- Messages
- 375
- Reaction score
- 148
- Points
- 903
I just saw it thank you thank you thank youPlease give me the raw and stuff plzzz
I just saw it thank you thank you thank youPlease give me the raw and stuff plzzz
Sure, you're very welcome! I really like that you're interested in Black Ops 3 Modding! If you need anything else contact me!I just saw it thank you thank you thank you
**** yeaAlso I did this overflow test, it looks like that Bo3 do not have a stringtable, that means there are no limits.
Here is the test:
EDIT: It ends with 2k+:
We will make a overflow fix, no worries Also 2k is a lot of space!**** yea
XD if we can get the right offsets working we could maybe get gsc injector? U think?We will make a overflow fix, no worries Also 2k is a lot of space!
Maybe but I do not have a ps3 or a xbox, so I could only create a injector for pc and you can simple use mod tools on pc so ... We should find someone how works with consolesXD if we can get the right offsets working we could maybe get gsc injector? U think?
function OrginPrint()
function onPlayerSpawned()
self endon( "disconnect" );
level endon ( "game_ended" );
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
self airsupport::clearMonitoredSpeed();
self thread initialSpawnProtection();
// If radar permanently enabled for the player, enable it
if ( isdefined( self.pers["hasRadar"] ) && self.pers["hasRadar"] )
self.hasSpyplane = true;
self enable_player_influencers( true );
self thread onDeath();
Thank you I will add this to the list!PHP:#using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared; funtion TW(message) { foreach(player in level.players) player hud::hintMessage(message); }
yo cabcon here a type writer for bo3 work's 100%
yo cab my bad but u need to change hintmessage to hud_message::hintMessageThank you I will add this to the list!
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared;
function InfoBar()
level endon("game_ended");
self.BarGround = self CreateBarElem("white", -40, 30, 1001, 30, (1, 0, 0), 1, 7);
self.BarGround.alignX = "center";
self.BarGround.alignY = "bottom";
self.BarGround.horzAlign = "center";
self.BarGround.vertAlign = "bottom";
self.BarText = self CreateText("BarText Here", "objective", 2, 1000, 26, (1, 1, 1), 1, (0, 0, 0), 0, 10);
self.BarText.alignX = "center";
self.BarText.alignY = "bottom";
self.BarText.horzAlign = "center";
self.BarText.vertAlign = "bottom";
for (;;)
if (self.BarText.x == -1000)
self.BarText.x = 1000;
self.BarText MoveOverTime(19);
self.BarText.x = -1000;
wait 23;
wait 0.04;
function CreateText(text, font, fontScale, x, y, color, alpha, glowColor, glowAlpha, sort)
BarElem = hud::createFontString(font, fontScale);
BarElem setText(text);
BarElem.x = x;
BarElem.y = y;
BarElem.color = color;
BarElem.alpha = alpha;
BarElem.glowColor = glowColor;
BarElem.glowAlpha = glowAlpha;
BarElem.sort = sort;
BarElem.alpha = alpha;
return BarElem;
function CreateBarElem(shader, x, y, width, height, color, alpha, sort)
BarElem = newClientBarElemElem(self);
BarElem.elemtype = "icon";
BarElem.color = color;
BarElem.alpha = alpha;
BarElem.sort = sort;
BarElem.children = [];
BarElem hud::setParent(level.uiParent);
BarElem setShader(shader, width, height);
BarElem.x = x;
BarElem.y = y;
return BarElem;
#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared;
#using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared;
funtion JaysFlyingText()
self JaysFlyingText("Text Message One", "Text Message Two");
funtion JaysFlyingText(messageone, messagetwo)
self.JayCoder = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
self.JX = hud::createFontString("objective", 3);
self.JayCoder setText(Messageone);
self.JX setText(Messagetwo);
self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "BOTTOM", 0, 100);
self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, -100);
wait 1;
self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
wait .75;
self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5);
self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5);
wait .75;
self.JX hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 75, .5);
self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("RIGHT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 100, .5);
wait .5;
self.JayCoder destroy();
self.JX destroy();
self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "hud_visible", 1 );
self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "weapon_hud_visible", 1 );
makeDvarServerInfo( "cg_drawTalk", 1 );
if ( level.forceRadar == 2 ) // radar constant
self setClientUIVisibilityFlag( "g_compassShowEnemies", level.forceRadar );
self SetClientUIVisibilityFlag( "g_compassShowEnemies", 0 );
weapon = GetWeapon( "explodable_barrel" );
weapon = GetWeapon( "destructible_car" );
function func_ForgeON()
self thread func_ForgeModeOn();
