Tutorial How to use custom zombie maps manually without steam?


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i get fastfile error when i try to download map with numbers

before i sent that pic i do all the toturial steps and the map displeyed but i cant play
it was black screen and when i press to play it goes me back to the zombie lobby and says
fastfile error please fix


New Member
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Error loading fastfile 'ge_zm_mw3dome': Fastfile archive checksum (0xB425573A 0x40603FE2 0x49F6F169 0xBBE38E92) does not match executable nor any permissible

how can i fix this problem and no ZoneFix.exe did not solve the problem by dragging the ff file into it, it still doesn't work to play custom maps


New Member
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im having the exact same error for the exact same map as sasasha3 the new dome map posted on the steam workshop doesnt work with fat girls repack for some reason is there a fix?


New Member
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i get this error, how do i fix?

Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally_damage".
Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_enemy".
Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally".
Error: Waited 6736 msec for missing asset "mod.cfg".
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec mp_mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec mp_mod.cfg
Error: Waited 2318 msec for missing asset "mod.cfg".
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec zm_mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec zm_mod.cfg
Error: Could not find material "specialty_instakill_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doublepoints_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_doublepoints_zombies_blue".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_firesale_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_bonfire".
Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_deathmachine".
Error: Could not find material "t7_zm_hd_specialty_zmblood".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_instakill_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_doublepoints_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "specialty_giant_firesale_zombies".
Error: Could not find material "t7_hud_zm_powerup_giant_deathmachine".

Com_ERROR: Could not load level fastfile for level 'zm_1677025062': Could not read fastfile


