just take out the bind and switch the button.does anyone have a ufo mode script that instead of holding rb to fly it just starts when you enable it? I want it so that when I press dpad left once (not holding) i can fly around and then press it again to exit flying.
I have a function which is quite similar to your own, beside it's noclip not ufo mode. Maybe you can recreate ufo mode out of it. If you require help, let me know.does anyone have a ufo mode script that instead of holding rb to fly it just starts when you enable it? I want it so that when I press dpad left once (not holding) i can fly around and then press it again to exit flying.
//No Clip
self notify("StopNoClip");
self.NoClip = false;
self.NoClip = !self.NoClip;
self thread doNoClip();
self unlink();
self enableweapons();
self.NoClipEntity delete();
self.NoClipEntity = undefined;
self iPrintln("NoClip " + (self.NoClip ? "^2ON" : "^1OFF"));
self notify("StopNoClip");
self.NoClipEntity delete();
self.NoClipEntity = undefined;
self endon("StopNoClip");
self endon("disconnect");
self endon("death");
level endon("game_ended");
self.NoClipEntity = spawn( "script_origin", self.origin, 1);
self.NoClipEntity.angles = self.angles;
self playerlinkto(self.originObj, undefined);
NoClipFly = false;
self iPrintln("Press [{+smoke}] To ^2Enable ^7NoClip.");
self iPrintln("Press [{+gostand}] To Move Fast.");
self iPrintln("Press [{+stance}] To ^1Disable ^7NoClip.");
while(isDefined(self.NoClip) && self.NoClip)
if(self secondaryOffhandButtonPressed() && !NoClipFly)
self disableweapons();
self playerLinkTo(self.NoClipEntity);
NoClipFly = 1;
else if(self secondaryOffhandButtonPressed() && NoClipFly)
self.NoClipEntity moveTo(self.origin + vector_scal(anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()),30), .01);
else if(self jumpButtonPressed() && NoClipFly)
self.NoClipEntity moveTo(self.origin + vector_scal(anglesToForward(self getPlayerAngles()),170), .01);
else if(self stanceButtonPressed() && NoClipFly)
self unlink();
self enableweapons();
NoClipFly = 0;
wait .01;