i mean for habib CEX 4.75 thats why i was trying to code it my self i have a way of making it work on my console without rebugit works
i mean for habib CEX 4.75 thats why i was trying to code it my self i have a way of making it work on my console without rebugit works
Black Ops 3 Offsets And Adresses Collection
I Made This To Keep Everything Updated On Black Ops 3, Also If Your Not In Credits And You Think You Should Be Just Post Below, I Hope For This To Be The BO3 Thread For Offsets/Addresses!
Current Version: 1.07
TOC Address - 0xE11ED8
G_Client Structure:
Main Addresses:
Code:gclient - 0x18C6220 gclient size - 0x6200
Client Name:
Code:Offset - gclient + 0x5DB0
Code:Offset - gclient + 0x23 On - 0x05 Off - 0x04
Weapons/Granades Ammo:
Code:Primary Ammo - gclient + 0x586 Primary Ammo Clip - gclient + 0x54A Secondary Ammo - gclient + 0x58A Secondary Ammo Clip - gclient + 0x54E Lethal Ammo - gclient + 0x58E Tactical Ammo - gclient + 0x592 On - 0xFF Off - 0x00
G_Entity Structure:
Main Addresses:
Code:gentity - 0x17FF620 gentity size - 0x350
Non-Host Offsets:
Code:Offset - 0xC8998 On - 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 Off - 0x41, 0x82, 0x00, 0xAC
Code:Offset - 0x1907F0 On - 0x60 , 0x00 , 0x00 , 0x00 Off - 0x48 , 0x5F , 0x6B , 0x79
Red Boxes:
Code:Activate Offset - 0x58DF48 On - 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 Off - 0x41 , 0x82 , 0x01 , 0xD4 Enable Offset - 0x58DF10 On - 0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 Off - 0x41, 0x82, 0x02, 0x0C
Code:Offset - 0x1908E8 On - 0x38 , 0xC0 , 0xFF , 0xFF Off - 0x63, 0xE6, 0x00, 0x00
Code:Offset - 0xCC5A8 On - 0x2c, 0x14, 0x00, 0x01 Off - 0x2c, 0x14, 0x00, 0x00
Steady Aim:
Code:Offset - 0x76A174 On - 0x2C , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x00 Off - 0x2C , 0x04 , 0x00 , 0x02
Address Functions:
Code:_________________A Functions______________________ AimTarget_GetTagPos - 0x36458 AimTarget_IsTargetVisible - 0x36700 AddBaseDrawTextCmd - 0x411BC8 AngleNormalize360 - 0x621E18 AnglesToAxis - 0x624A20 _________________B Functions______________________ BG_AnimScriptEvent - 0x7154B0 BG_GetPlayerWeaponModel - 0x62B6C _________________C Functions______________________ CachedTag_GetCachedTagPos - 0x10AEEC CachedTag_GetTagPos - 0x10AFEC CachedTag_NoCache_GetTagPos - 0x10AC7C CachedTag_UpdateTagInternal - 0x10AD88 Cbuf_AddText - 0x5B1A7C CEntity - 0xF57BFC cgArray - 0xF57BF4 CG_DObjGetWorldTagPos - 0x8C608 CG_EntityInfrared - 0x8A6888 CG_GetPredictedPlayerState - 0x109050 CG_IsEntityFriendlyNotEnemy - 0x8A5D8 CG_IsInfrared - 0x16FFD0 CG_SetWeaponHeatConstants - 0x179B08 CL_DrawStretchPicPhysicalInternal - 0x1CF658 CL_DrawText - 0x1DE2A0 CL_DrawTextPhysical - 0x1DE1A0 CL_DrawTextPhysicalWithEffects - 0x1DE1F0 CL_WritePacket - 0x1D5BBC ClientActive - 0xE24C10 CM_UnlinkEntity - 0x5AF820 CMD_VEH_UseVehicle - 0x3A3A28 CMD_VEH_SetNearGoalNotifyDist - 0x3A3B40 CMD_VEH_SetVehGoalPos - 0x3A3C20 