call of duty: black ops 2 scripts questions

  1. zommer0532

    Answered No names in player menu {10+ players or so}

    when there is 10+ players in the lobby, why cant i see their names in player menu?! How do i fix?
  2. iplaynothing

    Answered gsc help

    lol its easy il do it later i cba rn
  3. Ganjanikos

    Answered gsc help

    how can i add an overflow fix??? please help
  4. EMO Mods

    Answered Help Me With Freezing

    im trying to put the after game message in my menu and i freeze when i add the code from stone yodas end game message can anyone help me SY_AfterGameMessage(title, text1, text2, debugText) { /* StonedYoda */ A = "ui_errorTitle"; B = "ui_errorMessage"; C =...
  5. REEILYMods


    HELLO CCM, on my last thread somebody told me that my mod menu was copy and pasted, but i swear it isn't! So that these issues will never come back again, I would like someone to help me to learn gsc :)
  6. Evolutions

    Answered In need of bo2 redboxes

    i have this but its very laggy and the boxes turn green when enemy is close,its very confusing.any help is appreciated. doRadar() { if(!self.doRadar) { self thread enableESP(); self iprintlnbold("ESP Box : [^2Enabled^7]")...
  7. Reqo Mods


    Hey i want a menu base t make a menu (SMT) SPARK MODDING TEAM i want this menu to be rremembered for old schoool mods i need a good menu base for this like old school style if so please helppp
  8. XeX Anarchy

    Answered Bo2 gsc help!

    Hello, I was looking at many threads on several different sites a while back and I happen to come across a code that could make it so your menu can't be decompiled. Could somebody please tell me the code or at least point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance!
  9. zommer0532

    Answered Hover Colour

    How would i make it so if Main Mods was selected the text colour would be green. if i scroll down to fun menu the main mods text would be white and the fun menu text would be green. so on so forth
  10. Evolutions

    Answered GSC/BO2

    When I give Co-Host the menus background shader is not there.also happens when I change the Map,any Ideas?Thanks in Advance.
  11. Evolutions

    Answered Help Please

    So theres a code for unlimited game ,which makes the time unlimited. Whats the code for unlimited Points so the that the game WONT END at 75 points.
  12. Ganjanikos

    Answered how can i repair this?

    Link repaired //CabCon
  13. EMO Mods

    Answered Need Bo2 Co Host + List Dvars and Code Cant Find It </3

    I need Bo2 Co Host + List Code to go in my menu *I made Base* but i need to code and dvar i cant find a working one that dosn't freeze anywere :( can someone help pls
  14. Evolutions

    Answered Game mode scripts

    any one have game mode scripts i can add to my menu,i really would like the Micheal Myers and a few others.Any help is appreciated and many thanks in advance.
  15. Evolutions

    Answered BO2 GSC HELP-Im a NoooooooB

    can some one help,i need this code in a toggle form and i need it so that it loops,basically need no fall damage for the entire lobby,but this code as soon as they get killed i have to activate it again.Im a nood so a script will be great.Thanks in Advance.heres what i have: >on player spawn...
  16. JayCoder

    Answered Infinite Scroller Help Please

    This Was Not Made By Me I'm Just Reconstructing The Base
  17. xexheelix

    Answered attach to player code

    attachtoplayer(player) { if(self.linktohim == 0) { self iPrintln("Attached To Player"); self playerlinkto(player, "j_head"); self thread toggleDemiGod();//not needed self.linktohim = 1; } else { self iPrintln("Detached From Player")...
  18. Z

    Outdated create a eboot

    Hello everyone I am looking how we create a eboot. You go tell me to take eboot builder! I'm not a normal eboot I look! I look how creates a eboot games to launch a message Thank you translation with Google ( traduction avec google dsl ) @thahitcrew The eboot that( Perplexed v4.1) ----...
  19. JayCoder

    Answered Help With PingPong (+Video)

    if u can help fix this up or wanna join vortex project add me on skype skype: juggloswag
  20. MagnateSnake13

    Answered StoreText(menu, title) and closemenu help please=(

    Since I do in order that the options disappear in closemenu? StoreText(menu, title) { = menu; string = ""; destroy(); = drawText(title, "objective", 2, 250, 30, (1, 1, 1), 0, (0, 0.58, 1), 1, 3)...