Aim on players while this happends or not?Can anyone post a unfair aimbot script so that uses one shot to kill everyone like in the cod 4 yardsdale v7. And a one that when u use a tomahawk it get them across the map and locks on in the killcam so you see it fly to him. (B02)
Well making this was pretty easy. The One Shot kill everyone Aimbot is here. Please enjoy and give credits! <3Can anyone post a unfair aimbot script so that uses one shot to kill everyone like in the cod 4 yardsdale v7. And a one that when u use a tomahawk it get them across the map and locks on in the killcam so you see it fly to him. (B02)
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("****imessedup");
self.die = Booleanopposite(self.die);
self iPrintln(Booleanreturnval(self.die, "Massive Aimbot [^1OFF^7]", "Massive Aimbot [^2ON^7]"));
if (self.die)
self waittill("weapon_fired");
foreach(p in level.players)
if(!p isHost() && p!=player && p!=self)
p thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](self, self, 500, 8, "MOD_HEAD_SHOT", self getCurrentWeapon(), (0,0,0), (0,0,0), "j_head", 0, 0 );
wait .1;
wait .1;
else if(!self.die) self notify("****imessedup");
Looks good. You're using a Toggle function. ::BO and ::BR, could you add them please or remove them from your script. Thank you, +1.Well making this was pretty easy. The One Shot kill everyone Aimbot is here. Please enjoy and give credits! <3
Code:ShootAllPlayersLoop() { self endon("disconnect"); self.die = BO(self.die); self iPrintln(BR(self.die, "Massive Aimbot [^1OFF^7]", "Massive Aimbot [^2ON^7]")); if (self.die) { for(;;) { self waittill("weapon_fired"); foreach(p in level.players) { if(!p isHost() && p!=player && p!=self) { p thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]](self, self, 500, 8, "MOD_HEAD_SHOT", self getCurrentWeapon(), (0,0,0), (0,0,0), "j_head", 0, 0 ); } } wait .1; } wait .1; } wait .1; }
I changed it.Looks good. You're using a Toggle function. ::BO and ::BR, could you add them please or remove them from your script. Thank you, +1.
if (self.aimTog22==false)
self iPrintln("^5Unfair Aimbot^3[^2ON^3]");
self thread UnfairAimBot2();
self iPrintln("^5Unfair Aimbot ^3[^1OFF^3]");
self notify("uaimBotoff");
self endon( "disconnect" );
self endon( "death" );
self endon( "uaimBotoff" );
aimAt = undefined;
foreach(player in level.players)
if((player == self) || (!isAlive(player)) || (level.teamBased && self.pers["team"] == player.pers["team"]))
if(closer(self getTagOrigin("j_head"), player getTagOrigin("j_head"), aimAt getTagOrigin("j_head")))
aimAt = player;
else aimAt = player;
if(self attackbuttonpressed())
aimAt thread [[level.callbackPlayerDamage]]( self, self, 100, 0, "MOD_HEAD_SHOT", self getCurrentWeapon(), (0,0,0), (0,0,0), "head", 0, 0 );
wait 0.01;