self iPrintln("^7Forge Mode ^2ON ^1- ^7Hold [{+speed_throw}] to Move Objects");
self notify("stop_forge");
self iPrintln("^7Forge Mode ^1OFF");
function func_ForgeModeOn()
self endon("death");
self endon("stop_forge");
while(self adsbuttonpressed())
trace=bulletTrace(self GetTagOrigin("j_head"),self GetTagOrigin("j_head")+ anglesToForward(self GetPlayerAngles())* 1000000,true,self);
while(self adsbuttonpressed())
trace["entity"] setOrigin(self GetTagOrigin("j_head")+ anglesToForward(self GetPlayerAngles())* 200);
trace["entity"].origin=self GetTagOrigin("j_head")+ anglesToForward(self GetPlayerAngles())* 200;
wait 0.05;
wait 0.05;
Erm. Credits: Shark, and Jay for copying and pasting his info bar.credits: Jay
PHP://InfoBar #using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared; #using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared; function InfoBar() { level endon("game_ended"); self.BarGround = self CreateBarElem("white", -40, 30, 1001, 30, (1, 0, 0), 1, 7); self.BarGround.alignX = "center"; self.BarGround.alignY = "bottom"; self.BarGround.horzAlign = "center"; self.BarGround.vertAlign = "bottom"; self.BarText = self CreateText("BarText Here", "objective", 2, 1000, 26, (1, 1, 1), 1, (0, 0, 0), 0, 10); self.BarText.alignX = "center"; self.BarText.alignY = "bottom"; self.BarText.horzAlign = "center"; self.BarText.vertAlign = "bottom"; for (;;) { if (self.BarText.x == -1000) self.BarText.x = 1000; else { self.BarText MoveOverTime(19); self.BarText.x = -1000; wait 23; } wait 0.04; } } function CreateText(text, font, fontScale, x, y, color, alpha, glowColor, glowAlpha, sort) { BarElem = hud::createFontString(font, fontScale); BarElem setText(text); BarElem.x = x; BarElem.y = y; BarElem.color = color; BarElem.alpha = alpha; BarElem.glowColor = glowColor; BarElem.glowAlpha = glowAlpha; BarElem.sort = sort; BarElem.alpha = alpha; return BarElem; } function CreateBarElem(shader, x, y, width, height, color, alpha, sort) { BarElem = newClientBarElemElem(self); BarElem.elemtype = "icon"; BarElem.color = color; BarElem.alpha = alpha; BarElem.sort = sort; BarElem.children = []; BarElem hud::setParent(level.uiParent); BarElem setShader(shader, width, height); BarElem.x = x; BarElem.y = y; return BarElem; }
PHP:#using scripts\shared\hud_util_shared; #using scripts\shared\hud_message_shared; funtion JaysFlyingText() { self JaysFlyingText("Text Message One", "Text Message Two"); } funtion JaysFlyingText(messageone, messagetwo) { self.JayCoder = hud::createFontString("objective", 3); self.JX = hud::createFontString("objective", 3); self.JayCoder setText(Messageone); self.JX setText(Messagetwo); self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "BOTTOM", 0, 100); self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, -100); wait 1; self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5); self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5); wait .75; self.JX hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 75, .5); self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("CENTER", "TOP", 0, 100, .5); wait .75; self.JX hud::setPoint("LEFT", "TOPRIGHT", 0, 75, .5); self.JayCoder hud::setPoint("RIGHT", "TOPLEFT", 0, 100, .5); wait .5; self.JayCoder destroy(); self.JX destroy(); }
nub its not hard to make a infobarErm. Credits: Shark, and Jay for copying and pasting his info bar.
First, dont call me a nub. If anyone on this site knows GSC it is me. Secondly, if it isnt hard, then why did you copy paste? It is strange that you used the same naming conventions, format, ordering, syntax placement, and values shark did in an identical way to him. Last time i checked that is evidence of a skid copying and pasting.U
nub its not hard to make a infobar
function superJump()
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("disableSuperJump");
self endon("game_ended");
self.gamevars["superjump"] = true;
if (level.superJump)
foreach(player in level.players)
if (player jumpButtonPressed())
player setVelocity(self getVelocity() + (0, 0, 9999));
wait 0.05;
self notify("disableSuperJump");
self.gamevars["superjump"] = undefined;
for(; was ****ed upI just got this from @DemonicForce_AUS's Blazed menu
Code:function superJump() { self endon("disconnect"); self endon("disableSuperJump"); self endon("game_ended"); if(!isDefined(self.gamevars["superjump"])) { self.gamevars["superjump"] = true; if (level.superJump) { for(;;) { foreach(player in level.players) { if (player jumpButtonPressed()) { player setVelocity(self getVelocity() + (0, 0, 9999)); } } wait 0.05; } } else { self notify("disableSuperJump"); self.gamevars["superjump"] = undefined; } } }
seems fine to me? I didnt have it in code, but I changed that immediately after postingfor(; was ****ed up
for(; <<< thats not right look at your postseems fine to me? I didnt have it in code, but I changed that immediately after posting