ERROR: Could not load level fastfile for level 'zm_1677025062': Could not read fastfile
. (null)
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'frag_grenade_slaughter_slide_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'zombie_builder_zm'
Error: Could not find material "minimap_icon_mystery_box".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_community_pot_strip".
Error: Could not find material "zom_icon_player_life".
Error: Could not find material "zombie_stopwatch".
Error: Could not find material "zombie_stopwatch_glass".
Error: Could not find material "zombie_stopwatchneedle".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tanzit_upgrade".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tranzit_electrap_explo".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zmb_tranzit_shield_explo".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_bar_break_lite".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_tesla_neck_spurt".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_dtap_on".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_jugg_on".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_zombie_cola_on".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_dog_eyes_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_dog_fire_trail_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_weapon_box_marker_fl_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_weapon_box_marker_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_snow_falling".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_body_water_billowing".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_snow_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_mp_zombie_hand_water_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/maps/zombie/fx_zombie_body_wtr_falling".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_packapunch_castle".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/impacts/fx_flesh_hit_neck_fatal".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/misc/fx_ui_flagbase_pmc".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_dust".
Error: Could not find fx "_t6/weapon/riotshield/fx_riotshield_depoly_lights".
Error: Could not find fx "killstreaks/fx_heli_chaff".
Error: Could not find fx "lensflares/fx_lensflare_sniper_glint".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_appear".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_reaper_orb".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_clone_vanish".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_rejack_light".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_revive_demat".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_quadtank_airburst_ground".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_betty_light_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_blue".
Error: Could not find fx "weapon/fx_hero_pineapple_trail_orng".
Error: Could not find fx "animals/fx_bio_direwolf_eyes".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_armor_face".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_body_light".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_knee_sparks".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_dmg_sparks".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_foot_step_steam".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_head_light".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_light_dmg".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_mech_wpn_flamethrower".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc1/castle/fx_wpn_115_muz".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_lrg".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_md".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_spores_cloud_ambient_sm".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_chest_mouth_drool_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_eye_glow_rage".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_burst".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_impact".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_reinflate".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_pustule_spore_exp".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_lft".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_leg_rgt".
Error: Could not find fx "dlc2/island/fx_thrash_rage_gas_torso".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_ability_elec_surge_short_robot".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_1".
Error: Could not find fx "electric/fx_elec_warlord_lower_damage_2".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_robot_stage3_evb".
Error: Could not find fx "explosions/fx_exp_warlord_death".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_body_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "light/fx_light_eye_glow_warlord".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_ability_screen_blur_overdrive".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_flashback_trail".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_heat_wave_distortion_volume_air".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field".
Error: Could not find fx "player/fx_plyr_shock_field_1p".
Error: Could not find fx "vehicle/fx_exhaust_jetpack_warlord_juke".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_head_shot_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_purple_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_roar_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_intro_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_tell_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_travel_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_margwa_teleport_zod_zmb".
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_chest_burst".
Error: Could not find tagfx "ability_hero_heat_wave_player_impact".
Error: Could not find tagfx "gadget_flashback_3p_off".
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'frag_grenade_slaughter_slide_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbow_dw_upgraded_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbow_dw_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbowlh_upgraded_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbowlh_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'zombie_builder_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_accurate_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_damage_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_longburst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_marksman_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'bowie_knife_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_accurate_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_damage_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_longburst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_marksman_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_heavy_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_light_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_slowfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_burst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_capacity_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_fastfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_versatile_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_sniper_fastbolt_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_sniper_fastsemi_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_sniper_powerbolt_zm'
Error: Could not find weapon "weapon_null_mp".
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'launcher_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_heavy_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_light_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_slowfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'pistol_burst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'pistol_fullauto_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'pistol_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_fullauto_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_precision_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_pump_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_semiauto_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_burst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_capacity_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_fastfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_versatile_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'sniper_fastbolt_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'sniper_fastsemi_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'sniper_powerbolt_zm'
Error: Could not find fx "zombie/fx_val_motes_100x100".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_sten_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "smg_sten".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "pistol_revolver38".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon_zm".
Error: Could not find weapon "launcher_lockon".
Error: Could not find rawfile "gamedata/constbaselines/zm/bl_little_endian_core_frontend_frontend.bin".
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'frag_grenade_slaughter_slide_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'zombie_builder_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'frag_grenade_slaughter_slide_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbow_dw_upgraded_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbow_dw_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbowlh_upgraded_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'special_crossbowlh_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'zombie_builder_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_accurate_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_damage_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_longburst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_marksman_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'ar_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'bowie_knife_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_accurate_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_damage_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_longburst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_marksman_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_ar_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_heavy_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_light_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_lmg_slowfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_burst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_capacity_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_fastfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_smg_versatile_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_sniper_fastbolt_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_sniper_fastsemi_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'dualoptic_sniper_powerbolt_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'launcher_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_cqb_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_heavy_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_light_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'lmg_slowfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'pistol_burst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'pistol_fullauto_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'pistol_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_fullauto_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_precision_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_pump_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'shotgun_semiauto_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_burst_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_capacity_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_fastfire_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_standard_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'smg_versatile_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'sniper_fastbolt_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'sniper_fastsemi_zm'
Error: BG_Cache_RegisterWeapon unknown weapon 'sniper_powerbolt_zm'
Error: Could not find rawfile "gamedata/constbaselines/zm/bl_little_endian_core_frontend_frontend.bin".
Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_enemy_damage".
Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally_damage".
Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_enemy".
Error: Could not find material "mc/ability_clone_ally".
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec zm_mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec mod.cfg
Error: couldn't exec zm_mod.cfg

Error loading fastfile 'en_zm_mw2rust': Fastfile archive checksum (0xB425573A 0x40603FE2 0x49F6F169 0xBBE38E92) does not match executable nor any permissible


Reaction score
@superretro2010, There are many maps that work in v88 BO3. They do not require the latest version. As nobody has dedicated to release (create a crack) of lasted updated version of BO3, we can not blame this good website.

@GeorgeGod, v88 It is the latest released version (craked)


Well-Known Member
Reaction score
  1. Extract files
  2. Create a new folder named as "zone"
  3. Put all the extracted files in this folder
  4. After this open up workshop.json and you should see "FolderName":
  5. Create a new folder with the required name
  6. Place the zone folder with the extracted files you made earlier in this folder
  7. After place the folder in your usermaps directory

ok wtf is this tutorial you don't even explain anything first off there is 2 zone's where does the zone file need to be located also explain how the FolderName works with the required name.