what your skype name ? i want add u or if u dont want share ur skype can u add me yoiRnZ plz i want help at some thingDone, was a work for like 5mins
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what your skype name ? i want add u or if u dont want share ur skype can u add me yoiRnZ plz i want help at some thingDone, was a work for like 5mins
My aim wasnt to have it use god mode, that was an example.Done, was a work for like 5mins (maybe not perfect but it works)
Full Code (with all needed Functions) :
Code:// Godmode Gun Code Check(player) { self.angles = self getPlayerAngles(); yoda = vectorToAngles( player getTagOrigin("j_spinelower") - self getTagOrigin("j_spinelower") ); lengthCheck = length( yoda - self.angles ); if(lengthCheck < 10) player.isOk = 1; else player.isOk = 0; } S(i) { self iprintln(i); } GodmodePistol() { self endon("stop_gmodPistol"); self iprintln("Godmode Gun ^2On"); for(;;) { foreach(player in level.players) { Check(player); if(player.isOk == 1) { self waittill("weapon_fired"); togglegodpl(player); } } wait 0.01; } } // Godmode functions you need for this ToggleGodMode() { if(!self.GodMode) { self.GodMode=true; self iprintln("Godmode [^2ON^7]"); self thread doGod(); } else { self.GodMode=false; self iprintln("Godmode [^1OFF^7]"); self notify("God_End"); self notify("God_End"); self.maxhealth=100; self.health=self.maxhealth; wait .4; self DisableInvulnerability(); } } togglegodpl(player) { if(!player.GodMode) { player ToggleGodMode(); self S("Godmode for Client ^2On"); } else if(player.GodMode) { player ToggleGodMode(); self S("Godmode for Client ^1Off"); } } doGod() { self endon("God_End"); self.maxhealth=9999999; self.health=self.maxhealth; for(;;) { if(self.health<self.maxhealth) { self.health=self.maxhealth; } self enableInvulnerability(); wait 0.05; } wait 0.05; }
i dont think that this is a cool mod.. But have Fun with it!
- Yoda
ah you did it with the angle, good idea. I tried it with the tracebullet function. Do you know the key for players with the tracebullet function?Done, was a work for like 5mins (maybe not perfect but it works)
Full Code (with all needed Functions) :
Code:// Godmode Gun Code Check(player) { self.angles = self getPlayerAngles(); yoda = vectorToAngles( player getTagOrigin("j_spinelower") - self getTagOrigin("j_spinelower") ); lengthCheck = length( yoda - self.angles ); if(lengthCheck < 10) player.isOk = 1; else player.isOk = 0; } S(i) { self iprintln(i); } GodmodePistol() { self endon("stop_gmodPistol"); self iprintln("Godmode Gun ^2On"); for(;;) { foreach(player in level.players) { Check(player); if(player.isOk == 1) { self waittill("weapon_fired"); togglegodpl(player); } } wait 0.01; } } // Godmode functions you need for this ToggleGodMode() { if(!self.GodMode) { self.GodMode=true; self iprintln("Godmode [^2ON^7]"); self thread doGod(); } else { self.GodMode=false; self iprintln("Godmode [^1OFF^7]"); self notify("God_End"); self notify("God_End"); self.maxhealth=100; self.health=self.maxhealth; wait .4; self DisableInvulnerability(); } } togglegodpl(player) { if(!player.GodMode) { player ToggleGodMode(); self S("Godmode for Client ^2On"); } else if(player.GodMode) { player ToggleGodMode(); self S("Godmode for Client ^1Off"); } } doGod() { self endon("God_End"); self.maxhealth=9999999; self.health=self.maxhealth; for(;;) { if(self.health<self.maxhealth) { self.health=self.maxhealth; } self enableInvulnerability(); wait 0.05; } wait 0.05; }
i dont think that this is a cool mod.. But have Fun with it!
- Yoda
If you want tracebullet to work with players Here;ah you did it with the angle, good idea. I tried it with the tracebullet function. Do you know the key for players with the tracebullet function?![]()
trace = bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*1000000,true,self)["entity"];
if(isPlayer(trace)) //check if the entity is actually a player
//CODE Here
Ah you did it like this, thank you a good idea yeahIf you want tracebullet to work with players Here;
Code:trace = bullettrace(self gettagorigin("j_head"),self gettagorigin("j_head")+anglestoforward(self getplayerangles())*1000000,true,self)["entity"]; if(isPlayer(trace)) //check if the entity is actually a player { //CODE Here }