Hello guys :hi:,
today I would like to share with you this Call of Duty Mobile hack for the game loop emulator on PC. Yes, right! You can only use this with the PC version of Call of Duty: Mobile! You can find a tutorial how to use Call of Duty: Mobile on PC here: Tutorial - How to play Call of...
Hello guys :hi:,
today I'm going to show you a method how you can play the latest Call of Duty: Mobile on your desktop computer. :)
What are the advantages to play on PC?
Better graphics, smoother
Insane skill advantage compared to small and bad smartphone controls
In the most cases: Better...
This is Just a little GSC menu i have been working on for a little over a month now. Its coming along fine i just need to add about 4 or 5 more sub menu options.
I have taken inspiration from a lot of different menus and menu bases. I will release a full list of credits when i get around to...
Hello guys :handwaving:,
I hope you are doing great! :smile: Here you can find an quick overview of GSC Mod Menus for MW3. Created with the Infinity Loader.
Check out the official website of Infinity Loader: http://infinityloader.com/
This is the ultimate guide to MW3 Hacks, Mod Menus and Cheats in 2019.
Here you can find an overview of all available
Which hack we recommend and how hacking in 2019 in Call of Duty: MW3 works.
So if you’re looking to up your Hacking game this year, you’ll love...
Activision has given us a nice big data dump about its upcoming mobile game. Based on the smash hit franchise Call of Duty (CoD), this new game is supposed to be the multiplayer game we all know and love with the added benefit of mobile play.
What do you think about the game?
I went around and collected some Adresses...
so here they are:
[Sidenote: This is an exact copy of a private File for IW Adresses. If something is unclear i'm ready to help.)
XP: 145EC3EC6 (4 Bytes)
Prestige: 145EC3ECA (Byte) [Max. 30]
Wins: 145EC373D (4 Bytes)
Losses: 145EC5069 (4 Bytes)...
Download File.
Copy & Paste Files Into Game Directory. (For Example Mine is.) (D: ) / GameDownload / New Folder (It isn't actually a folder i created that created that file) / CODOL / Next now Copy And Paste files into the game directory (CODOL) /...
Decided to release all the dlc for T5 under a new thread. the old other one has broken redirect links and are uploaded through mega which slows down download speed.
enjoy guys :smile:
T5 - Black Ops DLC – Google Drive
How To Install
Download and extract files
Locate your black ops...
Hello guys,
quite interesting that we have the bow from zombie in multiplayer ;)
Enjoy ;)
Notice: You will need Game_Mod to be able to play this Map: Nukem9/LinkerMod
Map"Shipment Snow": MEGA
Discord: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers
You will get "Maps" more #here: UGX-Mods
Hello CCM!
I have decided to release a new version of my Black Ops offline LAN mod.
If you haven't had a previous version of my mod (or anything like alterops, interops, nemexisops) befor,
you need a compatible game version (most users recommend "FitGirl")...
Welcome To Iwau's Console ID Shop
1 Console Id + Psid Including 1 Month Warranty = 10$
What is a Console Id?
Basically every PS3 has a unique console ID that is checked by sony's networks when you sign into PSN. If you are banned from PSN it is highly likely that your PS3's console ID has been...
Project Nexus By NotEmoji
Hello today i wanted to show some pics of my GSC menu for MW3
it is being made in Infinity Loader
Im just posting this to see what people think the menu wont be released tell
infinity loader is fully released
menu options in picture will change they are just...
Some time ago we released this: https://cabconmodding.com/threads/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-project-cabepex-v1-alpha-by-cabcon-xepixtvx.1084/ but it was pretty unfinished and didn't really work on consoles. So i decided to update it abit :smile:
NOTE: Its still not finished!
Video By: LINK...
Hello guys,
I was wondering if there are any hacks like aimbot, esp or radar already out for the current free beta of the game? :) Can't find one on google.
I just wanna ask if anyone here can or is making a offline client for modern warfare remastered that would be so great i like to play with bots offline without any internet connection because my internet connection is bad
i wanted to know if round skipping still works or not? cause it doesn't work for me or maybe i do it wrong. i couldn't find any reports or comment about it so i'm asking my question here. thanks for any help <3
Hey guys, hope all is well. I was wondering if anyone had a blank mp_base I could use to work on a multiplayer project, I don't need a menu but I need the source directory under mods/mp/gametypes/whatever, as well as a source _rank.gsc where I can begin to thread my menu / project , similar to...
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