are a php developer, html/css designer or a simple random who want to help out in this project! Download the sources and start working on this project and update everyone with a reply to this thread! Change the design, make a new idea, share what you're thinking! We appreciate any help! :grinning:

My plan is maybe to make a php code which generates the website in html, like some content management systemes do. What do you think about that?

Let's see if we can build this site together! :grinning:

Best regards,
happy coding,
your CabCon :cabconmodding:!

(New Smiley, hehe: :dab:)

Awesome! One question though? Have you coded this within the forum? As it has the CCM background design? You maybe done it within the control panel?


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Awesome! One question though? Have you coded this within the forum? As it has the CCM background design? You maybe done it within the control panel?
I built this completely by hand with the framework bootstrap and yes I rebuilt the design a little bit! It's not done due a control panel. :smile:


Reaction score
I built this completely by hand with the framework bootstrap and yes I rebuilt the design a little bit! It's not done due a control panel. :grinning:

Good, you done a great job! As I wouldn't recommend coding in PHP with Xenforo as they have there own Syntax and Functions which can be hard to get grips on!


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Good, you done a great job! As I wouldn't recommend coding in PHP with Xenforo as they have there own Syntax and Functions which can be hard to get grips on!
Yes, I know! :smile: I want to build the site separated. :smile:


Head Administrator
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~Update 1~

Hello everyone,
today I worked a little bit on the wiki site. It's now working like a CMS (Content Management System), it will generate the html code through a PHP code. :grinning: That makes the customization of the website easy and the load speed for the server and visitor better!

Here you can find the first working online version:
Black Ops 3 Wiki - CabConModding

You can download this build here: build_1.rar

What's next?
  • Create a Tool Overview. A Overview with all tools which will provide the 'wiki' page. (Currently not available)
  • Meta-Optimization. We need to optimize the meta for the website that people can find it better!
  • Design-Optimization. There are a few issues with the current design on mobiles and tablets.
  • A Site Logo, I just created really fast a 'example'-logo, if you want to help out and create one you can find the current files here: img_wikilogo.jpg Photoshop: psd-file
  • Your idea which you will write below now!

Best regards,


  • build_1.rar
    1.1 MB · Views: 360
  • [.psd]img_wikilogo.rar
    56.5 KB · Views: 324