
  1. Rezhified

    Release Synapse "Advanced" GSC Mod Menu

    Black Ops 2 Synapse GSC Mod Menu Synapse is a small project started a long time ago on Black Ops 3 I recently started the entire project over and dismissed all the older projects this is just a "small" preview of my Black Ops 2 menu which includes many unique features such as changing prestige...
  2. I

    Question Does Anyone Have Any Idea To Make A BO2 Non-Host

    If anyone could help me make a BO2 offhost ill put you in the credits of the menu :) because ive made a few GSC menu but making a off-host is kinda confusing and i know someone out there is smarter then me and they could help me with it, i would be very thankful - Rex
  3. Reezh16

    Release BO2 GSC Solitary by Reezh

    hey guys, today I'm posting my new menu Solitary for its first beta release. This is my final menu I will ever work on, as it pretty much is my best to offer. So I hope you guys enjoy using this menu because a lot of my own time has been put into it lol. Solitary has a lot of good options and...
  4. CPSG

    Request Black Ops 2 GSC Injector for Pluto T6

    Plutonium T6 came out and theres no injectors that work with it, I was hoping to mess around in zombies but can't. Does anyone know of injector that can support or maybe select the Plutonium exe as you cannot rename the exe or it breaks the game.
  5. S

    Release Soldier Quotes

    I found these a year ago, there's unused ones like "Gas, Incoming!" which are included in the list at the bottom. #include maps/mp/gametypes/_battlechatter_mp; SoldierQuote(type, id) { soundalias = level.teamprefix[ ] + self.bcvoicenumber + "_" + level.bcsounds[type] + "_" +...
  6. I

    Answered [PC] GSC Studio won't Connect to BO2 Redacted

    So first I open GSC Studio. Then, whenever I load Black Ops 2 (on PC), I go ahead and start a solo MP game then quit the solo MP game (i heard you need to do this for GSC Studio to work). Then I leave Black Ops 2 open, go to GSC Studio, click Connect, PC, and then Attach the current Redacted...
  7. WW2

    Discussion GSC in MW3?

    Hello guys, I'm sure all of you got the news, GSC is coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3! I was wondering what do you think about? GSC in MW3: Preview - Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 GSC Mod Menu - First Preview | CabConModding BR, @WW2!
  8. CabCon

    Preview Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 GSC Mod Menu - First Preview

    Hello guys :hi:, today I'm really proud to present the first preview a GSC mod menu running with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3! The injector and compiler is called Infinity Loader and currently under development by AgreedBog381 and another guy. :D Release ETA AgreedBog381 (28.01.18)...
  9. F

    Answered I can not do GSC stealth

    I could not make GSC Stealth Please tell me who knows
  10. Amphium

    Answered GSC code for ufo mode without bind?

    does anyone have a ufo mode script that instead of holding rb to fly it just starts when you enable it? I want it so that when I press dpad left once (not holding) i can fly around and then press it again to exit flying.
  11. n3m3sis28

    Answered Black Ops 2 Zombie GSC - How can I create a welcome message?

    hello does anyone know how to make a welcome mssg for a bo2 zombie menu that shows up in the middle above on the screen when you spawned in the map
  12. The Dark Side

    Question R2R Menu In GSC From Xbox?

    Heya everyone, ive been trying to add a R2R menu from Xbox to Ps3 through a gsc menu. It actually works fine, until it gets to the main R2R system (doGiveInfections). Which freezes the Ps3. I know there is a way to fix this, but i do not know how, hence i don't really know CFG stuff too much...
  13. The Dark Side

    Release Useful GSC Functions (Checks, waits, etc)

    I found this batch of GSC functions on pastebin by Duffman. This guy was obviously an extremely talented coder. I've never seen codes like his before. Either way, they should be shared with the community. These can be used with any COD as long as it supports gsc. The syntax may have to be...
  14. vRice

    Release GSC toUpper Function

  15. Richi987

    Answered Getting Error when loading Standoff

    Hi CCM :) Well when I want to play with my gsc on Standoff I'm getting this error "Could not allocate asset-increase XASSET_ENTRY_POOL_SIZE" Anybody knows what is this and a way to fix it? Thanks ;)
  16. The Dark Side

    Answered Anti-Cheat With GSC? Is It Possible?

    I've seen this before. I made my own little gsc menu that has anti-non host end game. Which is a big start. Its been a long released code. But how about a stable anti-cheat gsc? Some way to kick cheaters out of the game. Does anyone have any codes to help or any ideas? Me and @Candy have found...
  17. The Dark Side


    Made by xTurntUpLobbies (EternalHabit) This gsc project is made to help you design your own unique looking base. A lot of people don't know this exists or forgot it did. It was entirely coded by him except for the base it was made on. ^^^ Example
  18. Jack Laverick


    Hello, my name is Jack. I enjoy gaming and modding. I have recently just released my first menu for BO2 called Chaos Trickshot Menu. I would appreciate if you guys could check it out:yum:
  19. The Dark Side

    Answered Where To Find Script Errors Redacted

    If you get script errors in redacted where do you find them at? So i can fix them? Thanks. xD
  20. S

    Release "Real" Forcefield Script

    Hello, CabConModding, Today i'm releasing my "Real" Forcefield script for Black Ops 2. It's a pretty short code, it only changes a dvar so bye bye long "forcefield" code! :sunglasses: You can set it to the reccomended value or to a custom one, i've included both. Ayways, here it is: Here's...