call of duty: black ops 2 scripts

  1. Throwie

    Tutorial Activate Developer script for bo2 redacted PC

    developer 0;developer_script 0 You need this to inject menus without a lot of problems
  2. Hue

    GSC Default "Dick"

    This is a code me and IonHD made back in November idk if its been released or not because ive seen clones of it (or they made it first idk) anyway here is the default dick code. Note: The code is basically a default actor model sucking off another default actor model. Code:
  3. Hue

    Tutorial How to make a DLL hack for BO2

    This is a tutorial on how to make a dll hack for BO2 or it could be transfered to any other PC game but you need the offsets. Step 1: Image Create a new project in Visual Studio (You Can Use Any Visual Studio) "File" > "New" > "Project" Step 2: Image Click Visual C++ Then click Win32...
  4. Ways

    GSC Black Ops 2 GSC Managed Code List 2

    Hello CabCon Community Today I bring you with a Managed Code List of many functions and options hope you enjoy if you see a script that is yours just comment and I will give credits, thank you. -Ways God Mode Unlimited Ammo Teleport Change Class Change Speed...
  5. BullyWiiPlaza

    GSC Scavenger Heaven

    This script makes everyone in the lobby drop scavenger bags and also gives them the Scavenger perk so that they can pick up the dropped bags. toggleScavengerHeaven() { level.scavengerHeaven = invertAndPrint("Scavenger Heaven", level.scavengerHeaven, true); if(level.scavengerHeaven)...
  6. Throwie

    Outdated Black Ops 2 Ray Gun Code

    Ray Gun Weapon initRaygun() { if(self.isRaygun == 0) { self initGiveWeap("judge_mp+reflex", "", 43, 0); //self initGiveWeap("kard_mp+reflex", "", 43, 0); self thread doRaygun(); self iPrintln("^6Raygun ^7: [^2On^7]"); self thread...
  7. StonedYoda

    Release [Bo2/GSC] - StonedYoda's GSC Board [Scripts/Sources]

    StonedYoda's GSC Board -----> Functions: Godmode Pistol (made for @dorathekiller97) [Alpha Version may have bugs] New: StonedYoda's dvar Editor (with All client FOV) Javelin (Modded Weapon remaked of Mw3) [Yoda Edit with the Real Bullet Fly type] Real working...
  8. BullyWiiPlaza

    GSC Printing/Toggle Utilities

    I created the following functions to make toggles and printing easier. I distinguish between global prints which should be announced to everyone in the center of the scren using your name so that they know who did what and local prints which are only announced to you in the killfeed. According...
  9. candy

    GSC 6 Menu Bases (1 for Zombies)

    Thought I'd just put some bases up, I might update with more. I just got bored. Enjoy 1.) Source Engine by xTurntUpLobbies Download | Preview 2.) Leo's Menu Base Download | Preview 3.) Stoned Yoda's Simple Menu Base Download | Preview 4.) Stoned Yoda's Zombie Menu Base...
  10. Sheperdebops

    Release List of Menu Bases [+Request]

    This is a Collection of Menu Bases (Will be Updated) for BO2 both multiplayer and zombies if there are any Menu Bases you would like to add post them and i will add them Multiplayer Zombies Me and Liam will also be doing request if anyone wants a Menu Bases just post here or...
  11. CabCon

    Release Black Ops 2 GSC Managed Code List

    Hello everyone, here you will find a List of all CabConCommunity´s GSC Scripts for BO2. Of course feel free to use, but give Credtis. Also post your new Scripts below. Generell Scripts [ZM/MP] CabCon´s Dvar Editor [ZM/MP] Color System [ZM/MP] StonedYoda's FX Bullet System [ZM/MP] Self...
  12. I

    GSC EarthQuake Gun

    Hello,I give you a cool script : EarthQuake Gun :D Function By : CabCon
  13. I

    GSC Shoot Power Ups

    Hello,I give you a shoot power ups function. Work on (ZM) Function By : CabCon
  14. BullyWiiPlaza

    GSC All Players Field of View Modifier

    Since the dvar cg_fov is host only, we need a client-sided function to modify the field of view of other players. Luckily one exists so I made the following script: toggleExtendedFieldOfViewEveryone() { if(!isDefined(level.extendedFieldOfView)) { level.extendedFieldOfView = true...
  15. I

    GSC EarthQuake Girl

    Hello,today I give you a small gsc script for create an eathquake girl(work : ZM/MP)
  16. BullyWiiPlaza

    GSC Increased Zombies Limit

    The following script increases the amount of Zombies that can be spawned in at the same time. The usual amount is 24 but with this it can be up to 32 if playing Grief or 31 if not. I haven't discovered any negative effects from doing this such as error messages or crashing so enjoy it. :D...
  17. BullyWiiPlaza

    GSC Zombies Counter Display

    I thought it would be useful to have a counter on-screen for showing the amount of currently existing Zombies on the map so I made the script: drawZombiesCounter() { level.zombiesCountDisplay = createServerFontString("Objective" , 1.7); level.zombiesCountDisplay setPoint("RIGHT"...
  18. BullyWiiPlaza

    GSC Zombies Teleport Origins

    I saved the coordinates of many TranZit locations so that they can be used for teleporting at any time in the mod menu. Here are the functions: teleportToBus() { self setOrigin(level.the_bus localToWorldCoords((0, 0, 25))); } teleportPlayerBusStop() { teleportPlayer(self, (-6359.23...
  19. CabCon

    Release Black Ops 2 Effects List for each map by CabCon

    Hello, today I release this List, which have included all effects from each map. Dumped form the level._effect array. Feel free to use it for you stuff. Screenshot Credits @CabCon Download Pastebin :cabcon: @CabCon
  20. Liam

    Release Blue Dream Menu Base

    Hey CBCM, Here is the BlueDream Menu from MW2 on BO2 :) Enjoy :p Videos: BO2 Version: MW2 Version: Download: Pastebin