Com_sprintf - 0x63A264 Com_HashKey - 0x6269D0 Com_SessionMode_IsOnlineGame - 0x5B90BC Com_GetClientDObj - 0x5C4748 Com_Error - 0x5BB5E0 _________________D Functions______________________ DeathGrenadeDrop - 0x2BDBB0 DrawOffscreenViewableWaypoint - 0xF8E98 Dvar_FindMalleableVar - 0x62F7BC Dvar_GetBool - 0x62FBD4 Dvar_GetFloat - 0x62FE58 Dvar_GetInt - 0x62FC50 Dvar_RegisterNew - 0x631D40 _________________F Functions______________________ FX_ClientVisibilityTest - 0x28EB40 _________________G Functions______________________ G_CallSpawnEntity - 0x3803D0 G_Spawn - 0x39272C G_Client - 0x18C6220 G_Client_Size - 0x6200 G_Entity - 0x17FF620 G_Entity_Size - 0x350 G_SpawnItem - 0x3244B0 G_SetModel - 0x38FBE4 G_ModelIndex - 0x48990 G_InitGentity - 0x3915A0 G_GetWeaponHitLocationMultiplier - 0x3173FC G_GetWeaponForName - 0x3B12FC G_GetWeaponForEntity - 0x3174E0 G_GetRandomSeed - 0x393A88 G_FindConfigStringIndex - 0x38E338 G_HudElems - 0x1770708 G_HudElems_Size - 0x88 G_LocalizedStringIndex - 0x38E4EC G_MaterialIndex - 0x38E5D0 G_Crandom - 0x606DC GetHudElemInfo - 0xF8568 GetScaleForDistance 0xF79F8 GSCr_SpawnCollision - 0x3573BC GSCr_SpawnVehicle - 0x35757C GSCr_SpawnTimedFX - 0x357938 GSCr_SpawnTurret - 0x357B84 GSCr_SpawnHelicopter - 0x357BB8 ___________________H Functions_____________________ HudElemColorToVec4 - 0xF7608 HECmd_SetText - 0x31F140 HECmd_SetShader - 0x31F208 HECmd_SetWarGameData - 0x31F39C HECmd_SetTargetEnt - 0x31F3A0 HECmd_ClearTargetEnt - 0x31F440 HECmd_SetTimer - 0x31F894 HECmd_SetTimerUp - 0x31F8DC HECmd_SetTenthsTimer - 0x31F924 HECmd_SetTenthsTimerUp - 0x31F96C HECmd_SetClock - 0x31F9B4 HECmd_SetClockUp - 0x31F9FC HECmd_SetValue - 0x31FA44 HECmd_SetWayPoint - 0x31FAEC HECmd_SetPerk - 0x31FC34 HECmd_FadeOverTime - 0x31FCD8 HECmd_ChangeFontScaleOverTime - 0x31FE60 HECmd_ScaleOverTime - 0x31FFE8 HECmd_MoveOverTime - 0x320198 HECmd_Reset - 0x320308 HECmd_Destroy - 0x320370 HECmd_SetPlayerNameString - 0x3203F0 HECmd_SetGameTypeString - 0x3204B8 HECmd_SetMapNameString - 0x320584 HECmd_SetPulseFX - 0x320648 HECmd_SetCod7DeCodeFX - 0x32082C HECmd_SetRedactFX - 0x3209A8 HECmd_SetTypewriterFX - 0x320B68 HECmd_GetTextWidth - 0x320CE8 _________________K Functions______________________ Key_IsDown - 0x1D6654 _________________L Functions______________________ level_locals_t - 0x1781E80 _________________M Functions______________________ Material_RegisterHandle - 0x40A27C Material_LoadPerMap - 0x40A2E0 Material_Register_FastFile - 0x24C350 _________________R Functions______________________ R_SetFrameFog - 0x3D0B28 R_RegisterFont - 0x4012B4 R_GetCommandBuffer - 0x411560 R_AddCmdDrawStretchPicInternal - 0x4119C8 R_AddCmdDrawStretchRotateXYInternal - 0x411A20 R_AddCmdDrawTextInternal - 0x411E18 R_AddCmdDrawTextWInternal - 0x411E78 R_AddCmdDrawTextWithEffectsInternal - 0x411F90 R_AllocShaderConstantSet - 0x42239C R_ConvertColorToBytes - 0x43E368 _________________S Functions______________________ ScriptEnt_MoveTo - 0x37D9F0 ScriptEnt_MoveGravity - 0x37DB08 ScriptEnt_MoveSlide - 0x37DC98 ScriptEnt_StopMoveSlide - 0x37DE54 ScriptEnt_MoveX - 0x37DF38 ScriptEnt_MoveY - 0x37DF78 ScriptEnt_MoveZ - 0x37DFB8 ScriptEnt_RotateTo - 0x37E008 ScriptEnt_RotatePitch - 0x37E1CA ScriptEnt_RotateYaw - 0x37E204 ScriptEnt_RotateRoll - 0x37E244 ScriptEnt_Vibrate - 0x37E298 ScriptEnt_Bobbing - 0x37E578 ScriptEnt_Rotate - 0x37E840 ScriptEnt_RotateVelocity - 0x37E9A4 ScriptEnt_SetCanDamage - 0x37EADC ScriptEnt_PhysicsLaunch - 0x37EB54 ScriptEnt_GetEnt - 0x381AB0 ScriptEnt_GetEntArray - 0x382280 ScriptEnt_GetEntArrayFromArray - 0x3825E4 ScriptEnt_GetDamageableEntArray - 0x382818 Scr_Notify - 0x3818A0 Scr_NotifyNum - 0x1C2160 Scr_GetEntity - 0x3815B8 SL_ConvertToString - 0x1B2838 SL_FindString - 0x1B2C9C SL_GetStringOfSize - 0x1B2DD8 SL_GetString - 0x1B332C SV_GameSendServerCommand - 0x5EC544 SV_AddServerCommand - 0x5F16DC SV_GetConfigStringConst - 0x5EEEC4 SV_LinkEntity - 0x5FCCD0 SV_UnlinkEntity - 0x5FCB44 SV_LocateGameData - 0x5ED5A8 SV_SendServerCommand - 0x5F1A84 SV_SetConfigString - 0x5EE9F8 SV_AddTestClient - 0x5EBEB0 _________________P Functions______________________ Player_Die - 0x316E48 PlayerCmd_ResetAnimations - 0x2F64B4 PlayerCmd_Revive - 0x2F65DC PlayerCmd_GetTargetScreenAngles - 0x2F6B48 PlayerCmd_GiveNextBaseWeapon - 0x2F7980 PlayerCmd_GetNormalizedMovement - 0x2F7988 PlayerCmd_GetNormalizedCameraMovement - 0x2F7A90 PlayerCmd_GiveWeaponNextAttachment - 0x2F7A94 PlayerCmd_GetWeaponAcvi - 0x2F7A98 PlayerCmd_CalcWeaponOptions - 0x2F7BCC ________________W Functions________________________ WaypointTargetFade - 0xF7748
Special Addresses:
Code:VM_Notify - 0x1ACE7C VM_Resume - 0x1C74BC VM_Execute - 0x1C2BBC VM_Execute_0 - 0x1C2EC2 SL_GetCanonicalString - 0x1A5E94 SV_GetConfigString - 0x5EEDE8 Scr_ClearOutParams - 0x1B46E8 Scr_AddInt - 0x1C638C Scr_AddFloat - 0x1C6444 Scr_AddString - 0x1C6700 Scr_AddVector - 0x1C67F4 Scr_GetSelf - 0x1B7050 Scr_AddUndefined - 0x1C11B8 Scr_AddEntityNum - 0x1C6564 Scr_GetEntityId - 0x1BA680 Scr_GetEntityIdRef - 0x1B9314 Scr_GetEntityRef - 0x1C583C Scr_GetObject - 0x1C5A84 GetVariable - 0x1B7410 GetVariableValueAddress - 0x1B6C18 GetObjectType - 0x1B6CBC
TOC - 0xDF1E60
G_Client Structure:
Main Addresses:
Code:gclient - 0x18C42E8 gclient size - 0x61E0
G_Entity Structure:
Main Addresses:
Code:gentity - 0x17BB2E8 gentity size - 0x350
Address Functions:
Code:_________________A Functions______________________ AimTarget_GetPos - 0x36440 AimTarget_isTargetVisible - 0x366E8 _________________C Functions______________________ cgArray - 0xF373F4 Centity - 0xF37400 Cbuf_AddText - 0x5A657C _________________G Functions______________________ G_Spawn - 0x38D6EC G_Client - 0x18C42E8 G_Client_Size - 0x61E0 G_Entity - 0x17BB2E8 G_Entity_Size - 0x350 G_InitGentity - 0x38C560 G_SetModel - 0x38ABA4 G_ModelIndex - 0x48980 [/QUOTE] Do you have the SV_GameSendServerCommand codes?