Answered No names in player menu {10+ players or so}


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when there is 10+ players in the lobby, why cant i see their names in player menu?! How do i fix?


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Sadly, yes
Then it might be the amount of characters you're passing through a text element.

The \n fix gets all of your option text and combines it together.
Say you have the options
  1. Main Menu
  2. Fun Menu
  3. Theme Menu
What the \n fix does is makes your text into this string format: "Main Menu\nFun Menu\nTheme Menu" and then set your option text HUD to that string
If you count it, that's 31 characters in total. If the max amount of characters allowed in a text HUD is only 30, and you're trying to pass 31 through, the text HUD is going to simply disappear.

The easy to fix this is to minimize the amount of characters in your string.
Instead of using things like [^5CoHost^7] for your verifications, use something simple like [^5CH^7]. This will reduce 12 characters to 8, so you save them.
You could also make a function to get rid of clantags in the option text.
The other way to fix this is to not use the \n fix
You could convert your base to use individual option huds instead of using the \n fix. What this will do is give you the option to use 300+ chars in every option instead of 300 in total. However, this also means that you are using more HUDs. You will no longer be using 1 HUD for your options, but instead use 1 HUD per displayed option.


Then it might be the amount of characters you're passing through a text element.

The \n fix gets all of your option text and combines it together.
Say you have the options
  1. Main Menu
  2. Fun Menu
  3. Theme Menu
What the \n fix does is makes your text into this string format: "Main Menu\nFun Menu\nTheme Menu" and then set your option text HUD to that string
If you count it, that's 31 characters in total. If the max amount of characters allowed in a text HUD is only 30, and you're trying to pass 31 through, the text HUD is going to simply disappear.

The easy to fix this is to minimize the amount of characters in your string.
Instead of using things like [^5CoHost^7] for your verifications, use something simple like [^5CH^7]. This will reduce 12 characters to 8, so you save them.
You could also make a function to get rid of clantags in the option text.
The other way to fix this is to not use the \n fix
You could convert your base to use individual option huds instead of using the \n fix. What this will do is give you the option to use 300+ chars in every option instead of 300 in total. However, this also means that you are using more HUDs. You will no longer be using 1 HUD for your options, but instead use 1 HUD per displayed option.